星期一: 彼前  1:1–25


星期二: 彼前  2:1–25


星期三: 彼前  3:1–4:19


星期四: 彼前  5:1–14


星期五: 彼后 1:1–2:22


星期六: 彼后 3:1–18

1 Peter彼得前书


1:1–2 Peter writes to Christians who struggle because they live in this world but are really citizens of heaven. He reminds them of their election in Christ and His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Apart from God’s grace in Christ, this sinful world has no hope in the midst of trials, persecution, and eternal death. God, through His Son, brings reconciliation and forgiveness of sin for all who believe by grace through faith that Christ is Savior. In Him we have grace and peace. • Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for redeeming me and making me a citizen of heaven. Amen.

1:1-2 彼得写信给那些因生活在这个世界上而挣扎的基督徒,他们其实是天堂的子民。他提醒他们在基督里的拣选,以及基督赐给他们的饶恕、生命和救赎。离了上帝在基督里的恩典,这个罪恶的世界在试炼、迫害和永恒的死亡中没有希望。上帝通过他的儿子,为所有因信蒙恩,即相信基督是救主的人带来了和好与罪的赦免。在他里面,我们拥有恩典与平安。- 主耶稣基督,感谢你救赎我,使我成为天堂的子民。阿们。


1:3–12 We are born in sin and continue to commit sins in this fallen world. By ourselves, we have no hope of salvation or blessings. But God foretold His gracious plans through the prophets. In the fullness of time, He sent His Son to be our Redeemer. He has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit, that we might be brought to faith and persevere in the faith. Through Jesus Christ, we now have a living hope and know the promise of God that we will live in Him forever. We can face any trial or challenge, knowing that we are safe in His care. • Lord God, heavenly Father, give grace to preachers who proclaim Christ and Your Word. Grant that those who hear Your Word may learn of His all-availing sacrifice on the cross. Strengthen us in our faith in the midst of suffering, that we may gaze upon the glory of our Savior. Amen.

1:3-12 我们生在罪中,并在这个堕落的世界上继续犯罪。靠我们自己,我们没有希望得到救赎或祝福。但上帝通过先知预言了他的恩典计划。在时机成熟时,他差遣他的儿子成为我们的救赎主。他将圣灵的恩赐赐给我们,使我们可以信靠他,并在信仰中坚持不懈。通过耶稣基督,我们现在有了活泼的盼望,知道了上帝的应许,我们将永远活在他里面。我们可以面对任何考验和挑战,因为我们知道在他的看顾下是安全的。- 主神天父啊,请赐恩给宣扬基督和你话语的传道人。求你让听到你话语的人明白他在十字架上所做的一切牺牲。在苦难中坚固我们的信心,使我们可以仰望我们救主的荣耀。阿们。


1:13–25 Even before creation, God knew that mankind would fall into sin, reject His ways, live only for themselves, and lead lives that result in death and alienation from Him. In His love, before the world was made, He determined to send His Son, the unblemished Lamb, to be our sacrifice. Now through His Word, He calls us to life and sets us apart to His glory and for the service of our neighbor. God shows us our value: He was willing to send His Son for us. Now He calls us to share the Savior with others. • Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Gospel, that through Your Son we are born again, forgiven, and given life everlasting. May we rightly praise You for Your infinite mercy. Amen.

1:13-25 早在创世之前,神就知道人类会陷入罪中,拒绝神的道路,只为自己而活,过着与神疏远和引向死亡的生活。因着他的爱,在创世之前,他就决定派他的儿子--未受玷污的羔羊--来为我们献祭。现在,通过他的话语,他呼唤我们来得着生命,并将我们分别出来,为他的荣耀和为我们的邻舍服务。上帝向我们展示了我们的价值: 他愿意为我们差遣他的儿子。现在,他呼召我们与他人分享救主。- 天父,感谢你赐予我们福音,通过你的儿子,我们得以重生,得到宽恕,并被赐予永生。愿我们正确地赞美你的无限仁慈。阿们。


2:1–12 Like all people, we were born in sin and lived in the darkness of the world. But Christ, the light of the world, has called us out of darkness into His light. He makes us His own, gives us a place as citizens of His kingdom, and empowers us to live as His royal priesthood. We are not alone but are part of His people, a holy nation. Now that same Savior calls us to tell others of His love. Through our words and actions, we proclaim the life and salvation that is ours in Jesus. • Lord Jesus, as the cornerstone, You make us living stones in Your house and servants of Your Gospel. Bless us with a heart for the lost, that they may come to saving faith in You. Amen.

2:1-12 像所有人一样,我们生在罪中,活在世界的黑暗中。但基督,世界的光,呼召我们出黑暗入光明。他使我们成为他自己的人,赐给我们作为他国度子民的地位,并授权我们作他的尊君祭司并以此生活。我们并不孤单,而是他子民,是他圣洁国度的一部分。现在,这位救世主呼召我们将他的爱告诉他人。通过我们的言行,我们宣扬在耶稣里属于我们的生命和救赎。- 主耶稣啊,你作为房角石,使我们成为你家中的活石,成为你福音的仆人。赐福我们的心,使我们时刻想着失丧的人,使他们来得着你所赐的救赎信仰。阿们。


2:13–25 Scripture never teaches that those who follow Jesus will be immune to suffering. Just as Jesus, our sinless Savior, faced unjust suffering and death, so we may be called to take up our own cross to follow Him. But if God gives us a cross to carry, He also promises to give us the strength to bear it by faith. Christ our Shepherd calls us by name, brings us into His fold through the Gospel, and cares for us in the midst of suffering. We are honored to follow Him. • Gracious God, we praise You for Your mercy through Your Son, who bore our sins in His body on the tree. Give us grace to reach out to our enemies with the power of Your Gospel, which works faith and saves eternally. Amen.

2:13-25 圣经从未教导跟随耶稣的人可以免受苦难。正如耶稣,我们无罪的救主,面对不公正的苦难和死亡那样,我们也可能被呼召背起自己的十字架跟随他。但是,如果上帝让我们背负十字架,他也应许给我们力量,让我们凭信心背负它。我们的牧者基督按着名字呼唤我们,通过福音把我们带入他的羊圈,在苦难中照顾我们。我们很荣幸能跟随他。- 仁慈的上帝啊,因着你通过你的儿子所赐的怜悯,我们赞美你,他在树上以自己的身体担当了我们的罪。求你赐予我们恩典,让我们以你福音的大能向我们的敌人伸出援手,因为你的福音使人产生信心并得到永恒的拯救。阿们。


3:1–7 God’s divine order calls men to love their wives sacrificially and to care for them. Wives are called to love their husbands and be subject to them. Sadly, sin affects marriage and families. We sometimes view God’s gift as a burden or hardship. When a believing wife speaks the Gospel gently to her unbelieving husband and demonstrates her faith in action, the power of the Gospel may lead him to salvation. When a husband truly loves his wife and treats her with honor, the family is strengthened, and all are blessed. When our families fall short of this calling, our gentle heavenly Father calls us to follow Him and is ever prepared to forgive us. • Gracious Father, sin has corrupted Your gift of marital and familial relationships. Grant that we do not fall into the ways of a corrupt culture, but by Your Word, stay true to spouse and family. Amen.

3:1-7 上帝的神圣命令呼召男人牺牲自己去爱妻子并照顾她们。妻子被呼召爱自己的丈夫并顺服他们。可悲的是,罪影响着婚姻和家庭。我们有时将上帝的恩赐视为负担或困难。当一个信主的妻子温柔地向她未信主的丈夫讲述福音,并用行动证明她的信仰时,福音的大能可能会引导他得救。当丈夫真正爱他的妻子并以尊荣对待她时,家庭就会得到巩固,所有人都会得到祝福。当我们的家庭未能实现这一呼召时,我们温柔的天父会呼唤我们跟随他,并随时准备好饶恕我们。- 仁慈的天父啊,罪败坏了你赐予我们的婚姻和家庭关系。求你让我们不落入堕落文化的陷阱,而是通过你的话语,忠于配偶和家庭。阿们。


3:8–22 In the midst of trials, we may be tempted to feel self-pity and despair. But God calls us to something greater. Jesus Christ is our Savior. He suffered and died for us. He rose to give us life. His power and authority is above all others. Our powerful Lord forgives us in our Baptism and gives us His life. He places us in the Church, where we may support and bless one another. And He blesses us by allowing us to tell others about the life we have in Him so that they, too, may share in His blessings. • “Almighty eternal God, according to Your righteous judgment You condemned the unbelieving world through the flood. In Your great mercy You preserved believing Noah and his family. You drowned hard-hearted Pharaoh with all his host in the Red Sea and led Your people Israel through the same on dry ground. By these events You prefigured this bath of Your Baptism. And through the baptism of Your dear Child, our Lord Jesus Christ, You consecrated and set apart the Jordan and all water as a salutary flood and rich and full washing away of sins. We pray through Christ for Your boundless mercy that You will graciously behold us and bless us with true faith in the Spirit. Then, by means of this saving flood, all that has been born in us from Adam and which we ourselves have added thereto may be drowned in us and engulfed. May we be separated from the number of the unbelieving, preserved dry and secure in the holy ark of Christendom, and serve Your name at all times fervent in spirit and joyful in hope. With all believers may we be made worthy to attain eternal life according to Your promise; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen” (TLWA, p 364).

3:8-22 在试炼中,我们可能会感到自怜和绝望。但上帝召唤我们去做更伟大的事。耶稣基督是我们的救主。他为我们受苦、受死。他复活赐给我们生命。他的力量和权柄高于一切。我们大能的主在我们的洗礼中宽恕了我们,并赐予我们他的生命。他将我们安置在教会中,在那里我们可以相互支持、相互祝福。他祝福我们,让我们告诉他人我们在他里面所拥有的生命,使他们也能分享他的祝福。“全能永恒的上帝,根据你公义的审判,你用洪水谴责了不信的世界。你的大怜悯保全了信主的挪亚和他的家人。你在红海中淹没了铁石心肠的法老和他的所有军兵,并带领你的子民以色列人在干地上渡过了红海。通过这些事件,你预示了你的洗礼。通过你的爱子,即我们的主耶稣基督的洗礼,你将约旦河和所有的水都分别为圣,使其成为能拯救人的洪水,丰富而全面地洗净罪孽。我们通过基督向你祈求无尽的怜悯,祈求你藉着圣灵赐予我们真正的信仰。然后,借着这拯救的洪水,我们里面所有从亚当遗传来的,以及我们自己加在上面的,都能在我们里面被淹没,被吞没。愿你将我们我们从不信的人群中抽离出来,使我们在基督的圣方舟中得蒙保守,时刻以热忱的精神和喜乐的盼望侍奉你的圣名。愿我们与所有信徒一起,按照你的应许,通过我们的主耶稣基督,配得永生。阿们"(主必应允,第 364 页)。


4:1–11 Christ suffered in the flesh and became sin (2Co 5:21) in our stead. He now calls us to live the new life He has given us as stewards of His gifts. Everything we have, even our lives, are used to benefit the Church and our neighbor. Through our words and actions, we bring Christ to a world that is dead in sin so that some may come alive in Christ, even as we have been made alive. • Lord Jesus, as You have had compassion on us by Your Word, instill in us compassion for the lost and those in the peril of unbelief. Amen.

4:1-11 基督在肉身受苦,代替我们成为罪(林后5:21)。他现在呼召我们过他赐给我们的新生活,成为他恩赐的管家。我们所拥有的一切,甚至我们的生命,都要用来造福教会和我们的邻舍。通过我们的言行,我们将基督带给这个在罪中死亡的世界,好让一些人在基督里活过来,就像我们被救活一样。- 主耶稣,正如你用你的话语怜悯我们一样,请赐给我们怜悯之心,寻找失丧之人和处于不信的危险境地中的人。阿们。


4:12–19 God permits suffering in our lives for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it comes as a direct result of our own sin in order to discipline us. Other times it is an effect of being God’s child in a world that wants to crush His Church. Although we do not know God’s hidden will, we trust He has only the best in mind for us. He will strengthen, uphold, and bless us in the midst of persecution. He will use any afflictions we face for our good or for blessing others. With our eyes on the cross, we can endure. Our God will preserve us, and He has prepared an eternal home for us in heaven for the sake of Christ. • Lord God, in the midst of trials and persecution, keep our hearts and minds stayed on You, our only refuge. Amen.

4:12-19 上帝允许我们在生活中遭受苦难的原因多种多样。有时,苦难是我们自己犯罪的直接结果,目的是为了管教我们。另一些时候,它是我们作为上帝的儿女生活在一个想要粉碎他的教会的世界中必然承受的代价。虽然我们不知道上帝隐藏的旨意,但我们相信他只为我们着想。他会在逼迫中坚固、扶持和祝福我们。他会利用我们所面临的任何苦难来造福我们或祝福他人。只要我们的眼睛盯着十字架,我们就能忍耐。我们的神会保守我们,他因着基督的缘故,已经为我们在天上预备了一个永恒的家。- 主耶稣,在试炼和逼迫中,求你保守我们的心思意念停留在你身上,你是我们唯一的避难所。阿们。


5:1–11 The chief Shepherd calls undershepherds to teach, preach, administer the Sacraments, and guard His sheep, always keeping in mind that sin and the devil seek to entrap them. The devil and false teachers, even though they are damned, would lead us astray through sin and temptation, and take us to hell. By the Gospel, we have fervent love for one another because we share the same faith, Baptism, and Spirit. We will endure by God’s power. • Almighty God, keep us strong in faith through Your Word, that we constantly behold Your Son, who saves us from sin and eternal death. Amen.

5:1-11 大牧者呼召小牧人来教导、传道、施行圣礼和看守他的羊,并时刻让他牢记罪恶和魔鬼试图诱捕主的羊。魔鬼和谬误的教师,即使他们已被定罪,也会通过罪恶和试探把我们引入歧途,带我们下地狱。因着福音,我们彼此相爱,因为我们有共同的信仰、洗礼和圣灵。我们将靠上帝的大能坚忍不动摇。- 全能的上帝,求你通过你的话语使我们保持坚定的信仰,使我们时常看到你的儿子,他将我们从罪恶和永恒的死亡中拯救出来。阿们。


5:12–14 Peter encourages these persecuted Christians to stand firm in the one thing that is truly trustworthy: God’s grace in Christ. Jesus suffered for us at the hands of evil men. Yet He trusted in His Father with unswerving faith. Whatever trials or difficulties we may face, we can likewise rely on the true grace of God and on the bond of love in our Christian family. Through Jesus, we truly have peace. • Lord Jesus, may we always rely on Your Word and Your strength, that we may confidently believe in You and always follow Your ways. Amen.

5:12-14 彼得鼓励这些受逼迫的基督徒坚守一件真正可信的事: 上帝在基督里的恩典。耶稣在恶人手中为我们受苦。然而,他以坚定不移的信心信赖他的天父。无论我们面临怎样的考验和困难,我们都可以同样地依靠上帝的真恩和基督徒大家庭中爱的纽带。通过耶稣,我们真正拥有了平安。- 主耶稣,愿我们永远依靠你的话语和你的力量,让我们满怀信心地相信你,永远跟随你的道路。阿们。


2 Peter彼得后书

1:1–2 Peter greets his readers with a salutation that affirms their standing in Christ. All who confess Christ possess “a faith of equal standing.” However, our hold on faith in Christ can weaken as we are tempted into “false belief, despair, and other great shame and vice” (see SC, Sixth Petition, here). Thanks be to God that our Lord’s grace and peace toward us is even greater than our sins, and that He is ever at work through His Word and Sacraments to strengthen our hold on faith. • O Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me a faith of equal standing—even compared to the faith of the apostles. Enable me through Your Word to overcome all that seeks to weaken my faith. Amen.

1:1-2 彼得用肯定读者在基督里地位的敬语问候他们。所有承认基督的人都拥有 "这位份毫无差别的信心"。然而,当我们受到 "错误的信仰、绝望和其他极大的羞耻和罪恶 "的诱惑时,我们对基督的信心就会减弱(见小问答,第六祈求)。感谢上帝,我们的主对我们所施的恩典与平安大过我们的罪孽,他一直在通过他的话语和圣礼做工,强化我们对信仰的持守。- 哦主耶稣,感谢你赐予我这赋予所有信徒同等地位的信心—这信心甚至与使徒们的信心相当。让我通过你的话语战胜一切试图削弱我信仰的东西。阿们。


1:3–15 Peter affirms the greatness of the Christian hope, and he encourages his readers to make their calling and election sure by giving evidence of their faith with good works. We are saved by faith alone, but faith is never alone. And yet, through sin, we often neglect and become blind to the virtues we are to practice as evidence of our faith. In spite of our many failures to bear God-pleasing fruit, our Lord strengthens us daily through Holy Baptism. • O Lord, thank You for granting us all things that pertain to life and godliness, that by Your grace there will be richly provided for us an entrance into Your eternal kingdom. Amen.

1:3-15 彼得肯定了基督徒盼望的伟大,并鼓励他的读者用好行为来证明他们的信心,从而使他们的蒙召和拣选确实无疑。我们只因信得救,但信从来不是孤立的。然而,由于罪的缘故,我们常常忽视和逃避我们应该践行的并且以此证明我们信心的美德。尽管我们在结出上帝喜悦的果实方面屡屡失败,但我们的主每天都通过圣洗来增强我们的力量。- 哦主,感谢你赐给我们一切与生命和敬虔所需的东西,好让我们凭借你的恩典轻松获得进入你永恒国度的权利。阿们。


1:16–21 Peter had seen a glimpse of our Lord’s glory on the holy Mount of Transfiguration. We have the prophetic Word of God, on which the faith and hope of our Lord’s triumphant return in glory depends. By God’s grace in Christ, we are now “a holy nation, a people for His own possession” (1Pt 2:9). • O Lord, thank You for calling us out of darkness into Your marvelous light. Help us to proclaim Your excellencies through word and deed. Amen.

1:16-21 彼得在主耶稣变形象的山上瞥见了我们主的荣耀。我们有神先知性的话语,对我们的主在荣耀中得胜归来的信心和盼望取决于此。因着上帝在基督里的恩典,我们现在是 "圣洁的国度,是属神的子民"(彼前2:9)。- 主啊,感谢你呼召我们走出黑暗,进入你奇妙的光明中。帮助我们通过言行宣扬你的卓越和美善。阿们。


Ch 2 Our Lord says, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33; cf 2Pt 2:9). The devil, the world, and our own sinful nature are ever seeking to overcome us through our tribulations (see SC, Sixth Petition, here). The way of escape is through His Holy Word and Sacraments, for this is how He strengthens and keeps us firm in His Word and faith (see SC, Third Petition, here). • O Lord, having overcome the world, come to me and give me the strength to endure patiently the trials that afflict me and finally to overcome them and win the victory. Amen.

第2章主说:"在世上,你们有苦难。但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界"(约 16:33;参彼后 2:9)。魔鬼、世界和我们自己的罪性总是试图通过我们的苦难来战胜我们(见小问答,第六祈求)。逃脱的方法就是通过他的圣道和圣礼,因为这是他坚固和保守我们在他的话语和信仰中的方式(见小问答,第三祈求)。- 主啊,你已经战胜了世界,求你来到我身边,赐给我力量,让我耐心忍受折磨我的试炼,最终战胜它们,赢得胜利。阿们。


3:1–13 Knowing that this world will not last, we are to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Mt 6:33). Sadly, we are often distracted by “the cares of the world” (Mt 13:22). Despite our many failures, the Lord graciously works through Word and Sacrament to forgive our sins and to renew us in the faith. He will preserve us unto the end. • O Lord, keep me with Jesus Christ in the one true faith, that I may wait for the coming of the day of the Lord, when You will raise me and all the dead and give eternal life to me and all believers in Christ. Amen.

3:1-13 我们知道这个世界不会长久,所以要 "先求神的国和他的义"(太6:33)。可悲的是,我们常常被 "世上的忧虑 "所分心(太13:22)。尽管我们有许多失败,但主仍通过圣道和圣礼恩慈地赦免我们的罪,并在信仰上更新我们。他将保护我们,直到最后。- 主啊,求你保守我在这独一真信仰中与耶稣基督在一起,使我可以等待主的日子来临,那时你将使我和所有死去的人复活,赐给我和所有基督里的信徒永生。阿们。


3:14–18 Our Lord’s patience is essential to our salvation in the sense that He is giving us time to repent. Do we use the time allotted to us to take sin and salvation seriously, or do we neglect our worship and prayers and our Lord’s gracious call to repent? Make daily repentance part of your life. The patient Lord is ever working through Word and Sacrament to restore fallen sinners and to strengthen them in the stability of their salvation. • O Lord, come to me, and strengthen me through Your Word, that I may grow in Your grace and knowledge and proclaim Your glory forever. Amen.

3:14-18 主的忍耐对我们的救赎至关重要,因为他给了我们悔改的时间。我们是利用分配给我们的时间来严肃对待罪和救赎,还是忽略我们的敬拜和祷告以及主对我们悔改的恩典呼唤?让每日悔改成为你生活的一部分。耐心的主一直在通过圣道和圣礼做工,以修复堕落的罪人,并坚固他们得救的确据。- 主啊,求你来到我身边,通过你的话语坚固我,使我在你的恩典和知识中成长,永远宣扬你的荣耀。阿们。