星期一: 太14:1–15:39


星期二: 太16:1–17:27


星期三: 太18:1–19:30


星期四: 太20:1–21:46


星期五: 太22:1–23:39


星期六: 太24:1–25:46


14:1–12 Throughout history, wicked earthly rulers have attacked Christ and His kingdom (cf 2:16–18). But their rage is in vain (Ps 2:1–2). Believers might at times be concerned about the outcome of this warfare between God and Satan, but have no fear. Christ has won the victory (1Co 15:57). • Lord Jesus, when I fear the might of those who oppose Your kingdom, comfort me with the knowledge that You live and rule eternally. Amen.


14:13–21 This miracle is obviously important because all four evangelists have recorded it. The account here makes no mention of the crowd’s reaction. They seem not to realize that a miracle has taken place. But the disciples know. Each has a basketful of leftovers to testify to what Jesus has done. They will also be privileged to feed the nations spiritually with the bread of life, a resource that will satisfy and never be exhausted. Whenever you have doubts about God’s power to supply your needs, whether physical or spiritual, recall this miracle. Jesus is able to provide. • Heavenly Father, thank You for abundantly answering my prayer: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Amen.


14:22–33 When Jesus reveals His divine presence to His disciples by walking on the sea, they can only conclude: “Truly You are the Son of God.” As long as Peter keeps his eyes on Jesus, he also is able to walk on the water. Like Peter, we often look away from the object of our faith and focus on our problems and doubts. Although we know the Son of God is with us and provides for all our needs, we still worry and fear. Jesus states, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” His powerful arm reaches out to steady us and guide us into His safe harbor. • Divine Savior, when the storms of life threaten to shipwreck my faith, assure me of Your loving presence and protecting care. Amen.


14:34–36 Surprisingly, Jesus heals many who only touch the tassel of His garment. What about today? Does not God permit both believer and unbeliever to be healed through medications that are derived from His creation? (Cf 5:45.) What happens on the Plain of Gennesaret demonstrates Christ’s exceeding goodness to all. Yet because we know Jesus and trust Him as our Savior and Lord, we thank and praise Him for the multitude of undeserved favors that we daily receive. • “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!” (Ps 118:1). Amen.


15:1–9 Jesus is dealing with questions of Law when He criticizes placing man-made traditions above God’s Commandments. God’s Law and Gospel dare never be subordinated to human teachings and rules. Jesus came to fulfill every aspect of the Law, that He might be our perfect Savior. • Lord Jesus Christ, keep me faithful to Your Word, which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps 119:105). Amen.


15:10–20 People are unholy because of sin, not from some external defilement. Sin originates in the heart. Jesus mentioned a few of these sins, and one could easily add many more. At our birth, we were already sinful. But through Holy Baptism and the Word, the Spirit has renewed our hearts and washed away all our sins (Ti 3:4–7). Although our hearts will never be completely free from sinful desire in this life, God’s Spirit continues to lead us on the path of holiness. • Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Amen.


15:21–28 This persistent Canaanite woman gains Jesus’ praise for believing that He will help her sick daughter. In time of need, we often either fail to pray with such determination or only ask hesitantly. Instead, we ought to “pray without ceasing” (1Th 5:17). Jesus hears all prayers offered in His name, and He will answer in His own time and way as is best for us. Therefore, we can pray with confidence. • Lord, sometimes I have not because I ask not. Move me to pray with confidence. Amen.


15:29–31 Jesus shows that He is the promised Messiah by the healings He performs. Far too often we take our physical health for granted and fail to glorify God when we recover from illness or injury. Jesus brings eternal salvation, but He also helps and heals us when we are physically afflicted. • O Great Physician of body and soul, accept my humble thanks and praise for all the blessings I receive from Your bountiful hand. Amen.


15:32–39 The two great feeding miracles of Jesus remind us of how God miraculously fed His people Israel with manna and quail in the wilderness (Ex 16; Nu 11). God works through His creation to provide our daily bread. We dare not take this blessing for granted. Luther urges us in his explanation of the Fourth Petition “to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving” (SC, here), for our Lord constantly cares for us. • Thank You, heavenly Father, for daily food and drink. Lead me to share my abundance with those in need. Amen.


16:1–4 Jesus points the Jews of His day to the sign of Jonah, His death and resurrection. St Paul wrote that the “Jews demand signs . . . but we preach Christ crucified” (1Co 1:22–23). When plagued by doubts or fears, look to this sign of assurance. The sign of Jesus’ cross and resurrection sustains us in our faith and is the sign to which we must point in our witness (Ac 2:23, 31–32). • Ascended Lord, when I falter, comfort me in faith with the sign of Jonah. Amen.


16:5–12 The disciples worried about their failure to bring bread rather than guarding against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees, which should have been their primary concern. Too often, like the disciples, earthly needs and worries distract us. Jesus makes it clear that one thing is necessary: a focus on His teaching (Lk 10:38–42). When we abide in the Word of Jesus, we will know the truth (Jn 8:31–32). • Lord Jesus, help me to hear Your Word and gladly keep it. Amen.


16:13–20 Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God was a key event in Jesus’ ministry. To confess Jesus as Savior and Lord is also essential in every believer’s life. Some Christians will remember the very moment this first happened. Other Christians, baptized in infancy, have made this confession again and again in worship and daily life. Like Peter, none of us can by our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has called us by the Gospel (SC, here). As royal priests of God, we “proclaim the excellencies of Him who called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1Pt 2:9). • Grant us grace, heavenly Father, to confess Jesus and so remain on the unshakable rock of our salvation. Amen.


16:21–23 Peter genuinely thinks he is helping Jesus when he tries to talk Him out of suffering and death. At times, we also fail to understand God’s ways, thinking we know better. Jesus knows that He has to take up the cross for our salvation. Peter will learn that truth later, a truth that continues to give us comfort and peace. • Lord, thank You for being willing to suffer and die that I might be forgiven. Lead me to speak Your Word aright. Amen.


16:24–28 Talk of suffering and death, taking up one’s cross, and losing one’s life sounds strange and foreboding to Jesus’ disciples. It does to us too. Yet the end is not the cross; the end is life in God’s kingdom. To live in His kingdom must be our ultimate purpose. Many of the first disciples saw the glorious unveiling of that Kingdom when Christ rose from the dead. Peter saw the fulfillment of the promise on Pentecost. We continue to behold the spread of the message of Christ’s cross into all the world. • Blessed Savior, give me the will and strength to take up the cross and follow You to life eternal. Amen.


17:1–13 The transfiguration of Jesus confirms for the disciples that He truly is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, as Peter confessed (16:16). The transfiguration is a foretaste of coming glory: Christ’s resurrection and His earthly appearances afterward, His ascension, and finally heaven. Comfort one another with these words. Though we are still troubled by the cares and ills of earthly life, every believer shares in the vision of what is to come (1Jn 3:2). • “’Tis good, Lord, to be here! Yet we may not remain; But since Thou bidst us leave the mount, Come with us to the plain.” Amen. (LSB 414:5)


17:14–20 Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy whom His disciples have been unable to help. Their faltering faith has let down a seriously afflicted person. Sometimes our weak faith may do the same. When we express our own doubts and fears, family members and friends may be led to question God’s promises. Yet the strength of our faith does not flow from us but is the work of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament. Our prayer must ever be: “Lord, increase our faith.” • Lord Jesus, give me great faith, that I may receive the fullness of the gifts You promise. Amen.


17:22–23 Jesus has to tell His disciples repeatedly that He is going to suffer, die, and rise. Love prompts our Lord to repeat those things the disciples need to hear. Christians hear these same events proclaimed again and again. We annually observe the Lenten season and relive Christ’s suffering and death. Each year, we celebrate His glorious resurrection. We never grow weary of hearing this story of God’s love and our salvation. • Dear Jesus, lead me to ponder and love those truths that declare my salvation. Amen.


17:24–27 Jesus submits to paying the temple tax so as not to cause offense. He who calmed the stormy sea and fed the multitudes with scant provisions humbled Himself to the requirements of the Law. Likewise, He humbled Himself to death on the cross (Php 2:6–8) to pay the penalty for our sins of pride and tax evasion and all the rest. His righteousness sets us free. • Lord Jesus Christ, keep me humble in my words and actions, ever walking in Your ways. Amen.


18:1–6 Jesus demonstrates that humility is the hallmark of greatness in the Kingdom of heaven. Humility means confessing our inability to do anything at all to become worthy before God and earn salvation. Humility depends entirely on God’s mercy for forgiveness. It looks to Jesus Christ as the Savior who became one with sinners to redeem them. • Daily teach me, dear Jesus, to turn and become like a child. Amen.


18:7–9 One need look no further than these words of Jesus to see how much the holy God hates sin. Here, the Law strikes us with all its fury. Who of us can say that our hand or foot or eye has not caused us to sin? We all deserve to be thrown into the hell of fire. Thank God that Jesus’ hands and feet were pierced for our iniquities and that His eyes beheld our sin in order to turn the Father’s face from it. By His wounds and precious death, we enter life. • Holy Father, I confess my sins of thought and word and deed. Forgive me for Jesus’ sake. Amen.


18:10–14 Jesus compares the Father’s love for His little ones to that of a shepherd who left his 99 sheep to search for the one who went astray. Do we show similar concern when fellow Christians stray from faith in Christ? May we never despise one of the little ones for whom Christ died. God did everything He could to seek and to save the lost. He spared not His only Son but gave Him up for us all. • Give me a heart, O Father, that cares about each of Your little ones. Amen.


18:15–20 Jesus commands the Church to do all it can to regain an unrepentant sinner. To humbly and lovingly speak to such a brother or sister is to follow the example of the shepherd who searched for one lost sheep. Christ has promised to stand behind the actions of the Church in either forgiving or refusing to forgive sins. We need personally to cherish His gifts and to present His Law and Gospel to anyone caught in the grip of sin. Through the precious gift of forgiveness, the door of heaven is opened to each repentant sinner. • Loving Lord, help me to act as my brother’s keeper, even as You care for me and keep me by grace. Amen.


18:21–35 Jesus teaches that God has forgiven us far more than we will ever be called on to forgive. Our willingness to forgive a brother or sister is grounded in God’s abundant mercy toward us (see note, Lk 23:34). To forgive is to exercise our childlike faith (v 3). Pray for such simplicity of heart; trust likewise in the simple, enduring love of your gracious heavenly Father, who daily forgives all your debts. • Jesus, Your forgiveness for my sin has no limits. Move me likewise to forgive those who sin against me. Amen.


19:1–12 Few problems afflict the Church and society more than those of marital infidelity and divorce. Sin has deeply affected our human relationships to the point that its effects seem normal, but they are not. When questioned about marriage and divorce, Jesus emphasizes that a lifelong, monogamous union is God’s intent for a man and a woman. He instituted marriage to be a gift and a blessing. He also affirms the value of a single lifestyle. With His forgiveness, grace, and guidance, our relationships can be a blessing. • Be with all Christian families, Lord, granting them strength, mutual affection, and the grace to raise their children in faith. Amen.


19:13–15 Jesus welcomes children and makes it clear that they, too, have a place in the Kingdom. For a variety of reasons—some unavoidable and others the result of selfishness—many children today are not nurtured as they ought to be. Because of His special love for children, Jesus not only allows children into His kingdom, but He also gives them pride of place! • Give us childlike simplicity, O Lord, so that we not only love little ones as ourselves but also please You through our humility. Amen.


19:16–30 We cannot earn eternal life through our good works; we can only receive it by God’s grace. But Jesus still rewards our sacrifices and service for Him. Trying to earn eternal life is a losing proposition. The perfection this requires is impossible for us sinners. Through faith in Christ, God freely gives us the gift of eternal life. And if that were not enough, He rewards the sacrifices made for His kingdom a hundredfold! • By Your grace, Father, You have adopted us and made us heirs of eternal life. Move us to respond to such kindness by willingly sacrificing for You. Amen.


20:1–16 Serving the Lord’s kingdom is a privilege and labor of love, not something undertaken to gain a reward. When we begin to think that God’s kingdom needs or depends on us, we get it completely backward. We need and depend on it! Through forgiveness and the renewing work of God’s Spirit, we can indeed be used by God for vital service in His kingdom. • Keep me ever mindful, Lord, that it is only by grace that I have been included in Your kingdom and am privileged to serve in it. Amen.


20:17–19 For a third and final time, Jesus predicts His Passion. Ironically, Jesus’ three predictions match the number of Peter’s denials. The depth of humanity’s sin is such that only the death of God’s Son can atone for it. No one took Jesus’ life from Him, as His Passion predictions make clear. Rather, He willingly laid down His life in order to save us. • “Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ, my God. . . . Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all!” Amen. (LSB 426:2, 4)


20:20–28 Jesus continues to convince His disciples that in His kingdom, humility and service, not acclaim and power, are most highly valued. Just as it was among the Twelve, so also today the lust for power and control over others continues to be a problem in the Christian community. Though many things make Jesus great—among them His role in creating and preserving all things—it is His sacrificial death that is most wonderful for us. • We thank You, Lord Jesus, for though You were unspeakably rich, You willingly became poor, that by Your great poverty we might become rich. Amen.


20:29–34 Though the nearness of the crowd and His own impending death weigh heavily on Him, Jesus is not too preoccupied to help two men in desperate need. Like the people in Jericho who tried to silence the two blind men, we also may tend to treat persons in need as nuisances. Yet Jesus painstakingly extended His ministry to all in need, showing care and concern for them. We, too, have received His grace. • “Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see!” Amen. (LSB 744:1)


21:1–11 Palm Sunday is a high point, as a crowd at the Jewish capital openly acclaims Jesus as Messiah. It is also a turning point, however, since it galvanizes His opponents. Like the crowds in Jerusalem, we are prone to fickleness—today all for the Lord, tomorrow turning from Him. Though we often prove faithless, Jesus remains constant. His love and forgiveness never falter. • “ ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ That ancient song we sing; For Christ is our Redeemer, The Lord of heav’n our King.” Amen. (LSB 443:3)


21:12–17 Immediately after being acclaimed Messiah, Jesus further provokes the Jewish leaders by driving merchants and money-changers out of the temple. Sometimes financial concerns eclipse the Church’s real priority: faithfully teaching the Word and administering the Sacraments. Jesus responds to our misuse of holy things not by yanking them away from us but rather by correcting us and calling us to receive them worthily, unto faith and salvation. • “Almighty, ever-living God, grant that . . . all my worship may be acceptable unto Thee; through Jesus Christ, my Lord.” Amen. (TLH, p 4)


21:18–22 By cursing a fruitless fig tree, Jesus reveals symbolically God’s judgment against the faithless and fruitless portion of His covenant people. Though we are saved by faith alone, producing fruit for God and His kingdom is not optional. Though faithlessness rightly deserves God’s wrath, God Himself works faithfulness in us and grants a rich reward of blessings. • Lord Jesus, You are the true vine. Apart from You, we can do nothing. Keep us united to You, that we produce abundant fruit to Your glory. Amen.


21:23–27 When His opponents challenge the source of His authority, Jesus exhibits a wisdom that powerfully attests to His status as one sent by God. Like Jesus’ opponents, we sometimes challenge the Lord’s authority and attempt to stand in judgment of Him. But God rightly judges us, not vice versa. Jesus willingly submitted to the authority of those who falsely accused Him and unjustly condemned Him to death. By His death, He won our salvation. • Give us grace always to submit to Your authority, O Lord, for it comes from heaven and so can lead us there, where we will reign with You forever. Amen.


 21:28–32 Jesus graphically depicts the obstinance of His opponents and the depth of their sin in rejecting Him. There are times that our stubborn refusals to change our behavior are just as obstinate. In God’s kingdom, no repentant sinner is ever turned away. Repentant tax collectors and prostitutes were welcomed; so are we! • “Chief of sinners though I be, Jesus shed His blood for me, Died that I might live on high, Lives that I might never die. As the branch is to the vine, I am His, and He is mine.” Amen. (LSB 611:1)


 21:33–46 Jesus warns His opponents that rejecting Him will ultimately lead to their exclusion from the Kingdom. Judgment is based on one’s reaction to Jesus. Those rejecting Him are excluded from God’s kingdom and are consigned to the only other option: an eternity apart from God in hell. In His great wisdom and mercy, God used the murder of His Son to work salvation, and He used the rejection of Israel’s leaders to hasten the extension of the Kingdom to Gentiles. • Heavenly Father, keep us united by faith to Christ, our source of life, lest we ever turn away, reject Him, and so lose our hope of salvation. Amen.


22:1–14 Though God earnestly invites all to His Son’s feast, some refuse to accept His invitation and so fail to enjoy its richness. Coming from a long line of believers does not guarantee anyone a place in God’s kingdom. Ingratitude and presumption ever threaten to lead us away. Though we in no way deserve mercy, the Gospel earnestly invites us to come and join the Lord in His eternal heavenly banquet. • Heavenly Father, thank You for preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies and graciously calling us to dwell in Your house forever. Amen.


22:15–22 Jesus’ followers owe loyalty and obedience not only to Him, but also to the human rulers that God Himself has established. Though Christians may be tempted to avoid taxes and shirk civic responsibilities, they must “render to Caesar.” Civil authority and good governmental leaders are beneficial means whereby God blesses us. • “Thou who art ever nigh, Guarding with watchful eye, To Thee aloud we cry: God save the State!” Amen. (LSB 965:2)


22:23–33 Jesus vindicates Israel’s resurrection hope by masterfully interpreting the Scriptures given them through Moses. Dismissing the bodily resurrection denies the Lord, who promises to raise us from the dead. The God who promised to bring life and immortality to light has fulfilled this promise by raising His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. • “He lives and grants me daily breath; He lives, and I shall conquer death; He lives my mansion to prepare; He lives to bring me safely there.” Amen. (LSB 461:7)



22:34–40 Jesus avoids another trap set by His opponents, correctly identifying love for God and for neighbor as the two main concerns of the divine Commandments. Among our many sins, none is more grievous than our failure to love God above all else. Thankfully, God does not respond to our selfishness by reciprocating. Instead, He gives us the greatest gift: His only-begotten Son. • “Living God, Your almighty power is made known chiefly in showing mercy and pity. Grant us the fullness of Your grace to lay hold of Your promises and live forever in Your presence; through Jesus Christ.” Amen. (LSB Altar Book, p 835)



22:41–46 Jesus’ authoritative interpretation of the OT proves that the Messiah is not merely human but also divine. While some people accept His humanity, only those who acknowledge Him as Savior and God have the certain hope of salvation. Jesus Christ, God’s eternal Son, descended from heaven, assumed our flesh, suffered, died, and rose again, that we might share in His glory. • “Beautiful Savior, Lord of the nations, Son of God and Son of Man! Glory and honor, Praise, adoration Now and forevermore be Thine!” Amen. (LSB 537:4)


23:1–36 Jesus criticizes the Pharisees’ hypocrisy and obstinacy. Of all the charges that will be laid against God’s people on Judgment Day, none is more damning than the accusation that they despised God’s Word. Even Jesus’ most acrimonious denunciations are motivated by His sincere desire that people turn from sin and death and receive the gift of eternal life. • Lord Jesus, thank You for loving us enough to warn us when we stray from Your Word. Keep us steadfast in Your truth. Amen.


23:37–39 Just days before His sacrificial death for all people, Jesus laments the fact that so many of His people reject Him and the gift of eternal life. In the end, those who reject Jesus and refuse His offer of eternal life will be judged. Even when hated and rejected by many, Jesus never stopped loving and sincerely reaching out to them. He does the same with us. • Fill us with Your unbounded love, O Lord, that we never cease to love and long for the salvation of all, even for those who revile You and hate us as Your disciples. Amen.


24:1–2 In response to His disciples’ admiring comments about the temple, Jesus predicts its destruction. The things of this world do not endure. All earthly splendor will be forgotten on the Last Day. Understanding the provisional nature of material things leads us to place our highest hopes in the Lord and what He has in store for us in the new heavens and new earth. • You alone are our life and hope, O Lord. Help us to set our hearts and affections on You, for in the end everything else will give way. Amen.


24:1–14 Jesus prophesies about things leading up to the end of the world. Today, stories of military conflicts, political intrigues, and natural disasters continue to fill the news. All this should remind us of the nearness of the end of this age. In that we may rejoice! Though the world is indeed increasingly evil and hostile to God, Christians are ever nearer the great day of Christ’s return. • Keep us faithful in a world spinning out of control, Lord Jesus, that in the end, we may receive the salvation You are even now preparing for us. Amen.


24:15–28 While prophesying concerning Jerusalem’s destruction, Jesus again warns His disciples against being deceived by false messiahs. During crises, people instinctively seek spiritual aid. In such times, God’s people are tempted to join those fleeing to charlatans and the false hopes they offer. Christ’s return in glory will be unmistakable. In an instant, He will raise the dead, transform believers into His likeness, and so effect our final deliverance. • You have revealed to us the manner of Your return, O Lord. Therefore, keep us watchful for You so we do not follow those who seek to deceive us. Amen.


24:29–31 Jesus describes the manner (though not the exact time) of His second coming. He will come in glory on the clouds of heaven as your Savior. Rejoice! For all Christians will unfailingly be gathered to reunite with their fellow believers and enter the Lord’s presence. • “O Jesus Christ, do not delay, But hasten our salvation; . . . Come, mighty judge, and set us free From death and ev’ry evil.” Amen. (LSB 508:7)


24:32–35 Jesus again reminds us that there will be constant and unmistakable signs that the end is near. For those who reject Jesus and the Gospel, the reminder that He is standing at the gate is a threat of judgment and condemnation. However, believers in Christ may be encouraged when reminded that Jesus is near, for they know that this means their salvation is drawing near. • “O Thou Long-expected, weary Waits my anxious soul for Thee. . . . O my Savior, O my Savior, When wilt Thou return to me?” Amen. (TLH 606:2)


24:36–51 The suddenness of Christ’s second coming, along with His promise that faithfulness will be richly rewarded, moves us to watch eagerly for Jesus. Sadly, many Christians today seem to have lost their expectation of Christ’s imminent return. Countless sins and vices follow. Christians who are found faithful when called home will be unbelievably privileged: they will share in Christ’s everlasting reign! • Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Come, save us from this dying world, and lead us into Your everlasting kingdom, where we shall reign with You. Amen.


25:1–13 Jesus warns that many invited to share in the eternal joy of His kingdom will miss out by failing to have a living faith at the end. Though some will be condemned for heinous crimes and gross sins, many more will fail to enter heaven because they neglected their faith. Even so, no matter how depleted our faith is, Jesus’ grace can fill us to overflowing with a single word. • Keep us ever filled to overflowing, O Lord, that we continually abound in faith, hope, and love for You. Amen.


25:14–30 Our relationship to God and the world is one of stewardship. We are to use everything entrusted to us in such a way that it benefits God’s kingdom. Though modern people often have far more material and technological means than any previous generation, they often use these tools selfishly. An unfailing promise attaches to faithful stewardship: if we use the things entrusted to us for God and His purposes, we will be blessed here and in heaven. • “Give me a faithful heart, Likeness to Thee, That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness done, Some wand’rer sought and won, Something for Thee.” Amen. (TLH 403:3)


25:31–46 On the Last Day, Jesus will separate true believers from hypocrites and those who reject Him. The faithful will be vindicated and welcomed into heaven, while unbelievers will be condemned. Having received forgiveness through faith in Christ, God’s flock eagerly await the day on which they shall be publicly vindicated and receive eternal life. • Grant us a faith that perseveres until the end, O Lord. Move us by Your Spirit, that our good works continually glorify You and benefit our neighbors. Amen.