4:1–13 The Holy Spirit leads Jesus and abides with Him through His temptation, affirming that Jesus truly is the Son of God. The blessed Trinity likewise abides with us, that we may withstand Satan’s temptation of our flesh, our pride, and our will. Through Holy Baptism in God’s name, we are truly His beloved children. • “Almighty God, unto You all hearts are open, all desires are known, and from You no secrets are hid. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love You, and worthily magnify Your holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Gregorian Sacramentary, TLWA, p 261)

4:1-13 圣灵引领耶稣,与祂同在,经历试探,证明耶稣真正是上帝的儿子。当称颂的三位一体神同样与我们同在,使我们能够抵御撒旦对我们肉体、骄傲和意志的诱惑。通过接受奉上帝的名所施行的圣洗,我们真正成为了祂的爱子。- 全能的上帝,你知晓万民的心,知道所有人的愿望,对你来说没有秘密可言。求祢藉着圣灵的感动,洁净我们心中的意念,使我们可以完全地爱祢,并藉着我们的主耶稣基督,称颂祢的圣名。阿们"。(格里高利圣事录》,主必回应,第 261 页)


4:14–15 Jesus begins to teach publicly for the first time since He was a child (2:41–52). Reflect on Jesus’ teaching, which relies on the work of the Holy Spirit and cannot be judged by popularity alone. Pray that the Holy Spirit would bless your speech and lead others to the Lord through you. What blessings He bestows through the Gospel! • “May we in faith its message learn Nor thanklessly its blessings spurn; May we in faith its truth confess And praise the Lord, our righteousness.” Amen. (LSB 580:6)

4:14-15 耶稣自孩提时代(2:41-52)以来首次公开讲道。要思考耶稣的教导,因为祂的教导是基于圣灵的工作,不能单凭知名度大小来判断。求圣灵祝福你的宣讲,并通过你带领他人归向主。祂通过福音赐下了何等的祝福啊!- "愿我们凭信心学习它的信息,也不辜负它的祝福;愿我们凭信心承认它的真理,赞美主,主是我们的公义"。阿们 (路德宗崇拜书580:6)


4:16–30 Jesus’ ministry begins with victories over Satan and his minions, but also with an episode in Nazareth that foreshadows His rejection at the hands of His own people. Our lives typically include a similar mixture of successes and rejections. That is why we do well to focus more on the end of the Gospel story, for there we see resurrection, God’s greatest victory over sin and the devil, and the revelation of His grace and mercy for us. • Eternal God, give me grace when I face temptations from the devil and assaults from the unbelieving world. Remind me that You have already overcome these things for me and even now are preparing a place for me in Your eternal presence. Amen.

4:16-30 耶稣战胜了撒旦及其爪牙,并以此开始祂的事工,但在拿撒勒也发生了一件事,预示着祂会被自己的子民所拒绝。我们的生活中通常也会有类似的成功和被拒。这就是为什么我们要更多地关注福音故事的结尾,因为在那里我们看到了复活,看到了上帝战胜罪恶和魔鬼的最大胜利,看到了上帝显明祂对我们的恩典和怜悯。- 永恒的上帝,当我面对魔鬼的诱惑和不信世界的攻击时,请赐给我恩典。提醒我,你已经为我战胜了这些事情,甚至现在还在为我在你永恒的同在中预备地方。阿们。


4:31–37 With authoritative words, Jesus silences and sends away unclean spirits. God’s Word bears authority for your sake, too, pointing out your uncleanness due to sin, yet also promising deliverance from sin and from attacks of the evil one. Revel in Jesus’ teaching and its great blessings for you. • “Thy strong Word bespeaks us righteous; Bright with Thine own holiness, Glorious now, we press toward glory, And our lives our hopes confess.” Amen. (LSB 578:3)

4:31-37 耶稣用权威性的话语使不洁净的灵闭嘴并将它们赶走。上帝的话语在你身上也具有权威性,却是为了你的益处,指出你因罪而来的不洁净,但也应许你从罪和那恶者的攻击中得到解救。你要沉浸在耶稣的教导及其给你带来的巨大祝福中。- "你充满力量的话语宣告我们为义;你的圣洁照亮我们,现在我们向着荣耀迈进,我们的生命见证我们的希望"。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 578:3)


4:38–41 Jesus heals many people by a word and a touch. His works reveal the bond between sin and sickness, which corrupts the world and touches our lives. Pray that Jesus would deliver you from evil and protect you from the effects of sin. Christ can forgive and restore you by His grace. • Restore me, precious Savior, that I may serve You faithfully. Amen.

4:38-41 耶稣用一句话和一个触摸治愈了许多人。祂的作为揭示了罪与疾病之间的联系,罪腐蚀着世界,也影响着我们的生活。求耶稣救你脱离凶恶,保护你免受罪的影响。基督能够以祂的恩典赦免你,使你复原。- 宝贵的救主,求你使我复原,让我可以忠心地侍奉你。阿们。


4:42–44 People chase after Jesus as though they could possess Him and keep Him for themselves. Do we blame them? They had never before witnessed God’s blessings so greatly. Yet, with His blessings, Jesus would also teach us His generous ways, that He belongs not only to us but to all. His kingdom knows no human boundaries. • “Son of God, eternal Savior, Source of life and truth and grace, Word made flesh, whose birth among us Hallows all our human race, You our Head, who, throned in glory, For Your own will ever plead: Fill us with Your love and pity, Heal our wrongs, and help our need.” Amen. (LSB 842:1)

4:42-44 人们追逐耶稣,仿佛他们可以占有祂,将祂据为己有。我们会责怪他们吗?他们从未见过上帝如此丰盛地祝福他们。然而,耶稣在赐福的同时,也教导我们祂慷慨的方式,祂不仅属于我们,也属于所有人。祂的国度不分国界。- 上帝之子,永恒的救赎主,生命、真理和恩典的源泉,道成肉身,祂在我们中间诞生,使我们整个人类成为圣洁,祢是我们的元首,祂在荣耀中宝座,为祢自己的旨意永远恳求: 用你的爱和怜悯充满我们,医治我们的错误,帮助我们的需要"。阿们。(LSB 842:1)


5:1–11 A miraculous catch of fish shows the disciples that Jesus is more than a great teacher—God is working mightily through Him. Like the disciples, the mundane struggle for daily bread, and the sin and doubt it fosters, may make you feel distant from God. But He is ever near and also ever prepared to forgive your sins. • Stay with me, Lord, for I am a sinful person. Grant me repentance and a new life in service to You. Amen.

5:1-11 奇迹般的捕鱼让门徒们看到,耶稣不仅仅是一位伟大的教师,上帝正通过祂大能地做工。就像门徒们一样,为每天的面包而挣扎的世俗生活,以及由此滋生的罪恶和怀疑,可能会让你觉得自己与上帝疏远。但祂永远在你身边,也永远准备好赦免你的罪。- 主啊,请与我同在,因为我是一个有罪的人。请赐予我悔改和为你服务的新生命。阿们。


5:12–16 Jesus cleanses a leper by touching him and sends him to fulfill the Law of Moses. He still touches lives today and has mercy according to His good and gracious will. Bring your requests to Jesus, and trust in His good purposes for you. Even now, your Savior is interceding for you in heaven. • Cleanse me, dearest Jesus, and make Your will known in my life, that I may fulfill Your Word and fill the world with the report of Your goodness. Amen.

5:12-16 耶稣通过触摸洁净了一个长大麻风的人,并派他去履行摩西的律法。今天,祂仍在触摸生命,并按照祂的美意和恩典施展怜悯。向耶稣提出你的请求,相信祂对你的美意。此时此刻,你的救主正在天上为你代求。- 洁净我吧,亲爱的耶稣,让你的旨意在我的生命中显明,使我能遵行你的话语,让你的美德满世界传扬。阿们。


5:17–26 Jesus asserts His authority to forgive sins by healing a paralyzed man. Though Jesus could easily say, “Your sins are forgiven you,” the price of that forgiveness cost Him His life. He bore the cross and your sins willingly, and He will also bear with you in all infirmities. • Grant me firm faith, O Lord, that I may walk in Your ways. Amen.

5:17-26 耶稣治好了一个瘫痪的人,以此表明祂赦罪的权柄。虽然耶稣可以轻松地说:"你的罪赦了",但这一宽恕的代价是祂的生命。祂心甘情愿地背负十字架和你的罪,祂也将与你一同承担一切软弱。- 主啊,求你赐予我坚定的信心,使我能行走在你的道路上。阿们。


5:27–32 Jesus teaches the people that He came to save sinners by leading them to repentance. No matter what your past, whether you are a notorious sinner or smugly self-righteous, Jesus calls you to a life of daily repentance. As the great physician, He can forgive all manner of sins. • Jesus, I would follow You. Lead me by repentance and faith to leave behind my old life. Amen.

5:27-32 耶稣教导人们,祂来拯救罪人,引导他们悔改。无论你的过去如何,无论你是臭名昭著的罪人,还是自以为是的自以为是者,耶稣都呼召你过每天悔改的生活。作为伟大的医生,他能赦免一切罪孽。- 耶稣,我愿意跟随你。请用悔改和信心引导我抛弃过去的生活。阿们。


5:33–39 Jesus fulfills God’s promise to make all things new: He makes fishermen and a tax collector into disciples, He makes a leper and a paralytic whole, and He forgives sins. Unfortunately, some resist such changes, not only in Jesus’ day but also in our lives. That is why He calls us to embrace the Gospel wholly. Jesus’ astounding promise is this: whatever we leave behind for the sake of the kingdom of God will be replaced with much more in this age and with eternal life in the age to come (18:30). • Lord Jesus, give me grace to follow wherever You lead. By Your Spirit, strengthen me to live as Your disciple, reaching out to others in need of Your life-changing love and forgiveness. Amen.

5:33-39 耶稣实现了上帝让万物焕然一新的应许:祂使渔夫和税吏成为门徒,祂使麻风病人和瘫痪病人痊愈,祂赦免罪。遗憾的是,不仅在耶稣的时代,而且在我们的生活中,都有人抵制这种改变。这就是为什么祂呼唤我们完全接受福音。耶稣的应许令人震惊:我们为天国的缘故所留下的一切,在这个时代都会被更多的东西所代替,在来世也会被永生所代替(18:30)。- 主耶稣,请赐我恩典,让我跟随你的脚步。藉着你的灵,坚固我作为你门徒生活的能力,向那些仍未得到你改变生命的爱和宽恕的人伸出援手。阿们。