星期一: 来  2:1–18


星期二: 来  3:1–19


星期三: 来  4:1–16


星期四: 来  5:1–14


星期五: 来  6:1–20


星期六: 来  7:1–28

Ch 1 Jesus, through whom the Father created all things, and by whose Word all things are sustained, clearly reveals the gracious will of the Father to us. Although Jesus is heavenly like the angels, He is no mere creature. He is the firstborn Son of the Father, who shares with us all that the Father has. He frees us to receive God’s ministry, including the ministry given through the angels. • Lord Jesus, thank You for creating and sustaining me. By Your Word, keep me in true faith, that I may inherit salvation. Amen.

1 父借着耶稣创造了万物,万物也靠着他的话语得以维持,耶稣清楚地向我们显明了父的恩惠旨意。虽然耶稣像天使一样是属天的,但他不是普通的受造物。他是天父的长子,与我们分享天父的一切。他释放我们,让我们接受上帝的服侍,包括通过天使给我们带来的服侍。- 主耶稣,感谢你创造并养育了我。求你用你的话语保守我在真信仰中,使我可以继承救赎之恩。阿们。


2:1–4 Christians need God’s Word, spoken by Jesus and attested by those who heard Him. The Father and the Holy Spirit also bear witness. Ignoring God’s revelation of how to be saved is frightening. Jesus gives the Church pastors, teachers, and other leaders to spread the Word. He likewise gives us brothers and sisters to encourage us in our life of faith. He will always provide all that is needed to receive the gift of life. • Lord Jesus, thank You for speaking the Word of the Father to me. By Your Holy Spirit, keep me anchored to the hope of salvation that You freely give. Amen.

2:1-4 基督徒需要上帝的话语,这是耶稣所说的,也是听过他的人所证实的。天父和圣灵也会见证。忽视上帝关于如何得救的启示是可怕的。耶稣赐给教会牧师、教师和其他领袖来传播圣道。同样,祂也赐给我们弟兄姐妹,在我们的信仰生活中鼓励我们。祂总会为我们提供接受生命礼物所需的一切。- 主耶稣,感谢你向我讲述天父的话语。借着你的圣灵,让我紧紧抓住你白白赐予的救赎希望。阿们。


2:5–18 Jesus, as true man, willingly humbled Himself to taste death. As resurrected Lord, and as our firstborn Brother (v 11), He serves as our High Priest to intercede for us before the Father. Without a Savior, we would live in slavery to the fear of death. But Jesus has taken the consequence of our sin and removes our fear. Knowing our weaknesses, He will always help us when we are tempted. • Lord Jesus, You know my weakness. Help me always to turn away from sin and to put all my trust in You. Amen.

2:5-18 耶稣作为真正的人,甘愿谦卑自己,以致于亲自品尝了死亡。作为复活的主,作为我们的长子弟兄(第11节),他担任我们的大祭司,在天父面前为我们代求。如果没有救世主,我们将活在对死亡的恐惧之中。但耶稣承担了我们罪的后果,消除了我们的恐惧。祂知道我们的软弱,当我们受到试探时,祂总是会帮助我们。- 主耶稣,你知道我的软弱。请帮助我永远远离罪恶,将我的一切都交托给你。阿们。

3:1–6 Though Moses was a faithful servant in God’s household, Jesus is the faithful Son. Since Jesus calls you to your heavenly home, you can be confident that you will share in God’s glory. However, beware not to boast of your own faithfulness. Only God is holy and righteous. In Christ, you freely share in God’s holiness. He is calling you to glory. • Lord Jesus, Son of the Father, fill me with Your Spirit of faithfulness. Amen.

3:1-6 虽然摩西是上帝家中忠实的仆人,但耶稣才是忠实的儿子。既然耶稣呼召你进入天家,你就可以确信自己将分享上帝的荣耀。但是,要注意不要夸耀自己的忠诚。只有上帝才是圣洁公义的。在基督里,你可以自由分享上帝的圣洁。他在呼召你走向荣耀。- 主耶稣,天父之子,请用你信实的灵充满我。阿们。


3:7–4:13 God’s people missed rest in the Promised Land through their unbelief. This is a warning to us. God calls us to trust Him and to enter into the rest that He has enjoyed since the completion of creation. In Christ Jesus, we have rest from the accusation of the Law. The Holy Spirit leads us to trust in Christ, granting us everlasting peace. • Lord Jesus, You are my rest. May I always look to You when I am weary and afraid. Amen.

3:7-4:13 上帝的子民因着不信而错过了在应许之地的安息。这是对我们的警告。上帝呼召我们信靠他,进入他自创世以来就享有的安息。在基督耶稣里,我们从律法的控告中得到了安息。圣灵引导我们信靠基督,赐给我们永恒的平安。- 主耶稣,你是我的安息。愿我在疲惫惧怕时总是仰望你。阿们。


4:14–5:10 Jesus Christ, our true High Priest, shares our humanity and knows the weaknesses that we experience. Being one with the Father, He is the source of God’s full forgiveness. If we approach God confident in our own goodness, we will be condemned according to the strictness of the Law. But Christ Jesus is gentle and understanding. He forgives us, gives us confidence before the Father, and helps us in all our needs. • Lord Jesus, our true High Priest, help us, in our weakness, to call to our Father for all that we need. Amen.

4:14-5:10 耶稣基督,我们真正的大祭司,与我们有着同样的人性,知道我们的软弱。他与天父合一,是上帝完全宽恕的源泉。如果我们自恃善良而接近上帝,我们就会被严格的律法定罪。但基督耶稣是温柔的,是善解人意的。他宽恕我们,在天父面前给我们信心,帮助我们解决一切需要。- 主耶稣,我们真正的大祭司,求你帮助我们,在我们软弱的时候,求天父赐给我们一切所需的。阿们。


5:11–6:12 Christians grow in maturity by building on the basic teachings of the faith and connecting God’s promises with the new way of life that He gives. Those who reject God’s promises should fear the just judgment of God. If we fail to be fruitful in love, mercy, and generosity, we become like thorns and thistles, fit only for His fire. However, we can be confident that God, who has given us the gift of salvation, will grow the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. • Come, Holy Spirit. Renew my trust in Jesus, and grow Your fruit in my life. Amen.

5:11-6:12 基督徒是藉着信仰基本教义建造生命的,将上帝的应许与他赐予的新生活方式联系起来,从而灵命变得逐渐成熟。拒绝上帝应许的人应该惧怕上帝公正的审判。如果我们不能在爱、怜悯和慷慨方面结出果实,我们就会像荆棘和蒺藜一样,只适合被上帝的怒火燃烧。然而,我们可以相信,赐给我们救赎之恩的上帝会在我们的生命中结出圣灵的果实。- 来吧,圣灵。更新我对耶稣的信任,在我的生命中结出你的果实。阿们。


6:13–20 God’s promise and oath to Abraham is certain. As heirs of Abraham, those who trust in Christ Jesus share in the blessing of life promised to Abraham. They experience unending stability and security through the Son’s gracious access to the Father. If we doubt God’s Word, we act as if God is a liar and miss the blessings that flow from a trusting relationship with Him. As we trust God’s promises, we see that God tells the truth, and we share in the blessings of eternal life. • Lord God, in Christ You speak true mercy and forgiveness. Therefore, I will trust Your Word and receive what You graciously give. Amen.

6:13-20 神对亚伯拉罕的应许和誓言是确定无疑的。作为亚伯拉罕的后嗣,那些信靠基督耶稣的人分享了应许给亚伯拉罕的生命祝福。通过圣子的恩典可以畅通无阻地亲近天父上帝,他们会经历无尽的稳定和安全。如果我们怀疑上帝的话语,我们就会认为上帝是个骗子,从而错失与上帝建立信任关系所带来的祝福。当我们信靠上帝的应许时,我们就会看到上帝说的是真话,我们就会分享永生的祝福。- 主神,在基督里,你说出了真正的怜悯和宽恕。因此,我要相信你的话语,接受你的恩赐。阿们。


7:1–10 Melchizedek, both priest and king, showed the true nature of his authority by receiving tithes from the patriarch Abraham and blessing him. As both king of righteousness and king of peace, Melchizedek foreshadowed Christ’s work of justification. As Abraham gave offerings and respect to Melchizedek, greater respect is due to our High Priest, Christ. He serves without end to lead us into His kingdom. • Lord Jesus, You are my Priest and King. Rule over my life, and grant me righteousness and peace from the Father. Amen.

7:1-10 麦基洗德既是祭司又是君王,他接受始祖亚伯拉罕的什一奉献并为他祝福,显示了他权威的真正性质。作为公义之王与和平之王,麦基洗德预示了基督称义的工作。亚伯拉罕向麦基洗德献祭并表达敬意,我们的大祭司基督也应得到更大的敬意。他无休止地侍奉,引领我们进入他的国度。- 主耶稣,你是我的祭司和王。掌管我的生命,从天父那里赐给我公义与平安。阿们。


7:11–28 Though the Levitical priesthood could not bring the fullness of God’s salvation, Jesus, the sinless and perfect Priest, serves eternally as the one who brings our needs to the Father. In Him we have access to God’s blessings. His perfect work reminds us that death will always cut short even the best effort that anyone makes to serve God. However, Jesus freely brings us God’s eternal blessings through His sacrificial death. • Father, thank You for providing us with a true High Priest, who serves us with purity and perfection. Amen.

7:11-28 虽然利未人的祭司身份无法带来上帝的全部救赎,但耶稣,这位无罪的完美祭司,将我们的需要带到天父面前,并且永远服事我们。在他里面,我们可以得到上帝的祝福。他完美的工作提醒我们,即使有人为侍奉上帝做出了最大的努力,死亡也总是会将之终止。然而,耶稣通过他牺牲的死,白白地为我们带来了上帝永恒的祝福。- 天父,感谢你为我们提供了一位真正的大祭司,他以纯洁和完美服侍我们。阿们。


Ch 8 The old covenant, because it could not permanently address the problem of sin, would “vanish away.” As Priest, Christ came to establish an everlasting covenant and atonement for our sins. • O merciful God, forgive us our sins for the sake of Jesus’ sacrifice. Amen.

8 旧约因为无法永久解决罪的问题,所以会 "消失"。基督作为祭司,来为我们建立永恒的盟约和赎罪。- 仁慈的上帝啊,求你因耶稣的牺牲而赦免我们的罪。阿们。