
12:1–8 God’s purpose in giving the Sabbath law was to provide physical rest for His people. But those in Jesus’ day who tried to follow all the Sabbath regulations imposed by the Pharisees found that the law had become a heavy burden, a yoke on their necks. We keep the Sabbath Day holy when “we do not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it” (SC, here). Jesus offers true rest, the yoke of the Gospel (11:29–30). • Loving Savior, keep me from quibbling about trivial things and from neglecting Your Word. Amen.

12:1-8 上帝制定安息日律例的目的是为祂的子民提供身体上的休息。但是在耶稣的时代,那些试图遵循法利赛人强加的所有安息日规条的人发现,律法已经成为一个沉重的负担,成为他们脖子上的枷锁。当 "我们不轻视祂的话语和传道的事,而是将其视为神圣,并欣然聆听和学习 "时,我们就是守安息日为圣了(路德小问答)。耶稣提供真正的休息,即福音的轭(11:29-30)。- 慈爱的救主,请让我不要为琐事争吵而忽略了你的话语。阿们。


12:9–14 The Pharisees’ eagerness to find fault with Jesus is a common sin. Jesus warns His disciples about seeing the speck in another’s eye while overlooking the log in one’s own eye (7:3–5). That Jesus was the victim of false accusations is another example of how He took on Himself the sins of the world. Though we have many faults, for which we deserve condemnation, He has washed them all away by His innocent suffering and death. • Dearest Jesus, forgive me for the times I unlovingly find fault with others. Move me to do good as You have done good for me. Amen.

12:9-14 法利赛人热衷于找耶稣的茬是一种常见的罪。耶稣警告祂的门徒,不要只看到别人眼中的刺而忽略了自己眼中的梁木(7:3-5)。耶稣是虚假指控的受害者,这也是祂如何把世人的罪孽揽在自己身上的另一个例子。虽然我们有很多的罪和错谬,为此我们应该受到谴责,但祂已经通过祂无辜受苦和死亡把它们全部洗掉了。- 亲爱的耶稣,请原谅我不怀好意地找别人的错。请激励我让我行善,就像你为我所施的良善一样。阿们。


12:15–21 Jesus, the Servant of the Lord, proclaimed justice to all nations, a justice that rightfully condemns sinners. Yet Jesus fulfilled the demands of that justice by His perfect life and innocent death on the cross. We, Christ’s present-day ambassadors, do well to follow His example as we proclaim His message. We will not save anyone by being argumentative and quarrelsome. The Gospel of Christ alone is the power of God for salvation (Rm 1:16). • Grant me patience, Lord, not to quarrel or cry aloud as I share the Gospel with others. Amen.

12:15-21 耶稣,主耶和华的仆人,向所有国家宣扬公义(和合本:公理),而这个公义正当地定世人的罪。然而,耶稣通过祂完美的生活和在十字架上的无辜死亡,满足了这公义的要求。我们,作为基督今日的使者,在宣扬祂的信息时,最好以祂为榜样。我们不会因为争论和争吵而拯救任何人。只有基督的福音才是神救赎的大能(罗1:16)。- 主啊,请赐予我耐心,在我与人分享福音时,不要争吵或大声喧闹。阿们。


12:22–32 The Pharisees claim that Beelzebul, the prince of demons, has enabled Jesus to overpower demons. This leads Jesus to declare: “Whoever is not with Me is against Me” (v 30). One cannot be neutral in spiritual matters. To be indifferent or apathetic about Jesus is to be on the side of those who refuse to confess that He is the Messiah. He alone saves the world from sin, death, and the power of the devil. • Lord Jesus Christ, continue to send Your Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament to strengthen my faith in You as my only Savior. Amen.

12:22-32 法利赛人说,鬼王别西卜使耶稣能够制服污鬼。这导致耶稣宣布 "不与我相合的,就是敌我的"(第30节)。一个人不能在属灵问题上保持中立。对耶稣的漠视或无动于衷就是站在那些拒绝承认祂是弥赛亚的人的一边。只有祂将世界从罪恶、死亡和魔鬼的权势中拯救出来。- 主耶稣基督,请继续通过圣道和圣礼差派你的圣灵,来坚固我对你作为唯一救主的信心。阿们。


12:33–37 Jesus reminds us that words are important. Good words come from good hearts, and evil words come from evil hearts. What do our words tell others about our hearts? James said quite a bit about controlling our tongues (Jas 3:1–12). Such control begins with a repentant heart. Only faith in Jesus, the Word of God, produces good hearts, from which flow words of praise and confession. • Guard my mouth, O Lord, from speaking words that would detract others from Your truth. Amen.

12:33-37 耶稣提醒我们,话语很重要。好话来自于善心,恶语来自于恶心。我们的心是怎样的?我们的话语向别人显露我们的心。雅各对控制我们的舌头说了不少话(雅3:1-12)。这种控制始于一颗悔改的心。只有对耶稣--神的话语(或道)--的信心才能产生善心,从其中流出赞美和宣信的话语。- 主啊,请保护我的嘴,不要说那些会使他人偏离你的真理的话。阿们。


12:38–42 The people of Nineveh heard Jonah, and the queen of Sheba saw Solomon. But greater than either that prophet or that king is our Lord Jesus Christ. We are privileged to hear and receive Him in His Word. Sometimes, like the unbelieving leaders, we seek signs of God’s goodness in success, wealth, and health. One sign is sufficient for faith, the sign of Jonah. In this sign we find peace, joy, and hope. • O Jesus, my Prophet, Priest, and King, accept the praise I bring because You revealed to me the sign of salvation. Amen.

12:38-42 尼尼微人曾听约拿讲道,示巴女王也曾看见过所罗门。但比这位先知和这位国王更伟大的是我们的主耶稣基督。我们有福气能在祂的话语中聆听并接受祂。有时,像那些不信的领袖一样,我们想要在成功、财富和健康方面寻求神施恩惠的神迹。对我们的信心来说,有一个神迹就够了,那就是约拿的神迹(注:类比人子耶稣的埋葬和第三天从死里复活)。在这个神迹中,我们找到了平安、喜乐和盼望。- 哦,耶稣,我的先知、祭司和君王,请接受我献上的赞美,因为你向我显明了救赎的神迹。阿们。


12:43–45 Jesus describes how a person delivered from a demon becomes worse when there is failure to fill the emptiness with goodness. We can also relapse into old and habitual sins when we fail to nourish our spiritual lives through Word and Sacrament. Only the Holy Spirit can replace the evil spirits that are constantly “seeking someone to devour” (1Pt 5:8). With words from Luther’s baptismal service, we cry out: “Depart thou unclean spirit and make room for the Holy Spirit” (AE 53:107). • Come, Holy Spirit, and make my heart Your dwelling place. Amen.

12:43-45 耶稣说的是,一个脱离污鬼捆绑的人,若不用良善来填满自己清空的心,那么他的境况将会变得更加糟糕。当我们不能通过圣道和圣礼来滋养我们的属灵生活时,我们也会重新陷入旧的和习惯性的罪行。魔鬼邪灵不断地 "寻找可吞吃的人"(彼前5:8),也只有圣灵可以占据被驱魔后腾出的空间。用路德的圣洗礼仪式中的话来说,我们呼喊: "我命令你这污秽的灵离开,为圣灵腾出空间来"(路德文集美国版53:107)。- 圣灵啊,快来,使我的心成为你的住处。阿们。


12:46–50 Jesus’ family comes to speak with Him, but He gently rebuffs them in order to make the point that all Christians are His sisters, brothers, and mother. None of us deserves to be included in this sacred relationship. But our Savior’s arms, once extended on the cross, now embrace us with His forgiving love and empowering grace. • My Brother, Jesus, assure me of Your presence, and guide me as I seek to do my Father’s will. Amen.

12:46-50 耶稣的家人前来与祂说话,但祂温和地回绝了他们,以表明所有基督徒都是祂的姐妹、兄弟和母亲。我们没有一个人配得上被接纳进入这种神圣的关系中。但是,我们救主的膀臂,曾经在十字架上伸展开来,现在仍用祂赦罪的慈爱和赐人能力的恩典拥抱我们。- 我的兄弟,耶稣,请使我确信你的同在,并在我寻求遵行天父的旨意时引导我。阿们。


13:1–9 Jesus earlier told His disciples: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (9:37). This parable gives encouragement that when a laborer faithfully sows the seed, a plentiful harvest may follow, even if some seed goes to waste. We are tempted to give up a task when we experience little success. That is also true of our efforts to share the Gospel. Let us not grow weary in doing good, knowing that at the right time we will reap, because God provides the harvest (Gal 6:9). • Give me patience, dear Lord, when the tasks of life seem hard and unending. Amen.

13:1-9 耶稣先前告诉祂的门徒: "要收的庄稼多,做工的人少"(9:37)。此段落中的比喻鼓励做工的人,当农民忠实地播种时,即使有些种子被浪费,也会有丰收。当我们几乎看不见一点儿成功时,我们会动摇以致于放弃所做的。我们分享福音的工作也是如此。我们不要在行善上感到疲倦,知道在适当的时候会有收获,因为收成是神自己提供的(加6:9)。- 亲爱的主,当生活中的工作看起来很困难并且没有终点时,请给我耐心。阿们。


13:10–17 Jesus pronounces His disciples blessed because they have seen and heard and believed. Christians today are also blessed, for the Holy Spirit has given us eyes that see and ears that hear. We dare never take our spiritual blessings for granted, for then we put ourselves in danger of losing them. Let us daily praise God for His goodness. In the Holy Scriptures we have everything we need for salvation and life together. There we learn of Jesus and His completed work of salvation for us sinners. • I stand in awe of Your goodness to me, dear Savior, and ask You to keep me faithful to the end. Amen.

13:10-17 耶稣宣布说祂的门徒是有福的,因为他们看见了,听见了并且相信了。今天的基督徒也是有福的,因为圣灵给了我们可以看见的眼睛和乐意聆听的耳朵。我们绝不敢把我们的属灵祝福视为理所当然,因为那样我们就会把自己置于失去它们的危险之中。让我们每天为上帝的良善赞美祂。在圣经中,我们拥有得救和生命所需的一切。在圣经中我们认识了耶稣和祂为我们罪人完成的救赎工作。- 亲爱的救主,我敬畏你对我所施的恩惠,并请求你使我忠心到最后。阿们。


13:18–23 Jesus explains the parable of the sower for His disciples. He wants them to understand that as they go out and preach the Gospel, not all the seed they sow will produce fruit. But what keeps a farmer sowing and a disciple proclaiming is Jesus’ promise that some seed will produce a wonderful harvest. The lesson for us is obvious: the blessings of God’s kingdom come through the seed of God’s Word. • O divine Sower, keep me from becoming discouraged as I entrust my life to Your Word and seek to share Your message of salvation with others. Amen.

13:18-23 耶稣为祂的门徒解释撒种的比喻。祂想让他们明白,当他们出去传福音时,不是所有撒下的种子都会结出果实。但是,耶稣应许了有些种子一定会带来丰盛的收割,农夫因此继续撒种,门徒更因此继续宣扬福音。这比喻给我们的功课是显而易见的:神的国度的祝福是通过神的话语的种子而来。- 神圣的撒种者啊,当我把我的生命托付给你的话语,并寻求与他人分享你的救赎信息时,请让我不要灰心丧气。阿们。


13:24–30 The master does not seem overly upset by what his enemy has done and shows great patience in delaying until the harvest the separation of weeds from wheat. He warns his servants not to judge prematurely by assuming they can distinguish between these plants. A mark of God’s rule is His patience (2Pt 3:8–15). For us sinners, this is a great comfort and also an encouragement for us to endure evil patiently (2Tm 2:24). • O God, help me to accept the fact that in this world good and evil will grow side by side. Lead me also to count on Your wise timing and judgment. Amen.

13:24-30 主人似乎并没有因为祂的敌人所做的事而过度不安,祂表现出极大的耐心,将杂草(和合本:稗子)和麦子分离的工作推迟到收割的季节。祂警告自己的仆人不要过早地审判,以为他们能够区分这些植物。上帝掌权的一个特性是祂的忍耐(彼后3:8-15)。对我们这些罪人来说,这是一个很大的安慰,也是对我们耐心忍受邪恶之事的鼓励(提后2:24)。- 神啊,请帮助我接受这样一个事实:在这个世界上,善与恶会并存发展。也引导我依靠你充满智慧的时间安排和最终的审判。阿们。


13:31–33 These two parables contrast the small beginnings of the kingdom of heaven with its exceptional, though hidden, growth. God is active in small things, even though His presence may not be evident. Jesus’ ministry had humble beginnings, but its expansion has been miraculous. God uses even our small efforts to accomplish His purposes. • Lord Jesus, use my feeble testimony to further the growth of Your great kingdom. Amen.

13:31-33 这两个比喻对比了天国刚开始时的不起眼和它爆发式的、尽管是隐蔽的增长。神在小事中也同样做工,尽管祂的同在可能并不明显。耶稣的事工开始时很不起眼,但它的扩展却很神奇。上帝甚至利用我们的微小努力来完成祂的目的。- 主耶稣,请使用我微弱的见证来促进你伟大国度的增长。阿们。


13:34–35 Historians point out that simply knowing the facts about an event is not enough. One must interpret the facts correctly for proper understanding. This is true with Jesus and the events of His life. We need the revelation that the Holy Spirit has provided in the Word of God to understand Jesus and put our faith in Him. • Lord, draw near to me in Your Word, and open my heart to hear. Amen.

13:34-35 历史学家指出,仅仅知道一个事件的事实是不够的。人们必须正确地解释这些事实,才能正确地理解。耶稣和他一生中的事件也是如此。我们需要圣灵在神的话语中所提供的启示,来认识耶稣,并将我们的信心放在祂身上。- 主啊,请在你的话语中亲近我,打开我的心来聆听。阿们。


13:36–43 At the close of this present age, the Son of Man will send His angels to gather all people. The law-breakers will suffer eternal punishment, and the righteous will enjoy the Father’s heavenly glory. Since all people are law-breakers, all deserve to be cast into the fiery furnace. Only those who have faith in Christ will escape this fate. They are declared righteous (Rm 3:21–26). “He who has ears, let him hear” (v 43). • Bless me, Jesus, with a believing heart, that I may remain a child of Your kingdom. Amen.

13:36-43 在这个世界终结的时候,人子要派祂的天使来召集所有的人。不法之人将受到永远的惩罚,而公义的人将享受天父的荣耀。既然所有的人都是干犯律法的,那么所有人都应该被扔进火炉。只有那些信靠基督的人才能逃脱这一命运。他们被宣布为义人(罗 3:21-26)。"有耳可听的,就应当听"(第43节)。- 耶稣,请祝福我拥有一颗相信的心,使我能继续做你国度的孩子。阿们。


13:44–46 In the parables of both the hidden treasure and the precious pearl, Jesus reinforces this basic truth: earthly possessions cannot compare with the immense value and cost of God’s kingdom. We must not press the details of these parables to say that one can buy entrance into God’s kingdom by sacrificing all possessions. We inherit the kingdom by grace through faith in Christ, who purchased and redeemed us with His precious blood. • Heavenly Father, grant me Your kingdom and Your righteousness. Amen.

13:44-46 在藏宝和贵重珍珠的比喻中,耶稣强化了这一基本真理:地上的财物不能与神国的巨大价值和代价相比。我们不能拉伸这些比喻的细节以致于推论到,一个人可以通过牺牲所有的财产买到进入神国的门票。我们是靠着恩典,通过对基督的信心来继承这国度的,祂用祂的宝血购买并赎回了我们。- 天父,请把你的国度和你的公义赐给我。阿们。


13:47–50 Jesus’ parable illustrates what will happen at the close of the age. Believers need not worry about that day, for God is gracious to us through His Son, our Savior, in whom we are chosen (Eph 1:4). • Let not my heart be troubled, dear Lord, by thoughts of the final judgment. I know that You have prepared a place for me in heaven. Amen.

13:47-50 耶稣的比喻说明世界的末了将会发生什么。信徒不需要担心那一天,因为神通过祂的儿子,我们的救主,向我们施恩,我们是在基督里蒙拣选的(弗1:4)。- 亲爱的主,不要让我的心被最终要受审判的念头所困扰。我知道你已经为我在天堂准备了一个地方。阿们。


13:51–52 With this parable, Jesus encourages His disciples to imitate the master of a house who brings out food for his family and guests. Jesus had trained His disciples to be teachers for the kingdom of heaven. In their teaching, they were to bring out both old and new. Without giving up the OT, they were to add the NT. The OT needed to be understood on the basis of the new revelation that they had received from the Father (11:25). Christian pastors, teachers, and students of God’s Word continue to follow this practice today. All the Holy Scriptures teach Law and Gospel and “are able to make [us] wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2Tm 3:15). • Lord, keep me steadfast in Your Word, and lead me out of death to life. Amen.

13:51-52 通过这个比喻,耶稣鼓励祂的门徒效法为家人和客人端出食物的家主。耶稣已经训练祂的门徒成为天国的教师。在他们的教导中,他们要把新旧两方面都带出来。在不放弃旧约的情况下,他们要增加新约的内容。旧约需要在他们从天父那里得到的新启示的基础上加以理解(11:25)。今天,基督教牧师、教师和神的话语的学生继续遵循这个原则。全部圣经都在教导律法和福音,"能使[我们]因信基督耶稣,有得救的智慧"(提后3:15)。- 主啊,让我在你的话语中坚定不移,带领我走出死亡,走向生命。阿们。


13:53–58 Just as the people of Nazareth took offense at Jesus and refused to believe in Him, so today many are skeptical of His claims. They may agree that Jesus was a good religious teacher whose example we should follow. But they refuse to believe that He is “true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary.” If we hear and understand, it is not by our own reason or strength but because the Holy Spirit has created faith in our hearts by the Gospel. Only the Spirit, working through the Word, can change an unbeliever’s heart. • Spirit of God, thank You for calling me by the Gospel and enlightening my heart. Amen.

13:53-58 正如拿撒勒人被耶稣冒犯到并且拒绝相信祂一样,今天许多人对祂的教导也持怀疑态度。他们可能同意耶稣是一个好的宗教教师,我们应该以祂为榜样。但他们拒绝相信祂是 "真神,在永恒中由父所生,也是真人,由童贞女马利亚所生"(路德小问答)。如果我们听到了就明白,那么这就不是靠着我们自己的理性或力量,而是因为圣灵通过福音在我们心中创造了信心。只有圣灵通过圣道做工,才能改变一个未信者的心。- 上帝的灵,感谢你用福音呼召我,照亮我的心。阿们。