星期一: 来  8:1–13


星期二: 来  9:1–28


星期三: 来  10:1–18


星期四: 来  10:19–39


星期五: 来  11:1–40


星期六: 来  12:1–29

Ch 8 The old covenant, because it could not permanently address the problem of sin, would “vanish away.” As Priest, Christ came to establish an everlasting covenant and atonement for our sins. • O merciful God, forgive us our sins for the sake of Jesus’ sacrifice. Amen.

8 旧约因为无法永久解决罪的问题,所以会 "消失"。基督作为祭司,来为我们建立永恒的盟约和赎罪。- 仁慈的上帝啊,求你因耶稣的牺牲而赦免我们的罪。阿们。


9:1–10 The Holy Place of the tabernacle was a picture of the old covenant and the old sacrificial system. But the Most Holy Place was a picture of heaven and of Christ’s new covenant. OT services, therefore, pointed ahead to Christ, while NT services celebrate His work, distribute His benefits, and anticipate His return. Christ is the true Priest who sacrificed Himself to reconcile us to the Father. • O Lord, send us Your Holy Spirit and increase reverence in us toward Your Word and service. Amen.

9:1-10 会幕的圣所是旧约和旧的献祭制度的写照。而至圣所则是天堂和基督新约的写照。因此,旧约的礼拜指向基督,而新约的礼拜则庆祝他的工作、分配他所所带来的福祉并期待他的再来。基督是真正的祭司,他牺牲了自己,使我们与天父和好。- 主啊,求你赐给我们圣灵,使我们更加敬畏你的话语和侍奉。阿们。


9:11–28 Christ will come from His heavenly sanctuary and take us to Himself with joy. Our greatest joy should be Jesus and His priestly ministry, for He delighted in us, making us the heirs of His last will and testament. • Lord Jesus, by Your blood there is forgiveness of sins. Continue to purify me that I might honor You. Amen.

9:11-28 基督将从他天上的圣所降临,带我们欢喜归向他自己。我们最大的喜乐应该是耶稣和他的祭司事工,因为他喜悦我们,使我们成为他最后旨意和遗嘱的继承人。- 主耶稣,因你的宝血,才有罪得赦免。请继续洁净我,让我荣耀你。阿们。


10:1–18 Christ offered up only one sacrifice for the sins of the world—Himself. He “perfects” or completes us by applying the benefits of His sacrifice to us in Holy Baptism and in His Holy Supper. Whenever you study the Word or hear it at church, expect the Lord to change your life and strengthen your faith, for He desires to change your heart and mind by grace. • Merciful God, for Jesus’ sake forgive my sins. Grant me the Holy Spirit, that I may fulfill Your will. Amen.

10:1-18 基督为世人的罪只献上了他自己。他通过圣洗和圣餐将他献祭的益处应用到我们身上,使我们 "完全 "或成全我们。每当你研读圣道或在教会聆听圣道时,都要期待主改变你的生命,坚固你的信仰,因为他渴望以恩典改变你的心思意念。- 仁慈的上帝,看在耶稣的份上饶恕我的罪。赐我圣灵,使我能实现你的旨意。阿们。


10:19–39 All Christians need patience through many sorrows. God calls us to do His will, bearing our crosses patiently, and He equips us with His Word and Spirit. He has promised eternal salvation to all who steadfastly confess Christ. • Lord Jesus, strengthen me to confess You without wavering. When I fall, grant me a repentant heart. Amen.

10:19-39 所有基督徒都需要忍耐去经历许多苦难。上帝呼召我们遵行他的旨意,忍耐地背负十字架,他用他的话语和圣灵装备我们。他应许给所有坚定地承认基督的人永恒的救赎。- 主耶稣,求你坚固我,让我毫不动摇地承认你。当我跌倒时,求你赐给我一颗悔改的心。阿们。


Ch 11 Faith trusts even without sight what God has set forth in His Word. True faith is active in love and is steadfast under persecution. By His resurrection, Christ conquered death and now provides His Holy Spirit to strengthen us. • “Lord, be our light when worldly darkness veils us; Lord, be our shield when earthly armor fails us; And in the day when hell itself assails us, Grant us Your peace, Lord.” Amen. (LSB 659:3)

11 信心即使没有看见,也相信上帝在他的话语中所阐明的。真正的信心在爱中活跃,在逼迫中坚定。基督通过复活战胜了死亡,现在又赐下圣灵来坚固我们。主啊,当世俗的黑暗笼罩我们时,求你作我们的光;主啊,当世俗的盔甲不能保护我们时,求你作我们的盾;在地狱攻击我们的日子里,主啊,求你赐给我们平安。”阿们。(路德宗崇拜书659:3)


12:1–2 The Christian life is an endurance race, run with remembrance of the saints who have already finished. But most of all, we look to Jesus and His cross. In Him, our race is already won. • Lord Jesus, save me from my sin, which clings so closely, and give me endurance to do Your will. Amen.

12:1-2 基督徒的生活是一场耐力赛跑,我们要怀念已经跑完赛程的圣徒。但最重要的是,我们要仰望耶稣和他的十字架。在他里面,我们的胜利已经在握。- 主耶稣,救我脱离紧紧缠绕的罪,赐我耐力遵行你的旨意。阿们。


12:3–17 God sees you as holy through Christ’s sacrifice and disciplines you to struggle against sin. The unpleasant discipline shows that the Lord loves you as a true child. Put your faith into practice by encouraging others and by doing works of service. The Lord is ever serving you, granting repentance, taking away your sins, and equipping you for a godly life. • Heavenly Father, share with me Your holiness, and let me see You face-to-face eternally. Amen.

12:3-17 神因基督的牺牲看你为圣洁,并且也管教你,让你与罪抗争。这种令人不快的管教表明,主把你看做他的真正孩子去爱你。请通过鼓励他人和做服务工作来实践你的信仰。主一直在服侍你,赐你悔改,除去你的罪,装备你过敬虔的生活。- 天父,请与我分享你的圣洁,让我永远与你面对面。阿们。


12:18–29 The Son of God’s speaking and presence are the center of worship. When God the Son spoke the Law, His people were terrified. But His sprinkled blood speaks better things to us: forgiveness, life, and salvation. • Lord Jesus Christ, sprinkle us with Your blood and fill us with Your Spirit, that through You we may offer acceptable worship to the Father. Amen.

12:18-29 神子的说话和同在是敬拜的中心。当神子讲律法时,他的子民惊恐万分。但他洒下的宝血却向我们说出了更好的话语:宽恕、生命和救赎。- 主耶稣基督,请用你的宝血浇灌我们,用你的圣灵充满我们,使我们通过你向天父献上合宜的敬拜。阿们。


13:1–19 Instead of sacrificing bulls and goats, we should offer up true speech about God to praise Him and do good works to serve our neighbor. These sacrifices please God when they come from hearts trusting in Christ. To obtain pure hearts, Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross. • O Lord, open the mouths of Your humble servants to speak Your praise, so that leaving behind all error, we may rejoice in the confession of Your name. Amen.

13:1-19 与其献上公牛和山羊,不如献上关于神的真实话语来赞美他,并行善事来侍奉邻舍。当这些祭品出自信靠基督的心灵时,神就会喜悦。为了让我们获得纯洁的心灵,基督在十字架上牺牲了自己。- 主啊,求你开启你谦卑仆人的口,说出对你的赞美,使我们摒弃一切错误,在对你圣名的忏悔中喜乐。阿们。


13:20–21 We should pray for ourselves and others that God would equip us for all good works to do His will. By His blood, shed on the cross, Jesus our Shepherd redeemed us and made us well-pleasing to His Father. • O God, through the blood of Christ’s covenant make us complete in Your sight, and cause us to do Your will. Amen.

13:20-21 我们应为自己和他人祷告,求神装备我们行各样的善事,遵行他的旨意。我们的牧者耶稣用他在十字架上所流的宝血救赎了我们,使我们成为天父所喜悦的人。- 神啊,求你借着基督所立之约的宝血,使我们在你眼中得以完全,并使我们遵行你的旨意。阿们。


13:22–25 Hebrews sets forth God’s grace in Christ, earned on the cross, ratified in the new covenant, and distributed in Word and Sacrament. By holding fast to the teaching of this sermon and by receiving God’s grace through faith, we have fellowship with the writer of Hebrews and all the saints and look forward to our inheritance with them in heaven. • Grant us grace, O Lord, to bear all the crosses of this life. Bring us, with all the saints, into the heavenly city. Amen.

13:22-25 希伯来书阐明了上帝在基督里的恩典,这恩典是在十字架上赢得的,在新约中得到了确认,并在圣道和圣礼中得以分配。坚守这篇讲道的教导,因信领受上帝的恩典,我们就能与希伯来书的作者和所有圣徒相交,并盼望与他们一起在天上得基业。- 主啊,求你赐给我们恩典,让我们能够承受今生所有的十字架。带我们与众圣徒一同进入天上的城。阿们。