中文提纲 (Chinese Outline)



1 引言:登山变像的意义






2 耶稣登山变像的背景与经过





3 门徒的反应与错失










5 门徒的误解与父神的纠正





6 应用与呼召





7 结语




English Outline

Luke 9:28-36


1 Introduction: The Significance of the Transfiguration

Greeting of grace and peace

Importance of the transfiguration event and its recording in three Gospels

Key to understanding Jesus’ identity


2 Context and Account of Jesus’ Transfiguration

Eight days after predicting His suffering and resurrection

Taking Peter, John, and James up the mountain to pray

Face transformed, clothes dazzling white, revealing His identity as the Son of God


3 The Disciples’ Response and Missed Opportunity

Dozing off during prayer, missing Jesus’ glorious revelation

Waking up too late to hear Moses and Elijah’s conversation with Jesus

Reflection on our own attitude toward prayer and God’s kingdom


4The Testimony of Moses and Elijah

Representing the Law and the Prophets

Discussing Jesus’ “departure” (exodus), pointing to redemption

The entire Bible pointing to Jesus


5The Disciples’ Misunderstanding and God’s Correction

Wanting to build shelters to preserve the moment of glory

The Father’s testimony from the cloud: “This is My Son; listen to Him”

Jesus alone as the Savior


6 Application and Call

Persist in gathering to encounter the Lord and glimpse heavenly glory

Go down the mountain to proclaim the Gospel and witness to Jesus Christ

The courage and power of resurrection in the Christian faith



In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen



































Grok translation into English text:


**Luke 9:28-36**

Grace and peace from God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ be to all of you who look to Him. Amen.

On this Sunday, we especially commemorate and reflect on our Savior Jesus’ transfiguration on the mountain, where “His face changed, and His clothes became dazzling white” (Luke 9:29). This event is significant—so significant that three Gospel writers, including Matthew and Mark, recorded this momentous historical event. Why is it so important? Because it is crucial for us to understand the identity of our Lord Jesus. Before we look at today’s Gospel passage, in the preceding section, Jesus was teaching His disciples and prophesying that He would suffer, die, and rise again on the third day. Today’s passage, as verse 28 states, takes place “about eight days after He said this.” Jesus rose precisely on the eighth day—or the first day after the seventh.

Jesus took three disciples—Peter, John, and James, whom we are quite familiar with—up the mountain to pray. While He was praying, His appearance changed, and His clothes became dazzling white. This pointed to Jesus fully revealing His true appearance and identity: that He is the Son of God manifest in the flesh. On ordinary days, Jesus looked like everyone else from the outside—very ordinary, even somewhat unattractive. As Isaiah 52:14 says, “His appearance was marred beyond human likeness, and His form beyond that of the children of mankind.” Why? Because the glory of Jesus’ divinity was hidden and not fully revealed through His flesh to the world. His mission was to bear the sins of humanity in His flesh and die on the cross.

Today’s passage, however, allowed three representative disciples to catch a glimpse of Jesus’ true glory and to foreshadow His true appearance in resurrected and ascended glory. Jesus led these three disciples up the mountain to pray together—not just to pray, but to bring them into an extraordinarily glorious moment in time and space, letting them glimpse the kingdom of heaven. This fulfills what He said in the previous verse, Luke 9:27: “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”

Unfortunately, as is often the case, the disciples dozed off as soon as they began praying. We know that even before Jesus went to the cross, when He took them to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, they fell asleep. Jesus even asked them, “What, could you not watch with Me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40). While praying, they dozed off, missing not only the moment when Jesus’ appearance changed but also the appearance of Moses and Elijah speaking with Him—they were still asleep.

By the time they woke up, Moses and Elijah were about to leave, already bidding farewell to Jesus. At that point, they saw Jesus’ glory, but they had perfectly missed His conversation with Moses and Elijah. Honestly, brothers and sisters, aren’t we sometimes like this? We’re full of energy when watching TV shows, scrolling through TikTok, or checking social media, but when it comes to prayer, we can’t muster the strength. Our hearts are not fully open to Jesus and the kingdom of God—often, they’re closed off. Yet our hearts are wide open to the world, its wealth, pleasures, and pride. May the Lord have mercy on us.

The disciples had Jesus leading them up the mountain. Today, we have the temple of God—Christ’s church. We could say that every Sunday, when we come to worship God according to His command and invitation, listening to His Word, it’s the Lord revealing the kingdom of heaven to us, letting us glimpse His glory and the beauty of the heavenly kingdom to come. But often, because we’re distracted, not listening attentively to the sermon, not meditating carefully on God’s Word, or not calling out to Him with zeal and faith, entrusting ourselves to Him, we—like the disciples—miss the opportunity to encounter the Lord and the message He has for us.

What important message did the disciples miss? That message lies in the conversation between Moses, Elijah, and Jesus. Moses represents the Law, and Elijah represents the prophets. Out of all the Old Testament prophets, why were only these two present? In Luke 24:44, Jesus said, “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.” The entire Bible points to Jesus.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed the statue at the English service altar: Jesus in the center, Moses on the left holding a sword symbolizing the Law, and Elijah on the right holding a scroll symbolizing God’s Word. At first glance, you might think it’s venerating saints, like in Catholicism. But if you look closely—pay attention next time—you’ll see that Moses and Elijah’s other hands and fingers point to Jesus in the middle. Now you understand the purpose of this statue: whenever we read the Bible—the Law and the Prophets—or come to church to worship, we see only Jesus, no one else.

So, what were they talking about, and why was it so important? What’s astonishing is that in this moment of glory, they were discussing death. Verse 31 says, “They appeared in glory and spoke of His departure, which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.” The word “departure” here can be directly translated from the original text as “exodus.” Now it makes sense: Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and burial in Jerusalem were to open the way to heaven for humanity, paving a highway to God. He leads us out of slavery to sin and death, just as the Israelites were led out of slavery in Egypt. This is the fundamental reason we believe in Jesus: He is our Redeemer.

Yet this crucially important message was perfectly missed by the disciples as they dozed off. By the time they woke up, the conversation was over. Perhaps in their half-asleep, groggy state, they caught bits and pieces—dozing, not dead asleep. But just as when Jesus repeatedly foretold His suffering and resurrection on the third day, the disciples weren’t interested. They didn’t understand what it meant, and His death and resurrection didn’t excite or ignite their passion. Aren’t we often the same? Honestly, what messages do we want to hear—Jesus’ suffering and resurrection, or how to make our lives more comfortable? Often, we focus on earthly glory rather than heavenly glory, not the glory of the cross.

If the disciples had truly understood, they wouldn’t have dozed off. They would have listened intently to what Moses and Elijah were saying and how they testified about Jesus. Because they missed this vital message, their subsequent reactions were completely off. Their eyes saw the glory, and their senses experienced the peak moment of “It’s good to be here!” But without true knowledge or faith to align with what they saw, they reacted according to their fleshly instincts. They wanted to keep Moses and Elijah there, even suggesting building shelters to stay on the mountain forever, freezing that moment in time—one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

But out of mercy, the Father Himself spoke from the cloud, testifying about Jesus. Verse 35: “This is My Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him.” Peter, John, and James needed to listen to Jesus. Moses and Elijah listened to Jesus. We, too, must listen to Jesus. There is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved—only Jesus Christ, our sole Savior. Acts 4:12 says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

Finally, verse 36: “When the voice had spoken, they found Jesus alone. During those days, the disciples kept silent and told no one what they had seen.” Why? Because Jesus had not yet died or accomplished His work of redemption in Jerusalem. But after He rose and appeared to them, ascended to heaven, and gave them the Great Commission to preach the Gospel to all nations, baptizing and teaching, did any of these disciples sit idle? Not one—they went everywhere proclaiming it. Even when the high priest forbade them from preaching Jesus, Acts 5:28-29 records: “‘Didn’t we strictly command you not to teach in this name? Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood!’ Peter and the other apostles replied, ‘We must obey God rather than men!’”

This is the Christian faith—full of the power and courage of resurrection from death. At that point, the disciples not only boldly testified to the name of Jesus Christ but constantly spoke of His crucifixion and shed blood for the forgiveness of sins. We should do the same, bearing witness to Jesus Christ. How should we do this?

First of all, persist in gathering together. Our gatherings are the Lord’s command and invitation. Each time we come, it’s like climbing the mountain again, encountering the Lord, glimpsing the glory of heaven and the beauty of resurrected life through prayer and listening to His Word. Like the disciples, we won’t want to leave. Brothers and sisters, when we worship with faith, we too will see, “It’s good to be here!” But we don’t stay there. We follow the Lord down the mountain, into the crowds, proclaiming the Gospel of the kingdom and sharing the great news of Jesus Christ saving souls. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
