18:1–6 Jesus demonstrates that humility is the hallmark of greatness in the Kingdom of heaven. Humility means confessing our inability to do anything at all to become worthy before God and earn salvation. Humility depends entirely on God’s mercy for forgiveness. It looks to Jesus Christ as the Savior who became one with sinners to redeem them. • Daily teach me, dear Jesus, to turn and become like a child. Amen.
18:1-6 耶稣表明,谦卑是在天国中为大的标志。谦卑意味着承认我们根本没有能力做任何事情,以致于可以配得来到在上帝面前,并因此赢得救恩。谦卑是完全依靠上帝的怜悯来获得赦免。它仰望耶稣基督为救主,他与罪人站在一起,为要救赎他们。- 亲爱的耶稣,请每天教导我,变得像个小孩子。阿们。
18:7–9 One need look no further than these words of Jesus to see how much the holy God hates sin. Here, the Law strikes us with all its fury. Who of us can say that our hand or foot or eye has not caused us to sin? We all deserve to be thrown into the hell of fire. Thank God that Jesus’ hands and feet were pierced for our iniquities and that His eyes beheld our sin in order to turn the Father’s face from it. By His wounds and precious death, we enter life. • Holy Father, I confess my sins of thought and word and deed. Forgive me for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
18:7-9 人们只需读耶稣的这些话,不需再看其他的,就能明白圣洁的上帝是多么痛恨罪恶。在这里,律法以其所有的愤怒击打我们。我们谁能说我们的手或脚或眼睛没有使我们犯罪?我们都应该被扔进火的地狱。感谢上帝,耶稣的手和脚为我们的罪孽而被刺穿,祂的眼睛注目我们的罪孽,以便天父不再查看我们的罪。因着祂的伤痕和宝贵的死亡,我们得着了生命。- 圣父啊,我承认我在思想、言语和行为上的罪。请因着耶稣的缘故赦免我。阿们。
18:10–14 Jesus compares the Father’s love for His little ones to that of a shepherd who left his 99 sheep to search for the one who went astray. Do we show similar concern when fellow Christians stray from faith in Christ? May we never despise one of the little ones for whom Christ died. God did everything He could to seek and to save the lost. He spared not His only Son but gave Him up for us all. • Give me a heart, O Father, that cares about each of Your little ones. Amen.
18:10-14 耶稣把天父对祂的孩子们的爱比作一个牧羊人离开他的九十九只羊去寻找那只误入歧途的羊。当与我们同行的基督徒偏离对基督的信靠时,我们是否表现出类似的担忧呢?愿我们永远不要轻视基督为之而死的微小生命中的任何一个。上帝尽其所能寻找和拯救失丧的人。祂没有怜惜祂的独生子,而是为我们所有人舍弃了祂。- 父啊,请给我一颗爱心,去关怀每一个属你的微小生命。阿们。
18:15–20 Jesus commands the Church to do all it can to regain an unrepentant sinner. To humbly and lovingly speak to such a brother or sister is to follow the example of the shepherd who searched for one lost sheep. Christ has promised to stand behind the actions of the Church in either forgiving or refusing to forgive sins. We need personally to cherish His gifts and to present His Law and Gospel to anyone caught in the grip of sin. Through the precious gift of forgiveness, the door of heaven is opened to each repentant sinner. • Loving Lord, help me to act as my brother’s keeper, even as You care for me and keep me by grace. Amen.
18:15-20 耶稣命令教会尽其所能,找回一个未悔改的罪人。谦卑地、充满爱意地与这样的弟兄姐妹交谈,就是效法牧羊人寻找一只迷途羔羊的榜样。基督已经应许支持教会在宽恕或拒绝宽恕罪过方面的行动。我们需要亲自珍惜他的礼物,向任何陷入罪中的人介绍他的律法和福音。通过珍贵的宽恕礼物,天堂之门向每个悔改的罪人敞开。- 慈爱的主,求你帮助我成为我兄弟的守护者,就像你关心我并以恩典守护我一样。阿们。
18:21–35 Jesus teaches that God has forgiven us far more than we will ever be called on to forgive. Our willingness to forgive a brother or sister is grounded in God’s abundant mercy toward us (see note, Lk 23:34). To forgive is to exercise our childlike faith (v 3). Pray for such simplicity of heart; trust likewise in the simple, enduring love of your gracious heavenly Father, who daily forgives all your debts. • Jesus, Your forgiveness for my sin has no limits. Move me likewise to forgive those who sin against me. Amen.
18:21-35 耶稣教导说,祂吩咐我们要饶恕得罪我们的人,然而上帝对我们的饶恕要远远超过我们所做的。我们乐意饶恕弟兄或姐妹是基于神对我们丰富的怜悯(见路23:34注释)。饶恕就是行使我们孩子般的信心(第3节)。我们要为这种单纯的心祈祷;同样要信靠你满有恩典的天父单纯而恒久的爱,祂每天都赦免你所有的债。- 耶稣,你对我罪的饶恕是没有限量的。常常使我感动,照此饶恕那些得罪我的人。阿们。
19:1–12 Few problems afflict the Church and society more than those of marital infidelity and divorce. Sin has deeply affected our human relationships to the point that its effects seem normal, but they are not. When questioned about marriage and divorce, Jesus emphasizes that a lifelong, monogamous union is God’s intent for a man and a woman. He instituted marriage to be a gift and a blessing. He also affirms the value of a single lifestyle. With His forgiveness, grace, and guidance, our relationships can be a blessing. • Be with all Christian families, Lord, granting them strength, mutual affection, and the grace to raise their children in faith. Amen.
19:1-12 很少有其他的什么比婚姻不忠和离婚问题更困扰着教会和社会。罪已经深深地影响了我们的人际关系,以至于大家已经对其带来的后果习以为常,但其实不然。当被问及婚姻和离婚的问题时,耶稣强调,终身的、一夫一妻制的结合是上帝对一个男人和一个女人的旨意。祂建立的婚姻是一种礼物和祝福。祂也肯定了单身的生活方式。有了祂的赦免、恩典和引导,我们的关系可以成为一种祝福。- 主啊,求你与所有的基督徒家庭同在,赐给他们力量、相互的爱,以及在信心中抚养孩子的恩典。阿们。
19:13–15 Jesus welcomes children and makes it clear that they, too, have a place in the Kingdom. For a variety of reasons—some unavoidable and others the result of selfishness—many children today are not nurtured as they ought to be. Because of His special love for children, Jesus not only allows children into His kingdom, but He also gives them pride of place! • Give us childlike simplicity, O Lord, so that we not only love little ones as ourselves but also please You through our humility. Amen.
19:13-15 耶稣欢迎儿童,并明确指出他们在天国中也有一席之地。由于各种原因--有些是不可避免的,而有些是自私的结果--今天许多儿童没有出生就死了。由于祂对儿童的特别的爱,耶稣不仅允许儿童进入祂的国度,而且还给予他们尊贵的地位 !- 主啊,求你赐给我们孩子般的单纯,使我们不仅像爱自己一样爱小孩子,还当通过我们的谦卑来使你喜悦。阿们。
19:16–30 We cannot earn eternal life through our good works; we can only receive it by God’s grace. But Jesus still rewards our sacrifices and service for Him. Trying to earn eternal life is a losing proposition. The perfection this requires is impossible for us sinners. Through faith in Christ, God freely gives us the gift of eternal life. And if that were not enough, He rewards the sacrifices made for His kingdom a hundredfold! • By Your grace, Father, You have adopted us and made us heirs of eternal life. Move us to respond to such kindness by willingly sacrificing for You. Amen.
19:16-30 我们不能通过我们的善行赚取永生;我们只能通过上帝的恩典领受永生。但耶稣仍然奖励我们为祂所作的牺牲和服事。试图赢得永生是一个必然失败的计划。因为功德赚取的方法所要求的完美对我们罪人来说是不可能做到的。依照我们对基督的信心,上帝白白地给了我们永生的礼物。如果这还不够,祂还会百倍地奖赏为祂的国度所做的牺牲!- 因着您的恩典,天父啊,你收养了我们,使我们成为永生的后嗣。求你感动我们,让我们回应这样的恩慈,心甘情愿地为你做出牺牲。阿们。