Exodus 14 God miraculously brings Israel through the waters, but this is more than simply passing a geographic barrier. When Israel crosses through the sea, they leave behind slavery and a future of death in Egypt for freedom and a future of life with God. Israel is powerless to make this drastic change on its own, but God intervenes to provide the way. We need this kind of drastic change in our own life or we are doomed to slavery in sin and death. God has intervened for us in Baptism (1Co 10:1-2),saving us from our old slavery in sin and bringing us into the new freedom of the Gospel.

“The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. The LORD is a man of war, the LORD is His name” (15:2-3). Amen. 

出埃及记14 上帝奇迹般地带领以色列走过海水,但这不仅仅是简单地越过一个地理上的障碍。当以色列走过那海时,他们甩掉了奴役,得了自由;甩掉了在埃及的死亡未来,得了与上帝同在的生命未来。以色列靠它自己是毫无能力做出这巨大转变的,但上帝介入并开了那条路。我们在我们自己的生命中需要这种巨大的转变,不然我们注定要在罪和死亡中受奴役了。上帝在圣洗礼中为我们采取行动(林前10:1-2 弟兄们、我不愿意你们不晓得、我们的祖宗从前都在云下、都从海中经过.都在云里海里受洗归了摩西),拯救我们脱离我们曾经在罪中的奴役,并且带领我们走进福音的新自由。

“耶和华是我的力量、我的诗歌、也成了我的拯救.这是我的 神、我要赞美他、是我父亲的 神、我要尊崇他。耶和华是战士、他的名是耶和华”(出15:2-3)。阿们。



Exodus 15:1-21 Moses praises the Lord for victory and anticipates future victories. The Israelites are just beginning to understand how badly they have needed God’s rescue from Egypt and to see the life with God into which He is bringing them. In the light of God’s Law, we begin to see how badly we need God’s rescue. And in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we can begin to see the humbling extravagance of God’s grace.

“Who is like You, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? You stretched out Your right hand; the earth swallowed them. You have led in Your steadfast love the people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them by Your strength to Your holy abode” (15:11-13). Amen. 

出埃及记15:1-21 摩西为着得胜赞美主耶和华,并且预见将来的胜利。以色列人刚刚开始明白他们是多么需要上帝拯救他们脱离埃及啊,也开始看见上帝带领他们所要进入,且与祂同在的生命。在上帝的律法光照下,我们开始看见我们是多么需要上帝的拯救啊。在耶稣基督的福音中,我们开始看见上帝恩典的谦卑丰盛。



Exodus 15:22-27 The Lord patiently supplies Israel with drinking water. Without water, there is no life. We need water to refresh our body; without it, we die. And if we go without spiritual refreshment, we will die eternally. However, God meets this spiritual need for us just as certainly as He slaked Israel’s thirst at Marah.

Jesus Christ, Living Water, Refresh us in this wilderness so that we may pass the test and prove You faithful by our faithful obedience. Amen. 

出埃及记15:22-27 主耶和华满有忍耐地供应以色列需要喝的水。没有水,就没有生命。我们需要水来更新我们的身体;没有水,我们就会死掉。同时,如果我们没了属灵的更新,我们将会永恒地死去。然而,上帝供应我们属灵的饥渴,就像祂在玛拉解了以色列的渴一样,确定无疑。




Exodus 16 God meets Israel’s need for food with bread from heaven. However, when the Israelites ignore God’s simple rules for its collection and consumption, they provoke an exasperated rebuke from God (vv 28-29). Israel does not understand at the time, but God is blessing them through this experience, training them in the rhythms of work and Sabbath rest. These rhythms still apply for us today because we require both physical rest and rest from our sins through the righteous labors of Jesus.

Lord, lead us in productive labor and healing rest, even as You labored to grant us rest by Your cross and resurrection. Amen.

出埃及记16 上帝从天上降下粮食来满足以色列对食物的需要。然而,当以色列人无视上帝对食物收集和享用(所规范)的简单条例时,他们就激起上帝怒中的责备28-29节:耶和华对摩西说、你们不肯守我的诫命和律法、要到几时呢。你们看、耶和华既将安息日赐给你们、所以第六天他赐给你们两天的食物、第七天各人要住在自己的地方、不许甚么人出去)。以色列人那个时候并不理解,但上帝透过这个经历是在祝福他们,在劳作和安息日休息的节律中训练他们。这些节律在今天仍然适用于我们,因为我们不但需要身体上的休息,也需要藉着耶稣的公义之举脱离我们的罪并得安息。



Exodus 17:1-7 When Israel runs out of water, they grumble instead of turning to God, their Rock, for help. God in His graciousness does not deal with them according to their folly but furnishes the water they desperately need. He was stricken Himself for what they deserve. Christ Jesus is the Rock of Israel and our Rock of salvation.

O Lord, our Rock, grant us the insight of faith, and give us the stability, refuge, and living water that we need. Amen.

出埃及记17:1-7 当以色列人没了水时,他们埋怨而不是投向上帝,他们的磐石,寻求帮助。上帝在祂的恩典中并没有依照他们的愚昧对待他们,而是提供了他们极其缺乏的水。祂为了他们应得的,自己受击打。基督耶稣是以色列的磐石,也是我们救赎的磐石。



Exodus 17:8-16 Israel learns firsthand as they fight enemies such as Amalek that success depends on the Lord. Without the Lord’s direction and strength, they will lose. Victory comes by God’s intervention.

Heavenly Father, fight for us as we look to You in times of difficulty. Strengthen and protect us as we face challenges and enemies. Amen.

出埃及记 17:8-16 以色列在与敌人,比如亚玛力人争战时就开始明白得胜在乎主耶和华。离了主的引导和力量,他们就会失败。胜利从上帝的介入而来。




Exodus 18 Moses serves as chief mediator between God and the Israelites, and God uses Moses and his subordinates to teach the people about Himself through His Law. God also uses Moses to provide access to Him, since the people come to Moses to seek God’s will. This role of Moses foreshadowed Jesus, our mediator with the Father. God has revealed Himself in Jesus for all to see, and through Jesus we may approach God as one of His own children.

Jesus Christ, our mediator, judge and guide us so we may be Your faithful servants who minister in Your name. Amen.

出埃及记18 摩西在上帝和以色列人之间作为首要中间人(mediator)来服侍,上帝使用摩西和他的助手们藉着祂的律法教导百姓关于祂自己的事。上帝也使用摩西提供一条接近祂的路,因为百姓来到摩西面前寻求上帝的旨意。摩西的这个角色预表了耶稣,耶稣就是我们与天父之间的中保(Mediator)。上帝在耶稣里面显明祂自己给所有世人看,并且藉着耶稣我们可以作为祂自己的儿女接近上帝。




Exodus 19 God’s people, rescued from slavery in Egypt by His grace, go to Mount Sinai, where God establishes His covenant with them. Sinfulness prevents the people from approaching God personally. Yet God graciously appoints an intermediary, Moses, through whom He makes His covenant with His people. Thanks be to God, we can approach Him with confidence through our mediator, Jesus.

O Lord, deliver and consecrate us this day in the renewal of our Baptism, that we may lead lives that honor You. Amen.

出埃及记19 上帝的百姓,因着祂的恩典从在埃及受奴役中获得拯救,到了西奈山,就是上帝与他们立下祂圣约的地方。罪性拦阻百姓靠自己亲近上帝。然而上帝满有恩典地设立一个中间人,就是摩西,上帝藉着摩西与祂的百姓立下祂的圣约。感谢上帝,我们可以藉着我们的中保(mediator中保)耶稣凭着信心亲近祂。



Exodus 20:1-21 God reminds His people that He graciously rescued them in the exodus, impresses them with His majesty and presence, and establishes a covenant with them to guide their service as a “kingdom of priests.” Human sin means that the Law, a reflection of God’s own righteousness, always condemns us. Therefore, the Lord comforts His people by reminding them first of His mercy toward them. He made them His people, a blessing He extends also to us (1Pt 2:9-10).

“You have this Law to see therein That you have not been free from sin But also that you clearly see How pure toward God life should be. Have mercy, Lord!” Amen. (LSB 581:11)

出埃及记20:1-21 上帝提醒祂的百姓祂曾满有恩典地拯救他们走出埃及,用祂的威荣和临在使他们敬畏,并且与他们立下一个约,以此引导他们作为一个“祭司国度”的服事。人的罪意味着,那反映上帝自己公义的律法,总是在谴责我们。因此,上帝藉着提醒他们首先要记得祂对他们的怜悯,来安慰祂的百姓。祂使他们成为自己的百姓,祂也将这个祝福延伸到我们这里(彼前2:9-10惟有你们是被拣选的族类、是有君尊的祭司、是圣洁的国度、是属 神的子民、要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。你们从前算不得子民、现在却作了 神的子民.从前未曾蒙怜恤、现在却蒙了怜恤)



Exodus 20:22-26 Ch 20 marks the beginning of the Book of the Covenant (20:22-23:19), in which the Ten Commandments are explained and applied. Humans constantly run the risk of idolatry, making something or someone else “god” in their lives (cf Dt 4:15-20). Here God regulates worship, helping His people to receive His Word and to trust Him for salvation. To worship the God of the First Commandment is to worship the triune God, the Holy Trinity.

“The Lord, my God, be praised, My light, my life from heaven; My maker, who to me Has soul and body given; My Father, who will shield And keep me day by day And make each moment yield New blessings on my way.” Amen. (LSB 794:1)

出埃及记20:22-26 20章是约书的开篇(20:22-23:19),十条诫命也在其中得到解释和应用。人总是会落入偶像崇拜的危机中,使某事或某人成为他们生命中的“神”(参 4:15-20)。上帝在这里规范了敬拜,帮助祂的百姓领受祂的话语并且在得救的事上信靠祂。敬拜第一诫命的上帝就是敬拜三而一上帝,即圣三位一体。




Exodus 21:1-32 Through Moses, God gives a variety of “guiding decisions,” precedent setting legislation that would guide Israel’s courts throughout the coming generations. Slavery (vv 1-11) and homicide (vv 12-36) occupy the first two parts of this guide. Because we, God’s people, continue to sin, even though we are justified by faith, we need God’s Law as a guide in life. God’s Law shows that He values all people, including slaves, women, and children (cf Gal 3:26-29). All people are sinners, and our gracious Lord makes His forgiveness available to all.

“My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name. He breaks the power of canceled sin; He sets the prisoner free. His blood can make the foulest clean; His blood avails for me.” Amen. (LSB 528:2,4)

出埃及记21:1-32 透过摩西,上帝赐下各样的“指导性决策,”就是设立司法判决先例,为了能够以此在后来的世代中指引以色列的法庭。奴隶(1-11节)和杀人(12-36节)是这法规的前两个部分。因为我们作为上帝的百姓仍会继续犯罪,所以既使我们已经因信称义,我们仍需要上帝的律法引导我们的生活。上帝的律法显明祂看重所有的人,包括奴隶,女人和儿童(参 3:26-29)。世人都犯了罪,我们满有恩典的主将祂的赦罪之恩赐给所有的人。



Exodus 21:33-22:15 Sinful human nature always seeks its own welfare, even at the expense of others. God graciously regulates society for the benefit of all His people. We will never experience an all-peaceful “haven on earth,” but God’s mercy and the forgiveness of sins allow us to enjoy His peace and blessings now.

“Give me Thy courage, Lord, to speak Whenever strong oppress the weak. Should I myself the victim be, Help me forgive, remembering Thee.” Amen. (LSB 844:4)

出埃及记21:33-22:15 被罪玷污的人性总是在寻找它自己的福祉,甚至需要以他人为代价。上帝满有恩典地规范社会,为叫祂所有的百姓得益处。我们将永远不能经验到一个完全和平的“地上避风港,”但上帝的怜悯和赦罪之恩使我们可以今日享受祂所赐的平安和祝福。



Exodus 22:16-23:9 The Lord regulates human relations with sensitivity toward the poor and powerless, yet also with high regard for impartial justice. God protects the poor and vulnerable by building compassion and respect for justice into Israel’s social laws. His two ways of Law and Gospel manifest themselves constantly for our good.

“To those who help in Christ have found And would in works of love abound It shows what deeds are His delight And should be done as good and right.” Amen. (LSB 579:3)

出埃及记22:16-23:9 主耶和华体恤贫穷软弱的人并以此规范人与人之间的关系,然而祂也同时看重不偏待人的公正审判。上帝藉着将怜悯和对公正的重视植入到以色列的司法体系中,来保护贫穷的和软弱的。祂律法和福音的两种作工方式为了我们的益处一直在呈现着。
