13:1–3 The momentous missionary journeys of Saul (later Paul) begin with the calling and equipping by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel and enlightens us with His gifts, especially those of teaching and spreading God’s Word, which we use in God’s service and to the benefit of others (cf 1Co 12). • Thank You, God, for those whom Your Spirit has gifted to share Your Word in my life. Enable me to use my gifts to serve others in Jesus’ name. Amen.
13:1-3 扫罗(后来称作保罗)重要的传教之旅始于圣灵的呼召和装备。圣灵以福音呼召我们,以他的恩赐启示我们,特别是教导和传播上帝话语的恩赐,我们用这些恩赐侍奉上帝,造福他人(参林前12章)。- 感谢你,上帝,感谢你的圣灵恩赐我在生活中分享你的话语。请使我能用我的恩赐奉耶稣的名为他人服务。阿们。
13:4–12 At the first mission stop, there is both opposition to and belief in the Gospel. Jesus says, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me” (Lk 11:23). God’s powerful Word will create and strengthen faith in us and in those who hear His Word from us (Rm 10:17). • Dear God, I confess that in my sinful nature I am opposed to Your will and Your ways. Thank You for Your powerful Word, which has brought me to faith in Jesus. May I use it to battle the evil within me and around me. Amen.
13:4-12 在传教的第一站,有人反对福音,也有人相信福音。耶稣说:"不与我相合的,就是敌我的"(路 11:23)。上帝大能的话语会在我们和那些从我们这里听到他话语的人心中产生并增强信心(罗马书10:17)。- 亲爱的上帝,我承认我的罪性与你的旨意和道路背道而驰。感谢你大能的话语,使我信耶稣。愿我用它来与我内心和周围的邪恶作斗争。阿们。
13:13–52 Paul’s visit to Pisidian Antioch is typical of his missionary technique and preaching. Today, the unbelieving world often responds in opposition to the message of salvation. Yet, the Gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection, which fulfilled the OT promises of salvation, “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rm 1:16). • Thank You, heavenly Father, for Your Scriptures. Help me to read them as Paul did, to see Your gracious activity there, and to realize that all of Your promises and actions are fulfilled in Jesus Christ to give me eternal life. Amen.
13:13-52 保罗对彼西底安提阿的访问是他传教策略和布道的典范。今天,不信的世人常常对救赎的信息做出反对的回应。然而,基督受死和复活的福音应验了《罗马书》中关于救赎的应许,"这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的"(罗马书1:16)。- 感谢你,天父,感谢你所赐的圣经。帮助我像保罗一样阅读圣经,看到你在其中的恩典,认识到你所有的应许和行动都在耶稣基督里实现了,并且给了我永生。阿们。
14:1–7 Paul’s visit to Iconium follows the pattern set in Pisidian Antioch. The message of grace again encounters violent opposition. The word of grace from God is sufficient for us (2Co 12:9), but the Lord may accompany His message with miraculous signs that testify to its power. • Heavenly Father, thank You for Your powerful Word. May it bear abundant fruit as You have promised, even in the midst of opposition. Amen.
14:1-7 保罗对以哥念的访问沿袭了彼西底安提阿的模式。恩典的信息再次遭遇激烈的反对。从神而来的恩典的话语对我们来说是足够的(林后 12:9),但主可能会用奇妙的神迹来伴随他的信息,以见证其大能。- 天父,感谢你赐予我们大能的话语。愿它如你所应许的那样结出丰硕的果实,即使是在反对的声音中。阿们。
14:8–18 Lystra has no synagogue, so when God miraculously heals someone, Paul testifies to the people that God graciously blesses all creation. People by nature tend to worship gods of their own making and in their own ways (Rm 1:22–25). Yet, God’s bounty in creation, and especially His Word, come to turn us away from idolatry and toward Him. • Praise to You, O Lord, the King of creation. “The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand; You satisfy the desire of every living thing” (Ps 145:15–16). Amen.
14:8-18 路司得没有犹太会堂,所以当神奇迹般地医治了一个人时,保罗向人们见证了神对所有受造物的恩赐。人的本性倾向于用自己的方式敬拜自己创造的神(《罗马书》1:22-25)。然而,上帝在受造物中的恩赐,尤其是他的话语,使我们远离偶像崇拜,转向他。- 赞美你,主啊,创造世界的大君王。"万民都举目仰望你,你随时给他们食物。你张手,使有生气的都随愿饱足 "(诗篇 145:15-16)。阿们。
14:19–23 The conclusion of Paul’s work in Lystra illustrates both suffering for the Gospel and the power of the Gospel. God’s people should expect opposition from a sinful world. Yet, the Gospel is crowned with success! It grants us entrance into God’s kingdom, while strengthening and encouraging us along the way. • Lord, strengthen my soul so that in faith I may say, “Why should cross and trial grieve me? Christ is near With His cheer; Never will He leave me.” Amen. (LSB 756:1)
14:19-23 保罗在路司得工作的结束既说明了为福音所受的苦难,也说明了福音的大能。上帝的子民应该预料到罪恶世界的反对。然而,福音获得了成功!它使我们得以进入上帝的国度,同时也一路坚固和鼓励我们。- 主啊,求你坚固我的灵魂,使我能凭信心说:"十字架和试炼何苦使我忧愁?基督就在我身边,他永远不会离开我"。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书756:1)
14:24–28 Paul and Barnabas end their journey by reporting to those who sent them everything God has done. Neither our faith nor our missionary achievements are ultimately our doing. It is God who opens the door of faith—for us and for those to whom we witness. • Heavenly Father, may Your Spirit move Your Church to spread Your Word. Bring many more people into Your kingdom, and strengthen all believers to endure the trials they face on their way to heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
14:24-28 保罗和巴拿巴向派遣他们的人报告神所做的一切,以此结束他们的旅程。我们的信仰和传教成就最终都不是我们的功劳。是上帝为我们和我们的见证人打开了信仰之门。- 天父,愿你的灵感动你的教会传播你的话语。让更多的人进入你的国度,并增强所有信徒的力量,使他们能够经受住在通往天堂的道路上所面临的考验。奉耶稣的名。阿们。
15:1–21 The Jerusalem Council resolved the critical issue of who God’s chosen people are and affirmed that Jews and Gentiles are saved by grace alone (v 11). Obedience to the Law is a burden or yoke no one can bear, neither Jew nor Gentile (v 10; cf 13:39). However, our salvation through faith alone also empowers us to live with care and respect for others. • Heavenly Father, I praise You for saving us through the grace of our Lord Jesus. Empower and guide Your people to live in that grace, and to live out that grace, for the sake of others within and outside of the Church. Amen.
15:1-21 耶路撒冷会议解决了谁是上帝选民这一关键问题,并确认犹太人和外邦人得救唯靠恩典(第 11 节)。遵守律法是任何人都无法承受的重担或桎梏,无论是犹太人还是外邦人(第10节;参13:39)。然而,我们因信得救,也使我们有能力在生活中关心和尊重他人。- 天父,我赞美你通过我们主耶稣的恩典拯救了我们。请赐予我们能力,引导我们活在你的恩典中,并为了教会内外的他人活出你的恩典。阿们。
15:22–35 The decision reached in Jerusalem is delivered by delegation and by letter to the believers in Syrian Antioch, affirming the teaching of the council. Today, seek peace based on God’s Word and mutual care of fellow believers. The Lord, who cares deeply for you, will bless and provide for you in Christ, our peace. • Heavenly Father, may Your Spirit work through the Scriptures and human messengers to affirm the good news of our salvation and to teach us Your will. Help all of Your people to listen and to respond in faith and love. Amen.
15:22-35 在耶路撒冷达成的决定通过代表团和信件传达给叙利亚安提阿的信徒,肯定了大公会议的教导。今天,在上帝的话语和信徒相互关怀的基础上寻求和平。主耶和华深切地关怀着你们,会在基督里赐福并供应你们,因为他是我们的平安。- 天父,愿你的圣灵通过圣经和人类使者来肯定我们得救的好消息,并教导我们你的旨意。帮助你的子民聆听并以信心和爱回应你。阿们。
15:36–41 After disagreement over John Mark, two missionary teams are sent out from Antioch. Believers are also sinners (even Paul and Barnabas) and will at times have sharp disagreements. Yet, God promises to work all things for good, even our faults and failings (cf Rm 8:28; Gn 50:20), as He forgives our sins in Christ. • Heavenly Father, when dissension arises among Your people, forgive our sins and continue to work among us, even through our conflicts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
15:36-41 在对约翰马可产生分歧之后,安提阿派出了两支传道队。信徒也是罪人(甚至是保罗和巴拿巴),有时会有尖锐的分歧。然而,上帝应许会使万事都向好的方向运行,即使是藉着我们的过错和失败(参看罗马书8:28;创世纪50:20),因为他在基督里赦免了我们的罪。- 天父,当你的子民之间出现分歧时,请宽恕我们的罪,并继续在我们中间做工,即使是通过我们的冲突。奉耶稣的名。阿们。
16:1–5 Paul begins his second journey with Silas and Timothy. Through them, God continues to reach out with His message, using people as His messengers. Encouragement is still a great blessing to our faith. Share your hope and joy! Jesus is our strength amid all troubles and challenges. • Lord Jesus, may wisdom and love characterize all that we do. Amen.
16:1-5 保罗与西拉和提摩太一起开始了他的第二次宣教旅行。通过他们,神继续将他的信息传递出去,也是使用人作为他的使者。鼓励仍然是我们信仰的巨大祝福。要分享你的希望和喜乐!耶稣是我们在一切困难和挑战中的力量。- 主耶稣,愿智慧和爱主导我们所做的一切。阿们。
16:6–10 God guided Paul and his companions in unexpected directions. Our plans in general, and in particular our plans for the spread of the Gospel, do not always proceed as we hope. Yet, God directs us as His messengers to the people and places He would have us go. His grace is not bounded by our weakness but serves His good purposes in Christ. • Heavenly Father, continue to send workers into Your harvest field. Enable missionaries, evangelists, and pastors to always see their ministry as a calling from You. Amen.
16:6-10 上帝引导保罗和他的同伴们朝着意想不到的方向走。我们的一般生活计划,当然特别是传播福音的计划,并不总是按照我们的希望进行。然而,上帝会指引我们这些使者去往他想让我们地方并且寻找他想让我们找的人。他的恩典不受我们软弱的限制,而是在基督里为他的美意服务。- 天父,请继续派遣工人进入你的禾场。让传教士、布道家和牧师能够始终将他们的事工视为是出于你的呼召。阿们。
16:11–15 Paul begins his work in Philippi through Lydia. At times, Christians may feel isolated from worship and fellowship. Yet, God opens the hearts of people to believe, provides others who are faithful to the Lord, and binds them together in homes and families. • Heavenly Father, we thank You for opening the door of faith to many faithful women throughout the ages—Sarah, Deborah, Ruth, Esther, Elizabeth, Mary, and Lydia. Guide and bless women today to be equally receptive to Your Word. In the name of our Lord Jesus, the Son of Mary. Amen.
16:11-15 保罗透过女信徒吕底亚开始了他在腓立比的工作。有时,基督徒会觉得自己与敬拜和团契隔绝。然而,神打开人的心门,使他们信主,为他们提供其他忠于主的人,并使他们在家里面聚集一起。- 天父,我们感谢你为古往今来许多忠心的女性--撒拉、底波拉、路得、以斯帖、伊利莎白、马利亚和吕底亚--打开信仰之门。请引导并祝福今天的女性,让她们同样接受你的话语。奉我们的主耶稣、马利亚之子的名我们祈祷。阿们。
16:16–24 Paul heals a demon-possessed girl, and as a result, he and Silas are beaten and jailed. Believers who do God’s will, even when striving to help others, can expect mistreatment and abuse from the people and institutions of this world. However, the same name and power that freed this slave girl from demonic captivity deliver us from suffering to eternal life. • Heavenly Father, the powers of evil still try to torment us. As we strive to do Your will, deliver us from evil, and assure us that through Christ’s death and resurrection, the victory over evil is already won. Amen.
16:16-24 保罗医治了一个被鬼附的女孩,结果他和西拉被殴打和监禁。遵行上帝旨意的信徒,即使是在努力帮助他人的时候,也会受到这个世界的人和机构的虐待和凌辱。然而,使这个女奴从魔鬼的囚禁中解救出来的同样的圣名和力量会使我们脱离苦难,通往永生。- 天父,邪恶的力量仍在试图折磨我们。当我们努力遵行你的旨意时,求你救我们脱离邪恶,并向我们保证,通过基督的死和复活,战胜邪恶的胜利已经赢得。阿们。
16:25–40 Paul and Silas are freed from prison. The Lord brings a Philippian jailer and his family to faith. Like Paul and Silas, God’s people today can respond to mistreatment with a powerful testimony of prayer and praise to God. Like the despairing jailer (v 27), all people are sinners who face death (Rm 3:9; 6:23). But all are saved by trusting in the Lord Jesus. • Father, assure me of the simplicity of this good news: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (v 31). Then move me to respond with a life of worship and praise to You, whatever my earthly situation may be. Amen.
16:25-40 保罗和西拉获释出狱。主使一个腓立比狱卒和他的家人信主。像保罗和西拉一样,今天上帝的子民也可以用祷告和赞美上帝的有力见证来回应虐待。像绝望的狱卒一样(第 27 节),所有人都是罪人,都面临死亡(罗3:9;6:23)。但所有人都能因信靠主耶稣而得救。- 天父,请让我确信这个好消息的简单性:"当信主耶稣,你就必得救"(第31节)。然后感动我以敬拜和赞美你的生活来回应你的救恩,无论我在世上的处境如何。阿们。