星期一: 创 36:1–37:36
星期二: 创 38:1–39:23
星期三: 创 40:1–23
星期四: 创 41:1–40
星期五: 创 41:41–57
星期六: 创 42:1–44:34
Genesis 36 God shows us that for the sake of devout parents such as Isaac and Rebekah, He will give good things to their children, the Edomites, even though the children do not imitate their parent’s faith and life. By doing so, God would lead them and their descendants to repentance. Though the Edomites were often rivals of Israel, the Lord made provision for their salvation (Dt 23:7-8). How great is God’s mercy!
Lord Jesus, have mercy on all generations that stray. Call them back to You. Amen.
创世纪36章 上帝向我们显明,因着这些如以撒和利百加之虔敬父母的缘故,祂将美善之物赐给他们的儿女,即以东人,尽管儿女不效法他们父母的信心和生命。藉着如此行,上帝引导他们和他们的后裔悔改。虽然以东人经常与以色列为敌,主耶和华也供应了他们的救恩(申23:7-8 不可憎恶以东人、因为他是你的弟兄.不可憎恶埃及人、因为你在他的地上作过寄居的。他们第三代子孙可以入耶和华的会)。上帝的怜悯何等浩大啊!
Genesis 37:1-11 Joseph is favored by his father but hated by his brothers, Joseph’s prophetic dreams only raise tensions in the family. We can expect those who love virtue will be hated and envied by the wicked. Yet we should also pursue humility and avoid arrogance. Thanks be to God, His favored Son died to redeem His people, though they hated Him. In righteous humility, He redeemed us too.
Almighty God, in this world of division and family strife, bless us with the healing love of Your Son, Jesus. Forgive us our jealousies and hatred. In the Savior’s name. Amen.
创世纪37:1-11 约瑟受到他父亲的偏爱,但却受他弟兄们的嫉恨,约瑟预言式的异梦在他家中只能引起纷争。我们能够意料到那些喜爱美德的人会受到作恶之人的嫉妒和愤恨。然而我们也应当寻求谦卑,避免自大。感谢归给上帝,祂所喜悦的儿子死了,为要拯救祂的子民,尽管他们恨祂。在公义的谦卑中,祂也赎买了我们。
Genesis 37:12-36 Joseph is betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery. Yet God spares Joseph’s life in order to fulfill His plan and the dreams He had revealed. When sin is not dealt with, it breeds even more wickedness. Joseph’s brothers let their hatred lead to betrayal and lies. Many years later, God’s Son was betrayed by His friend, not for 20 shekels but for 30 pieces of silver. Yet this also took place so that God could fulfill His plan for our salvation.
Heavenly Father, enable us to help those in need. Turn us away from self-pity and worry to compassion and sympathy. Send Your Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith in times of trial. In the Savior’s name we pray. Amen.
创世纪37:12-36 耶稣被他的弟兄们背叛并卖为奴隶。然而上帝保守了约瑟的性命,好叫祂的计划和祂所启示给约瑟的异梦得以成就。当罪不被解决时,就会生出更多的诡诈。约瑟的弟兄们放纵他们的忿恨以致后来有了背叛和欺骗。许多年后,上帝的儿子被祂的朋友背叛,不是为了二十舍客勒银子,而是为了三十块。然而这事的发生乃是要叫上帝成就祂为着我们的救恩所计划了的。
Genesis 38 The sins of Onan, Judah, and Tamar make this one of the most sordid chapters of the Bible. Yet despite human sinfulness, God is at work. Through Judah’s son Perez, the line that would eventually give birth to the Savior was preserved (cf Mt 1:3). Sexual sins lead to trouble and heartache in this life. Yet God does not cast away those who were conceived and born out of wedlock, but He preserves those who fear Him, just as He preserved Perez. So let us flee from sexual immorality, being mindful that God punishes unchastity. And let us confess our sins as Judah did, knowing that God, for the sake of Jesus Christ, will forgive all who repent.
Holy God, forgive us our sins. Fill our hearts with the sober and chaste love of Jesus Christ. Amen.
创世纪38章 俄南,犹大和他玛的罪使得创38章成为圣经中最污秽不堪的章节之一。然而尽管人有罪,上帝仍然在做工。藉着犹大的儿子法勒斯,那条最终生出救赎主的血脉得以保存(太1:3 犹大从他玛氏生法勒斯和谢拉.法勒斯生希斯仑.希斯仑生亚兰)。性犯罪能够给今生带来麻烦和头痛。然而上帝没有摒弃那些在合法婚姻之外怀孕生出的人,相反祂保守那些敬畏祂的人,就像祂保守法勒斯一样。因此让我们逃离淫乱,谨记上帝惩罚不贞。让我们也承认我们的罪,就像犹大所做的,知道上帝因着耶稣基督的缘故,必要赦免所有悔改的人。
Genesis 39 With steadfast faith, Joseph resists the temptation of Potiphar’s wife. Yet in return for his godly life, Joseph loses his job and is thrown into prison. Today, pursue chastity and flee fornication, as Joseph did. Mark and avoid the bad example of Potiphar’s wife, who slandered Joseph. And take comfort: whenever the Lord places the cross and suffering on His people, He also gives consolation and help, as He gave Joseph in Potiphar’s house and in prison.
Lord Jesus Christ, You were tempted in every way, just as we are, yet You were without sin (Heb 4:15). Be with us in our temptations, free us from the prison of sin, and by Your cross bring us to eternal life. Amen.
创世纪39章 凭着坚定的信心,约瑟拒绝了波提乏之妻的诱惑。然而约瑟敬虔的生命所得的报偿却是,他丢了他的工作,并且被扔进监牢。今日,要追求贞洁,远离奸淫,正如约瑟所做的。谨记并要避免波提乏之妻的坏榜样,因为她诬陷了约瑟。而且领受这安慰:无论何时主耶和华将十字架和患难放在祂子民身上,祂也会赐下安慰和帮助,正如祂赐给在波提乏家中或在监牢中的约瑟一样。
主耶稣基督,就像我们经受的一样,你也曾历经各种试探,然而你没有犯罪(来4:15 因我们的大祭司、并非不能体恤我们的软弱.他也曾凡事受过试探、与我们一样.只是他没有犯罪)。请在我们经受的试探中与我们同在,将我们从罪的监牢中释放出来,并且藉着你的十字架赐给我们永恒生命。阿们。
Genesis 40 The dreams of the two prisoners mean death for the baker and life for the cupbearer. Yet the chief cupbearer forgot Joseph. Once people are free from danger or troubling situations, they so easily forget those who helped them, and they neglect to honor God, who delivered them. Although others may forget us, even if our father and mother forsake us, the Lord will take care of His people and remember them in His mercy (Ps 27:10).
Lord God, You have said, “I will not forget you,” and Your Word is true. Remember us in mercy for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
创世纪40章 两个坐监之人的梦对膳长来说意味着死亡,对酒政来说意味着活命。然而那个酒政忘记了约瑟。一旦人们脱离危险或麻烦的境况,他们就很容易忘记那些帮助过他们的人,并且疏忽以致没有归荣耀给那位拯救他们的上帝。尽管其他人会忘记我们,甚至我们的父母会离弃我们,但主耶和华眷顾祂的百姓,并且在祂的怜悯中纪念他们(诗27:10 我父母离弃我、耶和华必收留我)。
Genesis 41:1-36 Pharaoh’s fortune-tellers and sorcerers cannot help him understand the dreams that God sent. Therefore, Joseph is brought up from the dungeon. Giving all the glory to God, he interprets the dreams and warns of the coming famine. The devil’s tools---fortune-tellers and sorcerers---are powerless in divine matters. Like Joseph, we should praise God for any good thing we have. Let us also not be afraid to share good advice in a spirit of humility when such words would help our neighbor. The best thing we have is God Himself---speaking us through His Word, redeeming us through His Son, and bringing us to Himself through His Sacraments and Spirit.
O Lord, our times are in Your hands. When the opportunity comes for us to help others, give us wisdom and strength to do so. We praise You for Your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
创世纪41:1-36 法老的算命先生和术士都不能帮他明白上帝赐下的梦。因此,约瑟就被提出监牢。他给梦做出了解释并且警告将要来临的灾难,同时也将所有荣耀归给上帝。魔鬼的道具---算命先生和术士---在上帝的事情上毫无能力。像约瑟一样,我们应当为着我们所拥有的任何美善之物赞美上帝。当这类言语能够帮助我们的邻舍时,让我们也不要害怕带着谦卑的态度分享好的建议。我们所拥有的最美之物就是上帝祂自己---藉着祂的圣道向我们说话,藉着祂的儿子拯救我们,并且藉着祂的圣礼和圣灵将祂自己赐给我们。
Genesis 41:37-57 After years of frustration, Joseph is exalted to oversee the storage and distribution of Egypt’s great harvests. As the years of famine begin to take their toll, there is enough surplus to share with those in need throughout all the earth. In hard times, those who have should share with those who have not. Here is comfort: after long periods of suffering, at just the right time, the Lord will give help to His people, just as He did for Joseph. Through His Son, Jesus, God rules over us and gives us what we need: pardon, provision, and peace.
Heavenly Father, give us this day our daily bread, and deliver us from evil, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
创世纪41:37-57 经过多年的苦情,约瑟被提拔来监管埃及大丰收的存储和分配。随着饥荒开始蔓延,他们却有足够剩余的来分享给那些各地有需要的人。在困难时期,那些有的应当与那些没有的分享。这是安慰:很长一段时间的苦难之后,在刚刚好的时间点,主耶和华提供帮助给祂的百姓,正如祂为约瑟所做的那样。藉着祂的儿子耶稣,上帝掌权看顾我们,并且赐给我们所需的:饶恕,护卫和平安。
Genesis 42 The sons of Israel enter Egypt for food and unknowingly fulfill the dream they had resented (37:5-8). Joseph, though harsh, was motivated by the fear of the Lord, and began a test to determine his brothers’ treatment of his father and Benjamin, and to encourage repentance and a renewed relationship with God. Luth: “In trials God conducts Himself toward His saints just as Joseph conducts himself toward his brothers” (AE 7:225). Unrepentant sin is not resolved by time or forgetfulness, but by true repentance and forgiveness. Joseph’s tears reveal affection. Luth: “Christ is our completely friendly Joseph, who died for us and shed His blood for the remission of our sins” (AE 7:256).
O Lord, no matter how high I sit, You are able to cast me down, and no matter how deep I have fallen, You are able to lift me up. To You be glory, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
创世纪42章 以色列的儿子们去到埃及找粮食,不知不觉中成就了他们曾经厌恶的那个梦(37:5-8约瑟作了一梦、告诉他哥哥们、他们就越发恨他)。约瑟尽管有些苛刻,但出于对上帝的敬畏,就开始测试他兄弟们对待他父亲和便雅悯的态度,并且可以借此呼召他们悔改和与上帝关系的更新。路德说:“在试炼中,上帝与祂的圣徒交通,就像约瑟与他兄弟们的交往一样”(路德文集美国版7:225). 没有悔改的罪是不会因着时间或健忘而得到解决的,但却可以藉着真诚悔改和赦罪得以除掉。约瑟的眼泪透露出爱。路德说:“基督是我们完全友善的约瑟,祂为我们死并流出祂的宝血,好使我们罪得赦免。”(路德文集美国版7:256)
Genesis 43 Joseph---motivated by love for Benjamin and his other brothers-test his brothers to learn whether they will be jealous or abandon their youngest brother, as they had Joseph. Joseph’s conduct is like God’s. He displays both generosity and severity, seeking repentance. The brothers’ fear comes from the alienating power of sin. When we do not rightly fear God, we fear other things more (Mt 10:28). Joseph’s banquet displays kindness and generosity, independent of his brothers’ recognition of his love. So also God blesses His people, even when they doubt His goodness. Jesus, like His earthly ancestor, Judah, offered Himself to His Father for us.
Holy God, give us grace to endure Your tests and to recognize Your kindness, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
创世纪43章 约瑟被他对便雅悯和其他几位兄弟的爱所触动,就测试他兄弟们,看他们是否就像曾经对约瑟所做的那样,依然会嫉妒或抛弃他们最小的弟兄。约瑟的举动就像上帝的举动。祂同时展示宽容和严厉,呼召悔改。兄弟们的恐惧来自罪使关系隔绝疏远的权势。当我们没有正确地敬畏上帝时,我们就更加惧怕别的事物(太10:28 那杀身体不能杀灵魂的、不要怕他们.惟有能把身体和灵魂都灭在地狱里的、正要怕他)。约瑟摆的筵席展示出恩慈和宽恕,而这些都不依附于他弟兄们是否识别他的爱。上帝也是如此祝福祂的百姓,甚至当他们怀疑祂的良善时。耶稣,就像祂世上的先祖犹大一样,将自己为我们献上给祂的父。
Genesis 44 Joseph prepares a final test to determine whether his brothers will allow Benjamin to be enslaved and bring further grief to their father. Their refusal to leave Benjamin behind, and Judah’s sacrificial offer of himself to spare both brother and father, show that their hearts have genuinely changed. Like Joseph, God often tests what is in our hearts. He reminds us to humbly acknowledge and take responsibility for our sin. When Judah mediates with his father and with Joseph, and shows himself willing to be enslaved in place of his brother, this prefigures the saving work of his descendant, Jesus, who gave Himself as mediator, ransom, and sacrifice for the world.
Jesus, You gave Yourself for us and made known the Father’s loving heart. Turn us from sin, selfishness, and alienation to live for You, as You have died for us. Amen.
创世纪44章 约瑟预备一个最后的测试,来查验他的弟兄们是否会放弃便雅悯为奴隶,以致给他们的父亲带来更大的悲伤。他们拒绝将便雅悯留下来,并且犹大为了他兄弟和父亲的缘故愿意将自己献上为祭,这显明他们的心已经真实地改变了。就像约瑟一样,上帝经常测验我们心中所怀的是什么。犹大也给我们提醒,要我们谦卑地承认我们的罪并为之负责。当犹大在约瑟和他的父亲之间作中保并且表明他自己愿意代替他的弟兄为奴之时,这也预表了他的后裔耶稣的救赎工作,耶稣将祂自己献上成为这个世界的中保,赎价,和祭物。