星期一: 路 17:1–18:43
星期二: 路 19:1–20:47
星期三: 路 21:1–22:71
星期四: 路 23:1–24:53
星期五: 约1:1–2:25
星期六: 约3:1–36
17:1–4 Disciples need to guard the faith of others with forgiveness and a helping hand. Exercise special care for the young and the young in faith. How ready God is to forgive, as He demonstrates in the love of Christ. • Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Amen.
17:5–6 The tiniest faith accomplishes remarkable things. Like the apostles, we may feel a weakness in our faith. Today, pray for the Lord’s strength. His gift of faith is anything but weak, and He will grant you strength to accomplish the impossible. • I believe; help my unbelief, O Lord. Increase my faith in You. Amen.
17:7–10 We owe God our full service and truly can do Him no favors. God does not owe us thanks for our obedience. In Christ, He does not forever punish us for our disobedience but forgives us graciously. When He returns, we will eat and drink in His kingdom as He has served us. • Grant me a willing heart and able hands, O Lord, to render thanks to You and care to my neighbors. Amen.
17:11–19 Jesus commends the faith of a Samaritan leper who alone gives thanks for his healing. Daily God’s mercy extends to the unworthy—including you. Give praise to Him, who bore no grudge toward you but came to save you. • Thanks be to You, O God, as we go our way, made whole by Jesus. Amen.
17:20–37 The kingdom of God will come unexpectedly, but surely, to all. Live in daily repentance rather than put off repentance or take confidence that you can discern the day of Christ’s return. Take comfort that we can trust in the Son of Man, who suffered and was rejected for us, so that His Father would not reject us. • Come, Lord Jesus. Take Your people home. Amen.
18:1–8 If even an unworthy judge responds to persistence, God certainly hears His people’s faithful prayers. Pray without ceasing (1Th 5:17). God will answer speedily as He has promised in Christ. • Lord, grant me enduring faith and persistence in the face of every trouble. Amen.
18:9–14 The Pharisee excludes himself from God’s gift of righteousness, while the penitent tax collector embraces it. Today, beware of the complacency of measuring your goodness against others. Measure yourself against God’s standards—then repent. God is ready to justify the worst of sinners by His generous grace in Christ. • God, be merciful to me, a sinner. Amen.
18:15–17 Jesus includes children in His kingdom and teaches that we must be like them to enter the kingdom. No one has a greater claim to the kingdom than a newly baptized infant, whom Jesus welcomes with loving arms—that is grace. • Give us grace to receive Your kingdom, O Lord, as babies welcome and trust their parents’ loving arms. Amen.
18:18–30 Wealth, works, and personal sacrifice cannot save. However, any sacrifice made for God’s kingdom is amply compensated in this life and in the life to come. Heaven is our inheritance by our loving Father’s grace alone. Yet, in generosity, He will also reward us as we care for one another here. • The blessings You give, generous Father, are impossibly out of our reach. Lift us up by the grace of Your Son, our Savior, that we may receive all You have prepared for us. Amen.
18:31–34 As in ch 9, Jesus explains the culmination of His ministry in suffering, death, and resurrection. Today, do not settle for a glorious vision of Jesus that does not include the cross. God has fulfilled His glorious promises of prophecy in His Son. Jesus retains His scars (24:40) as pledges of His love for you. • Let not sin shield our eyes, O Father, from the truth of Jesus, who bore the cross to be our Savior. Amen.
18:35–43 A blind beggar overcomes the crowd and cries for sight. Today, persist in prayer and in faith. Jesus, great David’s greater Son, brings health and salvation to all who believe. • Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Let me see You clearly and confess You truly. Amen.
19:1–10 Jesus saves Zacchaeus by visiting him with mercy. Followers of Jesus dare never begrudge the mercy others have received. The Gospel can save one sinner who repents just as well as another. The saving love of Jesus seeks and reaches out to all people. • Lord, in Your name, we welcome all who repent and share in the forgiveness we have received. Grant us willing hearts to share the Gospel freely. Amen.
19:11–27 Our returning King will abolish all opposition to His kingdom and will honor those who faithfully served Him. Never take God’s Word for granted, hoarding the gifts you have received. Christ calls you to share His Word faithfully, and He is ever generous and merciful toward you. His gifts work effectively in your life, and, through you, in the lives of others. • Grant, O generous Lord, that we may always remain faithful in our stewardship of Your gifts. Amen.
19:28–40 Jesus fulfills OT prophecy and is acclaimed the messianic King. Take joy in the reign of your Savior, who answers prayers with wonder and grants abiding peace. • “O Lord, how shall I meet You, How welcome You aright? Your people long to greet You, My hope, my heart’s delight!” Amen. (LSB 334:1)
19:41–44 Jesus weeps over Jerusalem’s present blindness and future fate. His heart still breaks for those who have not yet received His Word. Pray for your family, friends, and neighbors, that they would receive Jesus, who came in compassion to seek and save the lost. • “Ride on, ride on in majesty! In lowly pomp ride on to die. Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain, Then take, O God, Thy pow’r and reign.” Amen. (LSB 441:5)
19:45–48 Jesus goes directly to the temple to cleanse it for proper services: the hearing of God’s Word. Today, beware of worldly distractions from the Lord’s Word. Hang on to it, for Jesus cleanses our hearts by faith in His Holy Word. • Cleanse us, O Savior, from everything that would separate us from Your Holy Word and Your gracious reign. Amen.
20:1–8 Jesus would not allow detractors to take away His right to teach in the temple. His teaching still commands authority and priority today over all other teaching. Subject all things to His reign and the wisdom of His Word. Pray for bold faith that rightly honors Christ and His prophets. He claims you as His holy temple, that He may rule your heart in forgiveness, peace, and love. • “ ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ That ancient song we sing; For Christ is our Redeemer, The Lord of heav’n our King. Oh, may we ever praise Him With heart and life and voice And in His blissful presence Eternally rejoice!” Amen. (LSB 443:3)
20:9–18 By parable and psalm, Jesus warns against rejecting the Messiah. God’s mission in Christ will succeed; we reject it at our great peril. Despite all opposition, God will build His Church on the crucified and resurrected Jesus. • O God, grant that we may always build our heavenly hope on the one sure cornerstone You have provided, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
20:19–26 Jesus outwits His opponents and teaches the proper relationship between earthly authority and God. Not even the legitimate claims of government usurp our loyalty to God. Jesus’ perfect allegiance to His Father brought the state’s condemnation, that He might forgive our divided allegiance. • Lord, grant that we may serve You faithfully as citizens in this world. Amen.
20:27–40 Jesus demonstrates that the Lord is the God of the living. The patriarchs, though dead from an earthly perspective, are still alive with God. Our human reason dare not come between us and God’s sure promises. Jesus’ certain resurrection shows that He is our living God and hope of life. • I praise You, Lord of life, for the resurrection promised in Your Word. Grant me faithfulness unto the Last Day. Amen.
20:41–44 Only the incarnation can answer Jesus’ question. He is both man, David’s son, and God, David’s Lord. Reason dare not reduce the truths of Scripture. David’s son has become our Lord through His death and resurrection, and the Father has exalted Jesus to His right hand. • “Hail him, ye heirs of David’s line, Whom David Lord did call, The God incarnate, man divine, And crown Him Lord of all.” Amen. (LSB 549:4)
20:45–47 Jesus warns His disciples not to be impressed by the scribes’ display. Do not practice the faith simply to impress others. In contrast, for your salvation, Jesus “made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant. . . . He humbled Himself” (Php 2:7–8). • Lord, grant me the humility and mind of Christ. Amen.
21:1–4 Jesus highlights the widow in order to teach what God values. Our giving reflects our priorities. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich” (2Co 8:9). • Lord, open our hearts by Your generous goodness. Amen.
21:5–9 Jesus prepares His disciples for the temple’s destruction and the final judgment. Do not be so impressed with the world’s splendor that you lose sight of the eternal. Jesus, our true temple, was laid low in the grave but rose again so we can live fearlessly. • Lord, keep our hearts fixed on You, that as we pass through things temporal, we do not lose what is eternal. Amen.
21:10–19 The disciples will endure various persecutions along with Jerusalem’s fall. Today, when put to the test, we cannot rely on our own strength. Jesus promises guidance in the persecutions His disciples face. He is our strength in the midst of all trials. • Lord, give us Your wisdom to bear witness in every persecution. Amen.
21:20–24 Jesus foretells Jerusalem’s destruction, pointing ahead to the judgment of all the world. God’s impending judgment cannot be ignored. However, we can face the judgment unafraid, because Jesus has already borne God’s vengeance for our sakes and takes away the cause of judgment: our sins. • Lord, keep us ever watchful and repentant until Your return. Amen.
21:25–28 Jesus points to signs preceding His return. Today, fear and uncertainty should lead us to focus on His redemption. Pray earnestly for that day. Jesus’ return brings us full deliverance from all evil of this world. • Lord, keep us always expectant as we anticipate Your return. Amen.
21:29–33 Jesus points to the sure coming of God’s kingdom through the budding of a fig tree, and He promises that His teachings will abide forever. Do not ignore the sure signs and words of His coming. More firm than this creation is His promise of return and new creation for you. • Lord, give us eyes to see the signs of Your coming kingdom and hearts to trust Your abiding Word. Amen.
21:34–38 Jesus warns His disciples to be ready for His return. Our focus on daily affairs can shorten our prayers and lower our eyes so that His return might surprise us. But Jesus’ final word in the temple is good news to those who remain alert: His return will bring redemption and new freedom. • Hear our prayers, O Lord, and give us grace always to anticipate Your glorious return. Amen.
22:1–2 The Jewish leaders seek Jesus’ death. Those who conspire against God’s plans ultimately fail, as Pharaoh learned at the first Passover. In Jesus’ life, God uses the hostility of His enemies to fulfill the sacrifice of the true Passover lamb, who wrought our salvation. • Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Amen.
22:3–6 Prompted by Satan, Judas negotiates the price for Jesus. The Lord would not have us compromise His purposes for earthly gain. When sin assails you, call on Jesus, who redeemed us, not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood. • Lord, make us loyal to You above all. Amen.
22:7–13 Jesus directs His disciples in preparing the Passover meal. God foresees our needs and plans for our lives. He invites us to follow as He leads. He always arranges for our eternal welfare. • Praise to You, O Lord. You do all things well for us and our salvation! Grant us sincere hearts and willing feet. Amen.
22:14–23 During Passover, Jesus institutes the Sacrament of His body and blood, by which He brings forgiveness to His people. To neglect the Lord’s Supper is to ignore the forgiveness Christ earned for us. “My body, which is given for you” and “this cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood”—these words say it all! • “In this memorial of Thy death, O Lord, Thou dost Thy body and Thy blood afford: Oh, may our souls forever feed on Thee, And Thou, O Christ, forever precious be.” Amen. (LSB 640:2)
22:24–30 Jesus points His arguing apostles to true greatness in serving others, promising they will share His honor. Today, we often expect recognition for our service to the Church and feel slighted when ignored. Yet, we have the Lord’s promise that He always sees and will reward our service. Our greatest treasure remains how He serves us, forgiving our sins by grace. • Thank You, Lord, for all You have done for me. May I show my gratitude in service to You and to Your people. Amen.
22:31–34 Jesus warns a self-confident Peter that he will deny his Lord, but also assures him of His intercession. “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall” (1Co 10:12). Jesus, who interceded for Peter, is even now at the right hand of God interceding for us (Rm 8:34; Heb 7:25). • Lord Jesus, pray for me, that my faith in You remains steadfast to the end. Amen.
22:35–38 Jesus warns His disciples about the hostile times they will face, similar to His own rejection. No disciple, including us, will avoid some of the hostility that Jesus faced. “Yet He bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors” (Is 53:12). • When we experience hostility, Lord, keep us focused on what You have borne for us. Amen.
22:39–46 While the disciples sleep, Jesus, in prayerful agony, shrinks from His coming ordeal and yet submits to His Father’s will. Without focus on Jesus and His agony in the garden, we easily succumb to temptation. Yet, He comes to us, again and again, to strengthen us against temptation. • “Go to dark Gethsemane, All who feel the tempter’s pow’r; Your Redeemer’s conflict see, Watch with Him one bitter hour; Turn not from His griefs away; Learn from Jesus Christ to pray.” Amen. (LSB 436:1)
22:47–53 Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss, and Jesus, in mercy, heals the servant’s severed ear. The conflict between Jesus and the forces of darkness escalates. This darkness still would surround us. Yet, God used the night of betrayal to overcome the darkness and usher in His everlasting light. • May Your light, O Christ, disperse the night of Satan, that we remain faithful to You. Amen.
22:54–62 During Jesus’ interrogation, Peter denies Jesus three times. But Jesus’ word and look bring Peter to tears and to repentance. Self-preservation is never justification for denying our Lord and His tie with us. Jesus ever looks at us in love to call us to repentance, forgiving our sins. • Lord, look on me this hour with Your forgiving love. Amen.
22:63–65 Jesus is mocked as a prophet by those holding Him. Previously accused of blasphemy, Jesus, the Son of God, is now blasphemed. Today, we mock Jesus whenever we withhold the honor that is rightfully His as God’s Son. Yet, “when He was reviled, He did not revile in return,” that He might bear “our sins in His body on the tree” (1Pt 2:23–24). • Grant us, dear Savior, true confession of our sins and of faith, that we may always honor You as our Messiah and the Son of God. Amen.
22:66–71 Jesus, before the Council, points to His exaltation. He acknowledges that He is the Son of God and is condemned. We can never force Jesus into our definitions of Messiah. It is for us to receive Him for who He is, as described in Scripture. Jesus, condemned for us, is the promised Messiah and Son of God, who now is seated in glory at God’s right hand. • Jesus, You are the Christ, Son of God in glory. Grant that this confession may always be ours. Amen.
23:1–5 The Jewish leaders bring Jesus before Pilate, seeking a death penalty. In weakness, we, too, may wrongly accuse the Lord of fighting against us, making problems for us, or not listening to us. Jesus bore every false accusation so that He might be our Savior. • Preserve us, Lord, from falsehood, that our life and witness to You remain true. Amen.
23:6–16 Pilate and Herod declare Jesus innocent but do not believe in Him. For us and for our lives, Jesus makes great claims. He would be our Savior and King. We thank God that others have brought Jesus into our lives and that, through His Spirit, He enables us to cling to Him always. • Lord, by Your grace and power, be the center of my life. Amen.
23:18–25 Pilate, frightened of the crowd and blind to Jesus’ identity, releases Barabbas and hands Jesus over to be crucified. Innocent Jesus is sentenced to die in place of us, who are genuinely guilty. His precious life atones for all our sins. • “They rise and needs will have My dear Lord made away; A murderer they save, The Prince of Life they slay. Yet cheerful He To suff’ring goes That He His foes From thence might free.” Amen. (LSB 430:5)
23:26–43 Jesus was crucified that we may be spared the coming judgment, hear His word of absolution, and enter into paradise with Him. He not only saved others, but is also the messianic King who saves us. We all justly deserve God’s judgment because of our sinful deeds. Yet, because Jesus sacrificed Himself for us all, we have His word of absolution and the promise of being with Him in paradise. • Grant, dear Jesus, that we may see the day when we will be with You in paradise. Amen.
23:44–49 In the darkness, when the temple curtain is torn, Jesus commits His spirit into His Father’s hands. The centurion praises God, the crowds become remorseful, and Jesus’ followers observe from a distance. Jesus dies bearing the darkness of God’s judgment on the world’s sins. Out of the darkness of judgment, Jesus ushers in the bright day of grace. • Grant, Lord, that on the Last Day, I, too, may entrust my spirit into the hands of the Father. Amen.
23:50–56 Joseph of Arimathea secures the body of Jesus and places it in a newly hewn tomb. Women make preparations for a final burial after the Sabbath. Our sin has led to this, the death and burial of God’s only Son. The work of redeeming the world is done. • “What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered Was all for sinners’ gain; Mine, mine was the transgression, But Thine the deadly pain. Lo, here I fall, my Savior! ’Tis I deserve Thy place; Look on me with Thy favor, And grant to me Thy grace.” Amen. (LSB 450:3)
24:1–12 The women find the stone has been rolled away from the tomb. They find not the body of Jesus but two angels who say that Jesus is alive. Do we ever fail to believe the things Jesus has told us because they are impossibly good? “He is not here, but has risen” means that someday the graves of all His followers will be opened, and they, too, will rise to live with Him. Take comfort and joy! • In keeping with Your Word, fill our hearts, dear Lord Jesus, with the knowledge and comfort of Your empty tomb. Amen.
24:13–35 Jesus joins two disciples discussing what happened in Jerusalem. He interprets His death and resurrection through the OT before revealing Himself in the breaking of the bread. “Slow of heart to believe” describes us when we doubt or do not accept all that the Scriptures teach about Jesus. God, who has given us the Scriptures to make us “wise for salvation” (2Tm 3:15), opens our eyes to believe Jesus. • “Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide, For round us falls the eventide. O let Your Word, that saving light, Shine forth undimmed into the night.” Amen. (LSB 585:1)
24:36–49 Jesus dispels all doubt when He offers absolute proof of His resurrection. Again, He points to Himself as Scripture’s center, but now includes the mission to all nations through the Holy Spirit’s power. There is the danger that we keep to ourselves when Jesus is equipping us to go out—we accept the fact that He is risen but deny the mission on which He sends us. The resurrected Christ truly equips us for our witness to Him with the Holy Spirit, whom He provides. • Come, Holy Spirit, as promised by Jesus. Enable us to bear witness to our crucified and risen Savior. Amen.
24:50–53 Jesus leads His disciples to Bethany, where He blesses them and is taken up into heaven. They worship Him and return to Jerusalem where they regularly worship God in the temple. We might take for granted all that Jesus has done, neglecting to worship and thank Him for our blessings. We are led to repentance and renewed faith each day, and Jesus continues to bless us with salvation and puts joy into our lives as we serve Him. • “Almighty God, our Father, Your blessed Son called Luke the physician to be an evangelist and physician of the soul. Grant that the healing medicine of the Gospel and the Sacraments may put to flight the diseases of our souls that with willing hearts we may ever love and serve You; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord.” Amen. (LSB Altar Book, p 980)