21:1–4 Jesus highlights the widow in order to teach what God values. Our giving reflects our priorities. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich” (2Co 8:9). • Lord, open our hearts by Your generous goodness. Amen.
21:1-4 耶稣特别指出寡妇给人看,是为了教导人们什么是上帝所看重的。我们的奉献反映了我们的优先事项。"你们知道我们主耶稣基督的恩典:他本来富足,却为你们成了贫穷,叫你们因他的贫穷,可以成为富足。"(哥林多后书 8:9)。- 主啊,请用你的慷慨良善打开我们的心门。阿们。
21:5–9 Jesus prepares His disciples for the temple’s destruction and the final judgment. Do not be so impressed with the world’s splendor that you lose sight of the eternal. Jesus, our true temple, was laid low in the grave but rose again so we can live fearlessly. • Lord, keep our hearts fixed on You, that as we pass through things temporal, we do not lose what is eternal. Amen.
21:5-9 耶稣让门徒为圣殿的毁灭和最后的审判做好准备。不要被世界的繁华所迷惑,而忽略了永恒。耶稣是我们真正的圣殿,祂在坟墓中被埋葬,但又复活了,所以我们可以无所畏惧地生活。- 主啊,让我们的心紧紧依靠你,让我们平安度过这暂时的世界,不失去永恒的东西。阿们。
21:10–19 The disciples will endure various persecutions along with Jerusalem’s fall. Today, when put to the test, we cannot rely on our own strength. Jesus promises guidance in the persecutions His disciples face. He is our strength in the midst of all trials. • Lord, give us Your wisdom to bear witness in every persecution. Amen.
21:10-19 门徒们将要承受耶路撒冷陷落的事实并且经受各种迫害。今天,在经受考验时,我们不能依靠自己的力量。耶稣应许在门徒面临迫害时给予他们指引。在所有考验中,祂是我们的力量。- 主啊,求你赐给我们智慧,让我们在每一次逼迫中都能为你作见证。阿们。
21:20–24 Jesus foretells Jerusalem’s destruction, pointing ahead to the judgment of all the world. God’s impending judgment cannot be ignored. However, we can face the judgment unafraid, because Jesus has already borne God’s vengeance for our sakes and takes away the cause of judgment: our sins. • Lord, keep us ever watchful and repentant until Your return. Amen.
21:20-24 耶稣预言了耶路撒冷的毁灭,指出那将来对全世界的审判。上帝即将到来的审判不容忽视。然而,我们可以坦然面对审判,因为耶稣已经为我们承受了上帝所发的怒气和刑罚,并带走了定罪的根据:我们的罪。- 主啊,让我们时刻警醒、悔改,直到你的再来。阿们。
21:25–28 Jesus points to signs preceding His return. Today, fear and uncertainty should lead us to focus on His redemption. Pray earnestly for that day. Jesus’ return brings us full deliverance from all evil of this world. • Lord, keep us always expectant as we anticipate Your return. Amen.
21:25-28 耶稣指出了祂再来之前的征兆。今天,恐惧和不确定性应该引导我们关注祂的救赎。为那一天恳切祷告。耶稣的再来将使我们完全脱离这个世界的一切罪恶。- 主啊,让我们在期待你的再来时始终充满期待。阿们。
21:29–33 Jesus points to the sure coming of God’s kingdom through the budding of a fig tree, and He promises that His teachings will abide forever. Do not ignore the sure signs and words of His coming. More firm than this creation is His promise of return and new creation for you. • Lord, give us eyes to see the signs of Your coming kingdom and hearts to trust Your abiding Word. Amen.
21:29-33 耶稣通过一棵无花果树的发芽,指出上帝的国度必将到来,并应许他的教导将永远长存。不要忽视祂来临的可靠征兆和话语。比这被造界更坚定的是祂的应许,祂会再来,为你创造新的世界。- 主啊,请赐给我们心眼,让我们看到你的国度即将来临的征兆,赐给我们心灵,让我们信靠你永恒的话语。阿们。
21:34–38 Jesus warns His disciples to be ready for His return. Our focus on daily affairs can shorten our prayers and lower our eyes so that His return might surprise us. But Jesus’ final word in the temple is good news to those who remain alert: His return will bring redemption and new freedom. • Hear our prayers, O Lord, and give us grace always to anticipate Your glorious return. Amen.
21:34-38 耶稣警告门徒要为祂的再来做好准备。我们对日常事务的关注可能会缩短我们的祷告,降低我们的眼界,以至于祂的再来可能会让我们大吃一惊。但耶稣在圣殿中的最后一句话对那些保持警惕的人来说是个好消息:祂的再来将带来救赎和新的自由。- 主啊,求你垂听我们的祷告,赐给我们恩典,让我们永远期待你荣耀的再来。阿们。
22:1–2 The Jewish leaders seek Jesus’ death. Those who conspire against God’s plans ultimately fail, as Pharaoh learned at the first Passover. In Jesus’ life, God uses the hostility of His enemies to fulfill the sacrifice of the true Passover lamb, who wrought our salvation. • Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Amen.
22:1-2 犹太领袖要置耶稣于死地。那些阴谋反对上帝计划的人最终都会失败,法老在第一个逾越节就学到了这一点。在耶稣的生命中,上帝利用祂仇敌的恶意来实现真正逾越节羔羊的献祭,而这羔羊为我们带来了救赎。- 上帝的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的羔羊,求你怜悯我们。阿们。
22:3–6 Prompted by Satan, Judas negotiates the price for Jesus. The Lord would not have us compromise His purposes for earthly gain. When sin assails you, call on Jesus, who redeemed us, not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood. • Lord, make us loyal to You above all. Amen.
22:3-6 在撒旦的怂恿下,犹大为耶稣要了一个价格。主不会让我们为了世俗的利益而损害祂的旨意。当罪恶侵袭你时,求告耶稣,祂不是用金银,而是用祂圣洁的宝血救赎了我们。- 主啊,让我们忠于你,胜过一切。阿们。
22:7–13 Jesus directs His disciples in preparing the Passover meal. God foresees our needs and plans for our lives. He invites us to follow as He leads. He always arranges for our eternal welfare. • Praise to You, O Lord. You do all things well for us and our salvation! Grant us sincere hearts and willing feet. Amen.
22:7-13 耶稣指导门徒准备逾越节的筵席。神预知我们的需要,并为我们的生活制定计划。祂邀请我们跟随祂的带领。祂总是为我们永恒的福祉作出安排。- 赞美你,主啊。你为我们和我们的救赎做了一切善事!赐给我们真诚的心和甘心跟随的脚。阿们。
22:14–23 During Passover, Jesus institutes the Sacrament of His body and blood, by which He brings forgiveness to His people. To neglect the Lord’s Supper is to ignore the forgiveness Christ earned for us. “My body, which is given for you” and “this cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood”—these words say it all! • “In this memorial of Thy death, O Lord, Thou dost Thy body and Thy blood afford: Oh, may our souls forever feed on Thee, And Thou, O Christ, forever precious be.” Amen. (LSB 640:2)
22:14-23 逾越节期间,耶稣设立了祂的身体和宝血的圣餐,藉此为祂的子民带来宽恕赦免。忽视主的晚餐就等于忽视基督为我们赢得的赦罪平安。"这是我的身体,为你们舍的","为你们倾倒的这杯,是用我的血所立的新约"--这些话语道出了一切!- 主啊,在这纪念你死亡的日子里,你摆上了你的身体和血: 哦,愿我们的灵魂永远以你为食,基督啊,你永远宝贵"。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书640:2)
22:24–30 Jesus points His arguing apostles to true greatness in serving others, promising they will share His honor. Today, we often expect recognition for our service to the Church and feel slighted when ignored. Yet, we have the Lord’s promise that He always sees and will reward our service. Our greatest treasure remains how He serves us, forgiving our sins by grace. • Thank You, Lord, for all You have done for me. May I show my gratitude in service to You and to Your people. Amen.
22:24-30 耶稣引导祂争辩的使徒们明白,在为他人服务时才是真正的伟大,并应许他们将分享祂的荣耀。今天,我们常常期望自己为教会所做的服侍能得到认可,而当我们被忽视时,又会感到被轻视。然而,我们有主的应许,祂总是看到并会奖赏我们的服侍。我们最大的财富仍然是祂如何的服侍我们,以恩典赦免我们的罪。- 主啊,感谢你为我所做的一切。愿我在为你和你子民的服侍中表达我的感激之情。阿们。
22:31–34 Jesus warns a self-confident Peter that he will deny his Lord, but also assures him of His intercession. “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall” (1Co 10:12). Jesus, who interceded for Peter, is even now at the right hand of God interceding for us (Rm 8:34; Heb 7:25). • Lord Jesus, pray for me, that my faith in You remains steadfast to the end. Amen.
22:31-34 耶稣警告自信的彼得,他会否认自己的主,但也向他保证耶稣会为他代求。"所以,自己以为站得稳的,须要谨慎,免得跌倒。"(林前 10:12)。为彼得代求的耶稣,现在也在上帝的右边为我们代求(罗8:34;来7:25)。- 主耶稣,请为我祷告,让我对你的信心坚定到底。阿们。
22:35–38 Jesus warns His disciples about the hostile times they will face, similar to His own rejection. No disciple, including us, will avoid some of the hostility that Jesus faced. “Yet He bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors” (Is 53:12). • When we experience hostility, Lord, keep us focused on what You have borne for us. Amen.
22:35-38 耶稣警告祂的门徒,他们将面临敌对的环境,就像祂自己被弃绝一样。任何门徒,包括我们在内,都无法避免耶稣所面临的敌意。"他却担当多人的罪, 又为罪犯代求。"(赛 53:12)。- 当我们遭遇抵挡时,主啊,请让我们专注于你为我们所承担的一切。阿们。
22:39–46 While the disciples sleep, Jesus, in prayerful agony, shrinks from His coming ordeal and yet submits to His Father’s will. Without focus on Jesus and His agony in the garden, we easily succumb to temptation. Yet, He comes to us, again and again, to strengthen us against temptation. • “Go to dark Gethsemane, All who feel the tempter’s pow’r; Your Redeemer’s conflict see, Watch with Him one bitter hour; Turn not from His griefs away; Learn from Jesus Christ to pray.” Amen. (LSB 436:1)
22:39-46 当门徒们熟睡时,耶稣面对即将到来的命运,在痛苦的祷告中退缩了,但最终还是祷告顺从了天父的旨意。如果我们不专注在耶稣和祂在园子里的痛苦上面,我们也很容易屈服于诱惑试探。然而,祂一次又一次地来到我们身边,增强我们抵御试探的能力。- "到黑暗的客西马尼去吧,所有感受到那试探者魔力的人,去看看你救赎主的挣扎吧,与祂一同守望苦难的时刻,不要远离祂的悲伤,向耶稣基督学习祷告吧"。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 436:1)
22:47–53 Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss, and Jesus, in mercy, heals the servant’s severed ear. The conflict between Jesus and the forces of darkness escalates. This darkness still would surround us. Yet, God used the night of betrayal to overcome the darkness and usher in His everlasting light. • May Your light, O Christ, disperse the night of Satan, that we remain faithful to You. Amen.
22:47-53 犹大用一个吻背叛了耶稣,耶稣出于怜悯医治了大祭司仆人被割下的耳朵。耶稣与黑暗势力之间的冲突升级了。这种黑暗仍然会包围我们。然而,上帝利用背叛之夜战胜了黑暗,迎来了祂永恒的光明。- 基督啊,愿你的光驱散撒旦的黑夜,让我们继续忠于你。阿们。
22:54–62 During Jesus’ interrogation, Peter denies Jesus three times. But Jesus’ word and look bring Peter to tears and to repentance. Self-preservation is never justification for denying our Lord and His tie with us. Jesus ever looks at us in love to call us to repentance, forgiving our sins. • Lord, look on me this hour with Your forgiving love. Amen.
22:54-62 在耶稣受审期间,彼得三次否认耶稣。但耶稣的话语和眼神让彼得流泪并悔改。求生自保从来不是否认我们的主和祂与我们的关系的理由。耶稣总是以爱的目光看着我们,呼唤我们悔改,赦免我们的罪。- 主啊,请用你赦免的爱注视我。阿们。
22:63–65 Jesus is mocked as a prophet by those holding Him. Previously accused of blasphemy, Jesus, the Son of God, is now blasphemed. Today, we mock Jesus whenever we withhold the honor that is rightfully His as God’s Son. Yet, “when He was reviled, He did not revile in return,” that He might bear “our sins in His body on the tree” (1Pt 2:23–24). • Grant us, dear Savior, true confession of our sins and of faith, that we may always honor You as our Messiah and the Son of God. Amen.
22:63-65 抓住耶稣的人嘲笑祂是先知。耶稣曾被指控亵渎神,如今,祂作为神的儿子却遭到亵渎。今天,每当我们拒绝给予耶稣作为上帝之子应有的荣耀时,我们就是在嘲笑祂。然而,"他被骂不还口",为要 "被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪"(彼前 2:23-24)。- 亲爱的救赎主,请赐予我们真正的认罪和信仰,让我们永远尊崇你,因你是我们的弥赛亚,你是上帝的儿子。阿们。
22:66–71 Jesus, before the Council, points to His exaltation. He acknowledges that He is the Son of God and is condemned. We can never force Jesus into our definitions of Messiah. It is for us to receive Him for who He is, as described in Scripture. Jesus, condemned for us, is the promised Messiah and Son of God, who now is seated in glory at God’s right hand. • Jesus, You are the Christ, Son of God in glory. Grant that this confession may always be ours. Amen.
22:66-71 耶稣在公会面前把祂的高升指给人看。祂承认自己是神的儿子,并因此被定罪。我们永远不能强迫耶稣接受我们对弥赛亚的定义。我们应该按照圣经的描述,接受祂的本相。为我们被定罪的耶稣是应许的弥赛亚,是上帝的儿子,祂如今坐在荣耀中,坐在上帝的右手边。- 耶稣,你是基督,是荣耀中的上帝之子。请赐予我们永远的忏悔。阿们。