第几周 6
星期一: 出 5:1–6:30
星期二: 出 7:1–25
星期三: 出 8:1–9:35
星期四: 出 10:1–29
星期五: 出 11:1–12:51
星期六: 出 13:1–22
Exodus Chapter 5 The Lord sends Moses to deliver the people, but Pharaoh only makes their burdens heavier. Why does God wait and put people through such suffering? Luth: “Faith does not despair of the God who sends trouble. Faith does not consider Him angry or an enemy---Faith rises above all this and sees God’s fatherly heart behind His unfriendly exterior” (AE14:59).
Lord, forgive my accusations and inaction in view of Your Word and the obstacles I face. Grant me confidence in Your fatherly heart. Amen.
出埃及记5章 主耶和华打发摩西去拯救祂的百姓,但法老只是使他们的负担更重些。为什么上帝等待着,使祂的百姓经历这类苦难呢?路德说: “信心不会对那位使麻烦临到的上帝感到绝望。信心不会以怒气或敌对的态度看祂---信心超越这一切之上,并且在上帝不友好的外表背后看见祂的慈父心肠”(路德文集美国版14:59)
Exodus Chapter 6:1-13 The Lord reveals the purpose attached to His sacred name: deliverance. Shakespeare’s famous question “What’s in a name?” dismisses the significance of names, but this does not apply to the name Yahweh! God says of His name: “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Ex 20:7). This name is for worship and teaching and is not to be abused by cursing and lies. This “name has been revealed and given to us so that it may be of constant use and profit” (LC I 63).
Lord, sanctify my heart and tongue that my words may truly honor You and Your holy name. Amen.
出埃及记6:1-13 主耶和华启示了那个附着于祂神圣名字的计划:拯救。莎士比亚的著名问题“一个名字里面有什么?”消除了名字的重要性,但这并不适用于耶和华的名!上帝提及祂的名时说:“不可妄称耶和华你 上帝的名、因为妄称耶和华名的、耶和华必不以他为无罪”(出20:7)。 这个名字是用来敬拜和教导的,不是藉着咒诅和欺骗来滥用的。“这个名字被启示下来且赐给我们为的是它可以经常被使用并带来益处”(大问答 一 63)
Exodus Chapter 6:14-30 As a Levite, Moses has good family connections, but this does not translate into an eager willingness to serve the Lord. He continues to doubt that Pharaoh will ever let Israel go. How different is another Servant of the Lord with good family connections (Mt 1:1-17; Lk 3:23-38)! His attitude is spelled out in Luther’s great hymn “Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice” (LSB 556, especially st 1, 6). Jesus’ willing obedience frees us from the eternal consequences of our sinful fears, doubts, and stubbornness.
Dear Father in heaven, my heart and voice sing Your wonders. I praise You for Your victory in Christ, who paid our ransom with His life. Amen.
出埃及记6:14-30 作为一个利未人,摩西有好的血脉关系,但这并不会转化为服侍主的迫切愿望。他仍然怀疑法老是否真的会放以色列人走。另一个有着好的血脉关系的耶和华仆人是多么不同啊(太1:1-17;路3:23-38)!祂的态度在路德著名的圣诗“亲爱的基督徒,个个全都应当欢欣”(路德宗崇拜手册556,特别是1,6节)中展现出来。耶稣的甘心顺服将我们从我们有罪的恐惧,疑惑和固执所带来的永恒后果中释放出来。
Exodus Chapter 7:1-13 According to God’s divine plan of salvation, Moses and Aaron are His “god” and “prophet” who speak His Word before Pharaoh in order to rescue the Israelites from 430 years of bondage. God’s plan continues through His greater prophet, Jesus, who fulfilled all of God’s promises and became the living Word in order to rescue us from an eternity of bondage to sin.
Lord God, heavenly Father, through Your Holy Spirit, You call, gather, and enlighten Your children. Through the same Spirit, give us a right understanding of Your love toward us, we pray, for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
出埃及记7:1-13 依照上帝拯救的神圣计划,摩西和亚伦成为祂的“神人”和“先知”,并在法老面前讲说上帝的话语,为要叫以色列人脱离430年的奴役。上帝的计划藉着祂的更大先知,耶稣继续向前,耶稣成就了上帝所有的应许并且成为永活的道(became the living Word),为要救拔我们脱离罪的永恒枷锁。
Exodus Chapter 7:14-25 The Lord strikes at the very heart of Pharaoh’s idolatry by striking the Nile and the resources provided by the river, which are associated with Egyptian gods. He begins to deliver His people from Egypt through water, by which He will later destroy Pharaoh’s army and set Israel apart. Today, praise God, who has likewise delivered you through a water miracle: Holy Baptism.
Dear Father in heaven, guard us from the craftiness of the devil, who would seek to undo us and draw us away from Christ. In a world of idols and self-made “gods,” remind us that Satan has been judged and his weapon of deceit will soon be fully extinguished, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Amen.
出埃及记7:14-25 主耶和华藉着对尼罗河及其提供的资源的破坏来击打法老偶像崇拜的要害,因为这河与埃及的众假神密切相关。上帝开始藉着水来拯救祂的百姓出埃及,藉着水祂后来也摧毁法老的军队并且使以色列分别为圣。今天,你们当赞美上帝,因为祂同样地,藉着一个水的神迹,即圣洗礼来拯救你们。
Exodus 8:1-15 This sets a recurring theme of sin, oppression (the plagues), repentance, and deliverance. Magicians, sorcerers, and charlatans can not stop the power of God. As the intensity of temporal punishment increases in terms of social and economic impact, God still remains slow to anger and desires to deliver sinners by His grace.
Lord, when I am weak in faith, strengthen me. When I am cold in love, warm me so that the love Christ first worked in me through His Word and Spirit may go out to my neighbor. Uphold me that I might remain in You even unto life everlasting. Amen.
出埃及记8:1-15 这章定下一个不断重复的主题,就是罪,惩治(灾祸),悔改和拯救。术士,巫师,和走江湖的都不能阻止上帝的权能。尽管现世的惩罚在社会和经济影响程度方面不断地增加,上帝仍然不轻易发怒,并且愿意藉着祂的恩典拯救罪人。
Exodus 8:16-19 The plague of gnats is more intense than the previous plagues, and the magicians concede that there is a God greater than the ones they serve. God’s judgment increases in magnitude as this plague drives Pharaoh and his magicians toward despair. People who trust Christ the Lord are drawn closer to Him in times of tribulation, seeking His forgiveness, comfort, strength, and healing for the sake of His cross and resurrection.
O God, our Father, what would we be if You would forsake us? What would we do if You would withdraw Your hand? How quickly the prudent become simple; the wise become fools. In Christ Jesus, daily increase our faith that we may recognize Your loving hand at work in our lives. Amen.
出埃及记8:16-19 虱灾的强度要比先前的灾祸更严重,术士们承认有一位上帝要超越他们所供奉的“众神”。这灾使得法老和他的术士们趋向绝望,上帝的审判等级也在不断加增。而信靠主基督的人在苦难中变得与祂更亲近,并且寻求祂的饶恕,安慰,力量和医治,这都是因着祂十字架和死里复活的缘故。
Exodus 8:20-32 The Lord distinguishes between Egypt and Israel by protecting His people in Goshen from the plagues. Pharaoh wants the Israelites to sacrifice and worship according to his expectations, but Moses could never allow this. The means and character of worship must be subject to God’s Word rather than the will of any government or mob. The Lord distinguishes us by His grace and redemption.
O dreadful and severe Judge, wonderful and mysterious are Your judgments. You are so jealous for Your people’s pure praise, sanctified by the blood of Your beloved Son. Keep us in the one true faith. Amen.
出埃及记8:20-32 主耶和华藉着保护祂在歌珊地的子民免受灾害,使得埃及和以色列人分别开来。法老想让以色列人根据他的愿望去献祭和敬拜,但摩西绝不会妥协。敬拜的方法和性质必须顺从上帝的道,而不是任何政府或暴民的意志。主耶和华藉着祂的恩典和救赎来分别我们为圣。
Exodus 9:1-7 Despite the number of times Pharaoh goes through the cycle of sin, oppression, regret, and deliverance, God will not be mocked.God deals another detrimental blow to the Egyptian religious and economic systems. By God’s grace, Israel is delivered from temporal judgment and destruction. The Lamb of God delivers us from sin, death, and the devil through His atoning blood.
Heavenly Father, many smile when Your precious Word of Law and Gospel is condemned. Many hear of redeeming grace in Your Son, Jesus Christ, and rail against Him in though, word, and deed. Protect us as we bear witness to all who are hardened to Your Word. Amen.
出埃及记9:1-7 虽然法老多次经历了罪,惩治,后悔和拯救的循环,上帝是轻慢不得的。上帝又给予埃及宗教和经济系统一次摧毁性的打击。藉着上帝的恩典,以色列得以免受现世的审判和毁灭。上帝的羔羊藉着祂赎罪的宝血拯救我们脱离了罪,死亡和魔鬼。
Exodus 9:8-12 The magicians collapse under the Lord’s chastisement; both people and animals are smitten by painful skin abscesses. The Lord again distinguishes His people in this plague by sparing the Israelites and their animals. The blessings God gives us should extend beyond us to bless even our animals! If the Lord shows such mercy to sheep, how much more shall He show mercy toward you? His Gospel rescues us from sin, death, and the devil.
Dear Father in heaven, You saved me by grace through faith in Christ, Your Son. As long as this corrupt nature clings to me like a dead corpse, teach me to say, “Forgive me, for I am a wretched sinner worthy of punishment.” Free me, O Lord, for I am helpless without You. Amen.
出埃及记9:8-12 术士们在主耶和华的惩治之下崩溃掉了;人和牲畜都遭受了疮灾之痛的击打。主耶和华再一次藉着赦免以色列人和他们的牲畜在这个灾害中将祂的百姓分别为圣。上帝赐给我们的祝福甚至超越我们之外,临到我们的牲畜身上!如果主耶和华向羊群展现这种怜悯,祂向你们显明的怜悯将会多么更加丰盛呢?祂的福音救拔我们脱离了罪,死亡和魔鬼。
亲爱的天父,你藉着因信你的儿子基督而来的恩典拯救了我。只要这会朽坏的肉体像一具死尸一样附着于我,请指教我祈求说, “赦免我,因为我是一个该受惩罚的败坏罪人。”释放我,噢主啊,因为离了你我就无依无靠。阿们。
Exodus 9:13-35 Pharaoh mocks God with false repentance, but the Lord is unmoved. Sinners cannot bargain with God by conceding some of their sins or by amending behaviors. God sees through it all. Like the thief on the cross, we do not appeal to mockery but instead call on God’s mercy. Jesus is always ready to forgive.
O Lord Christ, I am the worst evil; You are the highest good. But You took my sin and gave me Your righteousness. I am led to this confession through Your Law and Gospel promises. O faithful God, my merciful redeemer, grant that I trust in You alone. Amen.
出埃及记9:13-35 法老藉着虚假的悔改戏弄上帝,但主耶和华并不为之所动。罪人不能藉着承认他们的一些罪或修正行为来与上帝讨价还价。上帝看透万事。就像那位十字架上的强盗一样,我们不应当诉诸于嘲笑,而是呼求上帝的怜悯。耶稣总是预备好了,要来赦免。
Exodus 10:1-20 Pharaoh seeks compromise and even forgiveness, but his pride still refuses to bend to the will of God. Sinners of the worst description are to be admonished by the Law, even if there is little hope of amendment. God strengthened Moses’ faith by saying the hardening of Pharaoh was according to His divine will so that the signs would confirm to Israel and all successive generations that the Lord is God (cf 7:3-5). Pharaoh’s confession was only a pious platitude, but for us the gift of confession is beautiful---the Holy Spirit moves us to agree with God that we sin and deserve punishment, and for the sake of Christ, we receive the gift of absolution.
My God and my Lord, I know that when I confess my sins to You, You are faithful and just and will cleanse me from all my unrighteousness for the sake of Your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
出埃及记10:1-20 法老寻求折中的方法,甚至(寻求)饶恕,但他的傲慢仍然拒绝向上帝的意志屈服。最恶劣的罪人也需要藉着律法被劝勉,即使改正的希望比较渺茫。上帝藉着宣告法老的刚硬是出于祂神圣的旨意来坚固摩西的信心,好叫这些迹象可以给以色列人和所有将来的后裔做证:主耶和华是上帝(参 7:3-5我要使法老的心刚硬、也要在埃及地多行神迹奇事。但法老必不听你们、我要伸手重重地刑罚埃及、将我的军队以色列民从埃及地领出来。我伸手攻击埃及、将以色列人从他们中间领出来的时候、埃及人就要知道我是耶和华)。法老的告白仅仅是一种虚假的陈词滥调,但对我们来说信仰告白的礼物是美丽的---圣灵感动我们信上帝所说的,即我们犯了罪并且配受刑罚,而因着基督的缘故,我们领受赦罪的礼物。
Exodus 10:21-29 The plague of darkness removes any ability to move freely, as was possible with the first several plagues. Sinners mock God’s Word and in so doing deceive themselves. The Egyptians would soon be exposed to the destroyer and the death of the firstborn as a testimony that the Lord is patient and slow to anger, but at the proper time, judgment will come. Thanks be to God that by the vicarious sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are His children through Holy Baptism, forgiven, cleansed, and protected from the final judgment.
O Lord, do not look upon me with condemnation. But look at the righteous face of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, my Mediator, High Priest, and Savior. O Father, be gracious and merciful for His sake. Amen.
出埃及记10:21-29 埃及人在前几次灾中还可能自由移动,但黑暗之灾临到时,他们就失去了任何的行动自由。罪人嘲笑上帝的道,如此行时就蒙蔽了他们自己。埃及人将会很快面对那灭命者,还有长子的死亡,来见证主耶和华满有忍耐,不轻易发怒,但审判在合适的时间必要降临。感谢上帝,靠赖我们救赎主耶稣基督的替代性赎罪,我们藉着圣洗礼成为祂的儿女,罪被赦免,被洁净,并且免受最终的审判。
Exodus 11 God’s final judgment is about to come upon Pharaoh and Egypt. The hardened king will see that God’s patience has come to an end and His wrath is imminent. The 10th plague will bring judgment upon sin and its wages (Rm 6:23). In our stead, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, took upon Himself the full punishment for all our sin so that we will not die an eternal death.
Dear Father, I commend my spirit into Your merciful hands. Receive my prayer because of the blood, sufferings, and death of Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.
出埃及记11 上帝的最后审判将要临到法老和埃及。心地刚硬的国王将会看见上帝的忍耐已经到了尽头,并且祂的烈怒近在咫尺。第十灾将会给罪和它的工价带来审判(罗6:23 因为罪的工价乃是死.惟有 神的恩赐、在我们的主基督耶稣里、乃是永生)。我们的救赎主耶稣基督,代替我们的位置,将我们所有的罪本该受的全部刑罚背负在自己身上,好叫我们脱离永恒的死亡。
Exodus 12:1-28 Passover marks a new era for the people of Israel and foreshadows the new, spiritual Israel in Christ, the perfect Lamb who takes away the sin of the world (1Co 5:7; Heb 7:27).
O Lord, I am in need of a Shepherd to seek and save me, for I am a straying sheep. You are the Good Shepherd, who seeks and saves the lost. Save me, O Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Amen.
出埃及记12:1-28 逾越节对以色列民来说意味着一个新的开篇,并且预示了在基督里崭新和属灵的以色列,基督那完美的圣羔羊除去了世人的罪孽(林前5:7你们既是无酵的面、应当把旧酵除净、好使你们成为新团.因为我们逾越节的羔羊基督、已经被杀献祭了;希7:27他不像那些大祭司、每日必须先为自己的罪、后为百姓的罪献祭、因为他只一次将自己献上、就把这事成全了)。
Exodus 12:29-32 The final plague takes place at midnight, as all Egypt lies in deep sleep; every firstborn son dies. Pharaoh comprehends that this plague is certainly God’s punishment. The exodus has begun; salvation has arrived by God’s grace. Today the Lord desires our freedom from oppression, especially the oppression of sin, which is why He sent His only-begotten Son.
O Father, grant that we may be your heavenly children. Teach us to be mindful of our souls and our heavenly heritage so that our earthly pilgrimage and inheritance may not deceive, limit, or hinder us. Amen.
出埃及记12:29-32 最后一灾发生在半夜,就是在所有埃及人都沉睡的时候;每个长子都死了。法老明白这灾一定是上帝的惩罚。出埃及就此开始;救恩藉着上帝的恩典来临了。今天主耶和华愿意我们从压迫中得释放,特别是从罪的压迫中,这也是为什么祂差遣祂的独生儿子。
Exodus 12:33-42 After 430 years in Egypt, most of them spent in slavery, Israel begins its exodus into religious freedom, which centers on freedom to worship and sacrifice to the one true God. The troubles of Israel’s departure from Egypt are merely the introduction to a new life of liberty, which comes with burdens and responsibilities. God Almighty preserves His people from the destroyer and brings Israel out of the land of bondage by grace alone. Teach about this salvation to your children. Also explain our exodus from sin and death granted through our Lord Jesus.
O Father and God of all comfort, through Your holy Word, grant us a firm faith that delivers us from sin, death, and the devil. By Your gift of faith, may we overcome every trial and realize what Your Son Himself says is true: “Take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). Amen.
出埃及记12:33-42 在埃及几乎全部被奴役的430年里,以色列开始出离埃及,获得宗教自由,主要在对独一真上帝敬拜和献祭的自由上。以色列人出离埃及所遭遇的麻烦仅仅是一个自由新生命的序言,因为伴随这新生而来的也有负担和责任。全能的上帝保守祂的子民脱离那毁坏者,并且唯独因着恩典上帝带领以色列人走出为奴之地。请将这救恩教导给你们的儿女。也要向他们讲明我们的出埃及记,就是藉着我们主耶稣所赐给我们,使我们脱离罪和死亡的出埃及记。
Exodus 12:43-51 The Lord gives supplementary regulations concerning the Passover due to the fact that Egyptians and likely other persons (v 38) have joined themselves to the Israelites. As the Lord brought His people out of the prison of Egypt by His grace, so our Lord Christ, through His crucifixion in our stead, sets people of all nations free from the prison of sin, death, and the devil.
Christ, my Savior, You atoned for all of my sins with Your precious blood. In the Sacrament, You give me Your true body and blood for the forgiveness of sin. May I abide in this new freedom and the blessings of Your precious blood until I reach the promised land. Amen.
出埃及记12:43-51 主耶和华又吩咐额外的逾越节条例,因为埃及人,可能还有其他一些人(38节)也加入了以色列人。正如主耶和华出于祂的恩典将祂的百姓带出埃及的枷锁一样,我们的主基督,也照样藉着祂代替我们钉死十字架,使万民从罪,死亡和魔鬼的枷锁中得释放。
Exodus 13:1-2 The firstborn of Israel belongs to the Lord. As our Creator and Savior, Jesus claims each of us as His own. This claim presents a formidable challenge. I means that we must yield our lives to Jesus, consecrating ourselves as living sacrifices to Him (Rm 12:1-2). We are not up to the task, but Jesus consecrates us by His precious sacrifice on the cross, which gives us amazing benefits: adopting into His family (Rm 8:15), opportunities to make a genuine difference in this world (Eph 2:10), and the grand expectation of eternity with Him (Php 3:20-21).
I praise You for Your salvation, O Lord, because You chose and consecrated me as Your own. Thank You for Your infinite grace and mercy. Amen.
出埃及记13:1-2 以色列人的长子都要归给主耶和华。耶稣作为我们的创造者和拯救者,将我们其中的每一个归属为祂自己的。这归属也给出一个强大的挑战。我的意思是说我们必须将我们的生命交托给耶稣,将我们自己分别为圣作为活祭献给祂(罗12:1-2所以弟兄们、我以 神的慈悲劝你们、将身体献上、当作活祭、是圣洁的、是 神所喜悦的.你们如此事奉、乃是理所当然的。不要效法这个世界.只要心意更新而变化、叫你们察验何为 神的善良、纯全可喜悦的旨意)。 我们没有能力做到这个,但耶稣藉着祂在十字架上的宝贵献祭将我们分别为圣,而这祭物也给了我们惊奇的益处:被收养在祂的家中(罗8:15 你们所受的不是奴仆的心、仍旧害怕.所受的乃是儿子的心、因此我们呼叫阿爸、父),有机会在这个世界中产生真实的影响(弗2:10 我们原是他的工作、在基督耶稣里造成的、为要叫我们行善、就是 神所预备叫我们行的),和与祂永远同在的盛大期盼(腓3:20-21 我们却是天上的国民.并且等候救主、就是主耶稣基督、从天上降临。他要按着那能叫万有归服自己的大能、将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状、和他自己荣耀的身体相似)。
Exodus 13:3-16 The Lord sets Israel apart by instituting observances that help them remember their freedom won in the exodus. Today, God gives us a new start and calls us into a life that is pure and set apart for Him. But we are unfit to come into God’s presence unless someone provides a way. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect, “once for all” sacrifice (Heb 10:10). He purifies us from our sin and consecrates us so that God can call us His own.
Lord, let me grasp the magnitude of what You have done for me so that I may praise and thank You for giving me a new start! Amen.
出埃及记13:3-16 主耶和华设立典章来帮助他们纪念在出埃及时所获得的自由,并藉此将以色列分别开来。今天,上帝赐给我们一个新的开始,并且呼召我们进入一个纯洁并且被分别为圣归给祂的生命。但是我们不配进入上帝的同在中,除非有人能开一条路。耶稣将祂自己献上,作为那完美,“一次彻底”的赎罪祭(希10:10 我们凭这旨意、靠耶稣基督只一次献上他的身体、就得以成圣)。祂洁净我们脱离我们的罪,并且将我们分别为圣献给上帝,好叫上帝能够称呼我们为祂自己的。
Exodus 13:17-22 The Lord leads Israel out of Egypt 430 years after they entered it because of Joseph. Joseph had expected God to “visit” His people (Gn 50:25), but he might have been surprised and pleased to learn that God does not cut the visit short. The Lord has become Israel’s traveling companion and guide. God meets Israel where they are, shows them the way, and brings them along by His grace. Similarly, He knows that we are not able to come into His presence on our own; in fact, we sometimes go the other direction altogether! He knows our situation, meets us where we are, and walks with us by day and night to bring us into His kingdom.
Lord, thank You for coming to us in Christ and for not leaving us to fend for ourselves. Amen.
出埃及记13:17-22 以色列人因着约瑟的缘故进入埃及,430年之后主耶和华带领以色列出埃及。约瑟曾经就期待上帝来“眷顾/造访visit”祂的百姓(创50:25 约瑟叫以色列的子孙起誓、说、 神必定看顾你们、你们要把我的骸骨从这里搬上去),如果约瑟知道上帝并不缩短祂的眷顾,他可能会很吃惊并且为之欣慰。主耶和华已经成为以色列的旅途伴侣和向导。上帝在以色列所在的地方造访他们,为他们指明道路,并且因着祂的恩典带领他们前行。同样地,祂也知道我们不能靠着自己来到祂面前;事实上,我们有时会完全背道而驰!祂知道我们的光景,在我们所在的地方寻见我们,并且日夜与我们同行,带领我们进入祂的国度里。