Exodus Chapter 1:1-7 Israel emerges as a people. God’s blessing and fulfillment of God’s promise gives growth and preserves His people in a foreign land. Consider how God provides for, supports, protects, and preserves His Church day by day. “For all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him” (SC, First Article, p xxxvi). God blesses us as He blessed Israel, yet He has also revealed to us His greatest blessings in His only-begotten Son.
O Lord, the multitude of Your blessings leads us to multiply thanks and praise to Your name. Fill Your Church with sons and daughters faithful to You. Amen.
出埃及记1:1-7 以色列作为一个民族崛起了。上帝的祝福和祂应许的成就,在一个寄居之地赐给祂百姓繁荣并保守了他们。请思想上帝每一天如何供养,扶持,保护,和存留祂的教会。为这一切,我有责任感谢,赞美,服侍和顺从祂”(小问答,部分一,36页)。正如祂祝福以色列一样,上帝也祝福我们,并且祂也在祂独生子中将祂最大的祝福显明给我们。
Exodus Chapter 1:8-22 As a last resort to halt the growth of Israel, Pharaoh commands all his people to collaborate in the mass killing of Hebrew boys (v 22). Pharaoh imagines that he can thwart God’s will, just as Herod does when he slaughters many infants while trying to slay Jesus (Mt 2:16). But “He who sits in the heavens laughs,” and the Lord holds worldly rulers “in derision” (Ps2:4). Luth: “Oh, how much strength of faith is demanded by these words!” (AE 14:321). When evil in this world seems to triumph and we struggle on account of our weakness, we can call to mind the women who feared God and were blessed by Him. By God’s grace, we also shall persevere in faith because we will win the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1Co 15:57).
Lord, grant us brave faith like the midwives so that we faithfully serve You in the face of all opposition. Amen.
出埃及记1:8-22 法老为了阻止以色列人的增长使出最后一招,他吩咐他所有的百姓一同协作大面积灭绝希伯来男婴(22节)法老以为他可以阻止上帝的旨意,就如希律为了杀死耶稣就屠杀许多婴孩时所想象的一样(太2:16希律见自己被博士愚弄、就大大发怒、差人将伯利恒城里、并四境所有的男孩、照着他向博士仔细查问的时候、凡两岁以里的、都杀尽了)。但是“那坐在天上的必发笑,” 并且主必“嗤笑”世界的掌权者。路德说:“噢,这些话语要求多大的信心那!”(路德文集美国版14:321)当这世界的邪恶似乎得胜,而我们在我们的软弱中挣扎时,我们可以思想这些敬畏上帝并蒙祂祝福的妇女们。靠着上帝的恩典,我们也可以在信心中坚守,因为我们藉着我们的主耶稣基督必将赢得胜利(林前15:57 感谢 神、使我们借着我们的主耶稣基督得胜) 。
Exodus Chapter 2:1-10 Moses, born of believing Hebrew parents (Heb 11:23), is raised in Pharaoh’s household and “instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians” (Ac 7:22), enjoying the best of two worlds. Although God is not mentioned, He is accomplishing His purposes to redeem Israel. Even when God does not seem to be at work in our lives, we can be certain that His good and gracious will is being done among us.
Lord, help us to provide well for our children and their instruction, especially in the Christian faith, and to celebrate Your redemption for us. Amen.
出埃及记2:1-10 摩西,生于一对信靠上帝的希伯来父母(希11:23摩西生下来、他的父母见他是个俊美的孩子、就因着信把他藏了三个月、并不怕王命), 在法老的家中被养大并且(徒7:22 摩西学了埃及人一切的学问、说话行事、都有才能)。学了埃及人一切的学问,得着了两个国度的精华。尽管上帝在这一章没有被提及,祂仍在成就祂的计划来拯救以色列。即使当上帝看起来没有在我们的生命中做工时,我们仍可以确信祂良善洪恩的旨意在我们中间得以成就。
Exodus Chapter 2:11-22 God humbles Moses before calling him to lead Israel out of Egypt, letting him feel the sufferings of his people and making Moses realize how totally inadequate he is to save them. This former prince must live as a fugitive in the household of a Midianite priest. Luth: “God is the God of the humble, the miserable, the afflicted, the oppressed, the desperate, and of those who have been brought down to nothing at all” (AE 26:314). God humbles us as He humbled Moses. He does this so that at the proper time He may raise us up in Christ (1Pt 5:6).
Lord, teach me to trust Your guidance even when days are dark. Amen.
出埃及记2:11-22 上帝在呼召摩西带领以色列出埃及之前先使他降卑,让他体验同胞们的苦情,使他明白他在拯救他们的事上是多么的无能为力。这位曾经的王子必须作为一名亡命者居住在一位米甸的祭司家中。路德说:“上帝是谦卑之人,可怜之人,受苦之人,被压迫之人,绝望之人的上帝,也是那些曾经被降卑到一无是处之人的上帝”(路德文集美国版26:314)。上帝降卑我们就像祂降卑摩西一样。祂如此行,为的是在祂适当的时间可以在基督里将我们高举(彼前5:6 所以你们要自卑、服在 神大能的手下、到了时候他必叫你们升高)。
Exodus Chapter 2:23-25 God hears Israel’s cry for deliverance. Sinful humans forget the promises they make, but God never forgets. He does not forget Israel but remembers His covenant with their fathers. In Holy Communion, we remember God’s new covenant in Christ. Holy Communion is God’s promise of forgiveness to us and assures us that He will never forget us.
Rescue us, dearest Jesus, from the slavery of sin, and deliver us to the promised Land. Amen.
出埃及记2:23-25 上帝垂听以色列祈求拯救的哭声。有罪的人会忘记他们做出的应许,但上帝绝不忘记。祂没有忘记以色列,而是纪念祂与他们先祖所立的约。在圣餐礼中,我们纪念上帝在基督里所立的新约。圣餐礼是上帝赐给我们的赦罪应许,并且使我们确信祂永不会忘记我们。
Exodus Chapter 3 What begins as just another day tending sheep changes dramatically when God confronts Moses at the burning bush on the holy mountain. I AM makes His presence known in fire and word. I AM discloses His special name. I AM sends Moses on what seems to him an impossible mission. Moses has absolutely no hope for success except through God’s Word and promise, which assures him of God’s presence. Luth: “Without God’s Word, we can have no God” (AE 13:386). What was true for Moses is true for us as well. God is present for us and speaks to us in His Word. We have no hope for salvation except through God’s Word and promise.
“Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through Your Word to me draw near” (LSB 908:1). Amen.
出埃及记3章 当上帝在圣山上燃烧的荆棘中直面摩西时,本来只是一个牧放羊群的平常日子就戏剧性地改变了。“我是I AM”显明祂自己于火和话语当中。“我是I AM”启示了祂的特殊名字。“我是I AM”差遣摩西踏上对他来说看起来不可能的使命。除非藉着上帝的话语(道)和应许,摩西就完全没有成功的盼望,而上帝的话语和应许就是上帝与他同在的确据。路德说:“离开上帝的话语,我们就没有上帝”(路德文集美国版13:386)。对摩西来说是真实的东西,于我们来说也是真实的。上帝在祂的道中与我们同在并且向我们说话。我们若不藉着上帝的道和应许,就没有得救的盼望。
Exodus Chapter 4:1-17 Moses resists the Lord’s call to lead Israel out of Egypt because of his focus on his own shortcoming and the doubts of his people. Moses may not be the best speaker, but that does not matter because he will be speaking God’s Word (v 12). Like Moses, we Christians have been called to speak God’s Word. This is an important assignment because it is through the Word that God “works in people’s hearts true repentance, knowledge of sins, and true faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. By this means, and in no other way..., God desires to call people to eternal salvation” (FC SD II 50).
Lord, bless my mouth that I may speak Your Word clearly and with sincerity. Amen.
出埃及记4:1-17 摩西拒绝主耶和华要他带领以色列出埃及的呼召,因为他专注在自己的缺点和他同胞们的不信上。摩西或许不是最好的演说家,但这无关紧要,因为他将要讲说上帝的话语(4:12现在去吧、我必赐你口才、指教你所当说的话)。就像摩西一样,我们基督徒也被呼召讲说上帝的话语。这是一项很重要的任务,因为上帝是藉着圣道在人的心中做工,为要生发真实的悔改,知罪和对上帝儿子耶稣基督的真信心。藉着这个媒介(Means施恩具)而不是别的...,上帝愿意呼召众人到永恒救恩中”(协同信条之共同宣言 二 50)
Exodus Chapter 4: 18-31 Moses returns to Egypt as an act of faith. Confronting Pharaoh with God’s demands and confronting the people whom he fears (4:1) proves a daunting assignment. Yet Moses obeys, and the people believe. Luther calls faith the “skill above all skills. It is the work of the Holy Spirit alone” (AE14:59). There is no other way to explain the faith of Moses and of the people, and there is no other way to explain our faith. By our own reason and strength, we cannot believe in Jesus Christ. But because “the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel,” I bow my head and worship (SC, Third Article, p xxxvii).
Lord, hear our prayer and lead us this day, no matter what challenges arise. Amen.
出埃及记4:18-31 摩西返回埃及是一种出于信心的行动。带着上帝的命令来直面法老,并且直面他所惧怕的同胞们(4:1摩西回答说、他们必不信我、也不听我的话、必说、耶和华并没有向你显现)被证明是一项令人畏惧的任务。然而摩西顺从了,并且百姓相信了。路德称信心“是高于所有技艺之上的技艺。这唯独是圣灵的工作”(路德文集美国版14:59)。再没有别的方法可以解释摩西和百姓的信心,也没有别的方法可以解释我们的信心。凭着我们自己的理性和力量,我们不能信靠耶稣基督。但是因为“圣灵藉着福音呼召我,”我就俯伏敬拜(基督信仰小问答,第三部分,37页)。