8:1–4 Cleansing the leper is the first of 10 miracles that Jesus performs in chs 8–9. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus had demonstrated His teaching authority (7:29). Jesus uses that same divine authority in working miracles. His miracles are signs that anticipate the day when every disease and even death itself will be no more (Rv 21:4). Then, as forgiven sinners, we will rejoice with all those who have been cleansed. • Precious Savior, heal me. Fill me with anticipation for that day when You will heal every illness. Amen.
8:1-4 洁净麻风病人是耶稣在第8-9章所行的十个神迹中的第一个。在登山宝训中,耶稣已经展示了祂的教导权威(7:29)。耶稣在行神迹时也使用了同样的神圣权威。祂的神迹都指向将来的那一天,到那时每一种疾病甚至死亡本身都将不复存在(启21:4)。作为被宽恕的罪人,那时我们将与所有得洁净的人一起欢呼。- 宝贵的救主,请医治我。让我充满期待,期待你将治愈一切疾病的那一天。阿们。
8:5–13 Jesus’ words possess power and authority. The centurion believes this, and his faith is not in vain. Jesus’ words still possess power and authority. Water, joined to the Word of Jesus in Holy Baptism, washes away sin. Bread and wine, joined to the Word of Jesus in Holy Communion, is His body and blood for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. What marvels God can do! We sinners rejoice at these miracles of grace. • Lord Jesus, grant me full confidence in the power of Your Word. Amen.
8:5-13 耶稣的话语拥有能力和权威。百夫长相信这一点,他的信心没有白费。耶稣的话语在今天仍然拥有能力和权威。水,在圣洗礼中与耶稣的话语结合在一起,洗去罪恶。饼和酒,在圣餐中与耶稣的话语结合在一起,是祂的身体和血,赐予赦罪、生命和救恩。上帝所做的是何等的神迹!我们罪人为这些充满恩典的神迹欢喜快乐。- 主耶稣,请赐予我充足的信心,依靠你话语的权能。阿们。
8:14–17 Take heart! Jesus came “to destroy the works of the devil” (1Jn 3:8): sin, disease, and death. • Divine Healer, keep hope alive in my heart, that no sickness can separate me from Your love. Amen.
8:14-17 振作起来! 耶稣来 "为要除灭魔鬼的作为"(约一3:8):罪恶、疾病和死亡。- 神圣的医治者,请让我永远心存盼望,即没有任何疾病能使我与你的爱分离。阿们。
8:18–22 Neither one of these would-be disciples of Jesus has counted the cost. One is too quick in promising to follow, while the other is too slow to follow. We are not told if either one followed Jesus. The examples invite us to ask, What kind of disciple am I? When we evaluate our lives as Jesus’ disciples, we must confess that we often fail in our words and actions. Though we fall short, our Savior did not. He went all the way to the cross for us and grants us sincere repentance, faith, and life. • Lord Jesus, make me a better disciple and a more faithful witness. Amen.
8:18-22 这两个想做耶稣门徒的人都没有计算过代价。一个人太快答应要跟随主,另一个人则太迟钝。我们没有被告知这两个人是否跟随了耶稣。这些例子使我们反省:我是什么样的门徒呢?当我们评估我们作为耶稣门徒的生活时,我们必须承认,我们的言行常常失败。虽然我们失败了,但我们的救主没有。祂为我们一路走到了十字架上,赐予我们真诚的悔改、信心和生命。- 主耶稣,请使我成为更好的门徒,更忠实的见证人。阿们。
8:23–27 Jesus shows His divine authority by doing what only God can do (cf Ps 65:7; 89:9). The great calm that the disciples experienced was a foretaste of the truly blessed conditions that all believers will enjoy in the new creation. By nature, we have no right to live in that world. We are citizens of God’s kingdom only because of what Jesus has done for us. • Dear Jesus, when danger threatens and my heart trembles, remind me of Your presence and Your power. Amen.
8:23-27 耶稣通过做只有上帝才能做的事来显示祂的神圣权威(参见诗65:7;89:9)。所有信徒在那将来新造的世界里会享有真正蒙福的生存境况,而门徒们所经历的巨大平静正是对此境况的预尝。从本质上讲,我们没有权利生活在将来的那个世界。我们之所以是上帝国度的公民,完全在于耶稣曾为我们所做的。- 亲爱的耶稣,当危险逼近并且我心颤抖的时候,请提醒我你是全能的主并且与我同在。阿们。
8:28–34 Demons are especially active in opposing Jesus’ ministry. But they cannot stymie God’s Son, who repeatedly shows His authority over them. We cannot reject the possibility that demon possession causes some afflictions today. However, baptized children of God do not need to fear demonic possession. For our Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed us “from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil” (SC, Second Article, here). Baptism into Christ ensures that His victory is our victory. • Thank You, Lord Jesus, for manifesting Your power over all demonic forces. Amen.
8:28-34 魔鬼特别积极地反对耶稣的事工。但他们不能封禁上帝的儿子,耶稣一再显示出祂的权柄在魔鬼之上。在今天也有鬼附身以及其给人带来的折磨,我们不能否认这种可能性。然而,受洗的神的儿女不需要害怕被鬼附。因为我们的主耶稣基督已经救赎了我们 "脱离一切的罪,脱离死亡,脱离魔鬼的权势"(协同式全文,第二条款)。受洗进入基督确保了祂的胜利就是我们的胜利。- 主耶稣,感谢你彰显你的能力,制服所有的魔鬼黑暗势力。阿们。
9:1–8 The paralytic who is brought to Jesus no doubt hopes for physical healing. He receives an even greater blessing: absolution. The word “absolve” comes from Lat ab (“from”) and solvere (“loose”) and refers to the sacred act of loosening a person from sin, to free one from guilt. When we confess our sins, whether publicly or privately, and hear God’s word of forgiveness spoken to us, then, like the paralytic, we are absolved. Luther called absolution “a great and precious and magnificently splendid treasure” and urged believers “to accept it with all praise and thanksgiving to God” (BEC 22). • Jesus, precious Savior, cheer me with Your Word that I am washed clean from all my sins. Amen.
9:1-8 被带到耶稣面前的瘫痪者无疑希望得到身体上的医治。但他得到了一个更大的祝福:赦免。赦免 "一词来自拉丁文ab("从...")和solvere("松开"),指的是将人从罪恶中松开的神圣作为,使人免于罪责。当我们公开或私下承认我们的罪并且听到上帝对我们说的赦罪的话,那么,就像那个瘫痪者一样,我们也被赦免了。路德称赦免是 "伟大而稀有的荣美宝藏",并且他敦促信徒要"以对上帝的赞美和感恩之心领受它"(BEC 22)。- 耶稣,宝贵的救主,请用你的话语复兴我,因为你说我已经从所有的罪中洗净了。阿们。
9:9–13 That Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners may not shock Bible readers today. We think of Him as the friend of sinners. But it was shocking to many first-century Jews that Jesus would practice table fellowship with such people (cf 11:19). Jesus is unlike any other Jewish rabbi. This festive banquet is His opportunity to call to faith people who are conscious of their unrighteousness. Jesus sits with them, not because they are worthy, but because He is merciful. He wants sinners included in His kingdom. • Dear Jesus, thank You for inviting me, a sinner, to Your marriage supper. Amen.
9:9-13 耶稣与税吏和罪人一起吃饭,今天的圣经读者可能不会感到震惊。我们知道祂是罪人的朋友。但对许多第一世纪的犹太人来说,耶稣与这样的人同桌吃饭是令人震惊的(参看11:19)。耶稣与其他犹太教拉比不同。这个节日的宴席是祂召唤那些意识到自己不义的人信主的机会。耶稣与他们坐在一起,不是因为他们配得,而是因为祂是仁慈怜悯的主。他希望罪人被纳入祂的国度中。- 亲爱的耶稣,感谢你邀请我这个罪人参加你的婚礼晚餐。阿们。
9:14–17 John the Baptist compared Jesus to a bridegroom (Jn 3:29). Jesus does the same here and in His parable of the 10 virgins (25:1–13). Marriage imagery also figures prominently in Rv (e.g., 19:9; 21:9). The Bride of Christ is the Church—all those who by repentance and faith are united with the Bridegroom. The Church sings with anticipation: “The Bridegroom comes, awake! Your lamps with gladness take! Alleluia! With bridal care Yourselves prepare To meet the Bridegroom, who is near” (LSB 516:1). • Come, heavenly Bridegroom, and make all things new. Amen.
9:14-17 施洗约翰将耶稣比作新郎(约3:29)。耶稣在这里所做的,和十个童女的比喻中出现的一样(25:1-13)。婚姻这一形象记号在启示录中也非常突出(例如,19:9;21:9)。基督的新妇就是教会—所有那些通过悔改和信靠与新郎连合的人。教会满怀期待地唱道: "新郎来了,醒醒吧! 你们要欢欢喜喜地拿起灯来! 哈利路亚! 你们要梳妆打扮准备好迎接近在眼前的新郎"(路德宗崇拜书 516:1)。- 来吧,天上的新郎,使万物更新。阿们。
9:18–26 These miracles benefit a woman and a girl. Generally, girls were not as highly prized by families. Among pagans, infant daughters were more likely than their brothers to be abandoned after birth. But Jesus does not see women and girls this way. See note, Lk 8:2–3. In His sight, all alike have sinned, and all alike are justified by His grace (Rm 3:23–24). • Jesus, Savior of all, cheer me by touching my heart with Your saving power. Amen.
9:18-26 这些神迹使一个女人和一个女孩受益。一般来说,女孩没有那么受到家庭的重视。在异教徒中,女婴比他们的兄弟更有可能在出生后遭遗弃。但耶稣并不这样看待妇女和女孩儿。见注释,路8:2-3。在祂看来,所有人都犯了罪,所有人都因祂的恩典而称义(罗3:23-24)。- 耶稣,所有人的救主,请用你拯救的大能触摸我的心,使我重新振作起来。阿们。
9:27–31 Jesus answers the blind men’s cry for mercy by restoring their sight. He urges the Pharisees to acquire the same virtue (9:13; 12:7). In the OT, God describes Himself as “merciful and gracious” (Ex 34:6), and His Son demonstrates this same divine attribute. We are truly blessed to receive God’s mercy (5:7). • Heavenly Father, may we who have received mercy also show mercy. Forgive me for the many times I have failed to show mercy to others. Amen.
9:27-31 耶稣回应了盲人对怜悯的呼求,使他们恢复了视力。祂敦促法利赛人要有同样的美德(9:13;12:7)。在旧约中,上帝描述自己是 "有怜悯有恩典的"(出34:6),而祂的儿子也展示了这一神圣的属性。我们能得到神的怜悯真是有福了(5:7)。- 天父,愿我们这些得到怜悯的人也能表现出怜悯。请赦免我多次没有向他人表示怜悯。阿们。
9:32–34 When the mute man speaks, the crowds recognize that Jesus is someone special. But the Pharisees have a negative explanation for His power over demons. Today, people are still divided in their reactions to Jesus. Yet, the Gospel speaks clearly that He is the Christ (16:16), the Savior. • Holy Spirit, strengthen my faith in Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Loose my tongue, that I may bear witness to His mercy. Amen.
9:32-34 当哑巴说话的时候,众人认识到耶稣是个特别的人。但法利赛人对祂战胜魔鬼的能力作出负面的解释。今天,人们在对耶稣的反应上仍然存在分歧。然而,福音书清楚地讲到,祂是基督(16:16),是世人的救主。- 圣灵,请坚固我对耶稣是我主救主的信心。松开我的舌头,使我可以为祂的怜悯作见证。阿们。
9:35–38 As Jesus travels around Galilee, the need for partners to preach the Gospel becomes more and more obvious. He urges His disciples to pray for laborers, and He sends out 12 of them as His personal ambassadors (ch 10). Jesus’ desire to save Jewish people and to “make disciples of all nations” (28:19) has not changed. All Christians are called to be witnesses of the surpassing compassion Jesus shows them by the forgiveness, life, and salvation He offers. • Good Shepherd, make me faithful, and bless my every effort to enlarge Your flock. Amen.
9:35-38 当耶稣在加利利各地旅行时,对传福音同工的需求变得越来越明显。祂敦促祂的门徒祈求更多的工人兴起,祂从众门徒中选召了十二个并派遣他们作祂个人的使者(第10章)。耶稣要拯救犹太人和 "使万民作我的门徒"(28:19)的旨意没有改变。所有的基督徒都蒙召要为主作见证,去见证耶稣基督的无上的怜悯慈爱,因为祂已经赐下赦罪、生命和救恩。- 好牧人啊,请使我忠心,并祝福我为扩大你的羊群所做的一切努力。阿们。